Forum › Posts by ColdGoldLazarus

joined Apr 12, 2018

Hey sir, don't ruin my yuri!


Also, what's your icon from?

joined Apr 12, 2018

What's the name of this?

Senpai Ga Oyobidesu / Senpai is Calling (Me)

Ahh, thanks!

joined Apr 12, 2018

I loved reading through this
I didn't love realizing I'd caught up T_T

Can't wait for more!

joined Apr 12, 2018

"Can man live on maids alone?"
Well, according to recent research, the human body contains roughly 125,822 calories (that humans can process, anyway); assuming you can preserve it with minimal loss and eat every body part, that's roughly 50 days of food. This assumes, of course, a male cannibal with a really good fridge/freezer. So if a man can commit murder roughly every other month or so, yes, man can live on maids alone. Well, until he gets horrible prion diseases and dies, anyway.

You are a horrible person. Let me reframe that conversation: Countless anime and manga examples have proven beyond any doubt that all maids are secretly trained in the ninja arts, including hunting and survival (not to mention cooking). Therefore, there exists a finite number N, such that N maids are able to form a self-sufficient community able to generate enough surplus food to support a single adult human male regardless of his contributions to production or lack thereof. So yes, a man can live alone on the labor of N maids, at least until they rise up and overthrow him in a glorious revolution of the ninja maid proletariat, forming a new, yuritopian maid society.

...what were we talking about again? I think whatever Zanka is taking has been rubbing off on me...

Okay, you can't tease me with the promise of lesbian ninja maids and then not deliver, I need a full series about this stat

joined Apr 12, 2018

When I saw the cover and the title, I couldn't but think about this.

Hey, it's possible

What's the name of this?

Naturies discussion 06 Oct 22:03
joined Apr 12, 2018

On one hand, I do feel bad for the prince, getting literally goomba-stomped when trying to confess, but at the same time I dug the overall vibe of the story. Not sure what that last bit was about though.

joined Apr 12, 2018

I'm also pretty disappointed. I was excited for some yuri isekai stuff, but... only the first story was really yuri since it seemed like the yuri was thrown in at the last second in the second story and then the next stories don't even bother trying. I mean, I didn't bother with the last two stories 'cause of the tags, so I'm not too disappointed, but I still am disappointed.

For what it's worth the fifth story seems pretty good

joined Apr 12, 2018

I agree with others that this one was definitely limited by being a oneshot, but of them all it shows the most potential and was definitely one of the more enjoyable ones. I would love to see a serialization of this...

joined Apr 12, 2018

I liked the setup of this one, but I feel like it really fell apart in the back half.

joined Apr 12, 2018

She's so innocent

joined Apr 12, 2018

I can't wait for the next chapter of this :D

joined Apr 12, 2018

I wasn't expecting that last line at all. Portrayals where they acknowledge Keine as even relevant to their relationship kind of put me off. I really really love this comic otherwise though. ♥

I understand the logic of this ship, but what's the future hold for them? Millions of years of this violence and hatred repeated over and over and over again?

Thinking all they'll ever go through is "violence and hatred repeated over and over again" is kind of a ridiculous misunderstanding of the concept of eternity. They will inevitably have ups and downs.

And anyway, if this is currently what they wanna do, then so be it. Kaguya doesn't actually "hate" Mokou in canon or in this comic. And Mokou also seems pretty chill about it in this as well.

^Seconding all of this.

Be Happy! discussion 05 Aug 03:14
joined Apr 12, 2018

This was incredibly wonderful, I love the wholesomeness of it ^^

joined Apr 12, 2018

Interesting take on Rumia, I kinda like it.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Aww, this was really cute ^^

joined Apr 12, 2018

I have... many questions. Like, I can buy the premise, I just don't know how to feel about it. Kiiinda hoping if this continues it'll backtrack on the implications, (big girl could still be younger, but not THAT young, and the backpack is from like a little sister or something) but I suspect it may not. I just... oh boy, this could be bad.

joined Apr 12, 2018

What's with the bit about "I saw every boy as a match waiting to be set aflame" mean?

joined Apr 12, 2018

I am loving these developments, honestly. I can see how Akira's attitude can be offputting, and it's definitely going to be something to work through, but at the same time she's still doing her best. Can't wait for her to catch the Miyuki bug too XD

This is still one of my favorites, and I can't wait for more!

Yuru Oyako discussion 20 Jul 04:00
joined Apr 12, 2018

I have no idea what's happening and I kinda love it

joined Apr 12, 2018

This was amazing, would love to see more

joined Apr 12, 2018

Oh wow, this was hilarious. Would love to see a sequel!
(Further proof that the Delinquent tag is the best tag)

joined Apr 12, 2018

Awwww, this was really sweet ^^

joined Apr 12, 2018

Hmm, not sure how I feel about this as of the most recent chapters. I'm not even adverse to student/teacher or age gap romances, but this specific scenario is one where I don't really feel comfortable with the relationship as a serious long-term thing? I like the comedy of it and I like the idea of them learning from one another, but the Omake seems to cement the most uncomfortable path forward for them, and the newest chapter adds to the uncanny vibes. I'll keep following this for now, but it's on thin ice. :/

joined Apr 12, 2018

D'aww, I like how this was resolved

joined Apr 12, 2018

I love how cozy the artstyle here looks, and the premise is interesting. Definitely going to be keeping an eye on this one! ^_^