You're right, it is Fuwako wiping away Arisa's tears there and not Arisa wiping away her own tears, because the hand that Arisa would have been using is holding a sandwich. (She'd be smashing it into her cheek.) That is pretty symbolic if nothing else. Fuwako wants to make Arisa happy and remove her tears. She's making promises for the future about home cooked meals, which is kind of wife like behavior. Not to mention that AFTER Arisa confessed her love and kissed her, Fuwako came back, apologized for being oblivious, and told her that she wants to be with her forever. In a sense, Arisa saying she prefers home-made better comes across as her low-key asking her to move in or something...
Y'see, that's how I saw it, and why I was posting about a happy end. That ending felt unambiguously gay to me.