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Comic Girls discussion 01 Jul 23:34
joined Mar 15, 2015

It's nice to see the scanlations get up to where the anime ended.

Personally, I liked the way the anime ordered the parts it adapted. The series ends with Kaos finally making something worth publishing and coming into her own as a manga artist. I don't know if they'll ever make a second season, but it's a good place to end the anime if they never make another season.

joined Mar 15, 2015

edit: kanoko is the biggest bitch in all 7 continents and 195 countries

I think that's an exaggeration. She's somewhat misanthropic and is jealous of Mitsuki(in the latter case, the feeling's mutual), but for the most part, she doesn't even act on those feelings apart from asking Sumika to abolish the schwester system if she becomes Lady Blume(and even then, she realizes Sumika won't do it). She isn't half as bad as Goeido.

joined Mar 15, 2015

As nice as it is to see the Nishizumi sisters on the same side, I always thought Miho found it a bit awkward to be on the same team with Maho, whether as her commander(she can't bring herself to call Maho "Onee-chan" in front of her teammates), or as her subordinate(in Phase: Erika, Maho insists that Miho think of her as a commander first and a sister second while they're around the team.)

joined Mar 15, 2015

I dont think I can accept them being all wholesome and cutesy without them acknowledging their fucked up situation. Like something is gonna give at some point right? There is no time to be tsun-tsun after the fucking apocalypse.

I agree. I think Girls' Last Tour did a better job of underscoring the bleakness of the post-apocalyptic world despite the levity of Chito and Yuuri's banter, even though the bleak part became more obvious toward the end.

Image Comments 22 Jun 11:08
joined Mar 15, 2015

What's this supposed to be a parody of?

joined Mar 15, 2015

Oh shit we ramped up FAST. I was kinda hoping SOMETHING would change, but no. Very sad ending.


I'm guessing there's one more chapter, since there's one last item on Sara's list.

joined Mar 15, 2015

Ah, so this is the Yagate Kimi ni Naru AU where Touko finds out sooner what her sister really was like?

My thoughts exactly. I wonder how Touko would have reacted to learning the truth if Mio had still been alive.

Image Comments 25 May 10:45
joined Mar 15, 2015

Which characters are these? It might help if we had character tags for this series.

Image Comments 21 May 22:28
joined Mar 15, 2015

As Hubert says during tea time, "As a humble servant to Her Majesty, I sometimes envy the status she has given you." Technically, he's talking about Byleth's role as Edelgard's confidant, but it's not hard to read romantic jealousy into it, given that he confesses his love to Edelgard in their A support.

last edited at May 21, 2021 10:28PM

joined Mar 15, 2015

I'm glad that Minami and Harumi found out that Azusa is Azurite within a few chapters of the meeting at the mall, rather than drawing this plot point out too long. I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop from here.

joined Mar 15, 2015

The more problematic aspects of the setting aside, I'm not a fan of two-parter series, especially for a setting like this. They should have taken the time to build up the main characters relationship and do worldbuilding, which would have taken several chapters, at minimum.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I watched the dub of the anime, and found I enjoyed it a bit more than the first time around, when I watched it subbed. I was more able to appreciate the "slow burn" progression of Adachi and Shimamura's relationship, although the somewhat more dysfunctional aspect of their relationship, particularly Adachi's insistence on not making any friends besides Shimamura and Shimamura not really being aware of the depth of Adachi's feelings for her, still became evident around the double-digit episodes.

Oddly enough, the dubbed version of Episode 12 doesn't seem to be available on Funimation. Is it not out yet, is it missing due to an error(the dub's missing for a couple episodes of Jojo's- one for Battle Tendency and two for Battle in Egypt), or did the producers of the dub take Nagafuji's advice and decide not to air the last episode so it seems like the anime would never end?

EDIT: I just saw Episode 12 become available. Maybe it was an error, after all.

last edited at May 13, 2021 2:42PM

joined Mar 15, 2015

This reminds me a bit of Asteroid in Love, mainly in how Mira thought Ao was a boy until they met again in high school.

joined Mar 15, 2015

is the manga just gonna follow how the anime went?

I think it's gonna follow the LN more.

That seems to be true from what I've noticed, since the order of the cases matches the order shown on the TV Tropes recap page. For example, the ninja cats case is after the case in which Toriko and Sorawo rescue the US forces, but the latter was at the end of the anime, after the ninja cats case.

I got into the series through the anime, but while I enjoyed it, I personally find that the manga/light novel's order of events makes significantly more sense. I'm considering purchasing the light novels, but I might start with Volume 3 or 4 and go back to the first two later.

joined Mar 15, 2015

Lol with the over the top asshole men in this universe but YAY for the yuri fantasy battle! I've been waiting for this since I've heard of the novel, in fact I think we discussed the title when it was announced right here.... did I make that post? can't remember, but yeah sexiled is like ... not bad but ... ughhh xD

I'll call it Exiled Team from now on for convenience ...and yeah what up with those MMO clothes she's wearing? let me guess...+20 int or something but designed by some guy lol

Yeah "Sexiled" sounds like the name of a strip club in some edgy early 2000s M for mature game heh

I personally thought "sexiled" refers to people's roommates kicking them out of the room so they can have a significant other over and have sex with that person.

I also found the sexist party leader to be a bit too cartoonishly over-the-top, which was one reason why the light novel never really appealed to me, either. It also doesn't help that the exposition about how long they've been together is delivered in a bit of an "as you know" style, in which two or more characters talk about things they both know.

joined Mar 15, 2015

This was a fun series. I might have liked to have seen it go on a bit longer after the main characters became a coupl, but it's still a fairly good ending.

One thing I enjoyed was that the unemployed protagonist is portrayed sympathetically, as someone who has to struggle against depression and work to get her life back on track, rather than simply being dismissed as a loser.

Out of curiosity, where are the Volume 2 extras? I noticed the uploader skipped from Volume 1's extras to Volume 3's.

joined Mar 15, 2015

The dude should have known from the start, they are sleeping in different beds. Hahaha.

I've actually heard that this is relatively common for (happily) married Japanese couples to do, with only 29.2% of couples polled in the survey in the link below sleeping in the same bed.

Then again, the article does have some things that strike me as rather surprising, such as how many couples never kiss; I'm aware that the Japanese refrain from public displays of affection, but I find it a bit odd that so many couples don't kiss at all.

Honestly I feel like a lot of people sleep on different beds just because it can be uncomfortable to sleep with someone, especially if they roll around a lot or something

Incidentally, my parents sleep in separate rooms, despite still being happily married, because my dad snores.

By the way, there's a typo on Page 7; Nana's mom says "I can still remmeber the two of you playing together when you were kids"- "remember" is misspelled. Also, it's a bit strange that "Mom" is capitalized when talking about one's Mom ("Sorry about that, Yukako-chan. My Mom's just being weird.")

joined Mar 15, 2015

The dude should have known from the start, they are sleeping in different beds. Hahaha.

I've actually heard that this is relatively common for (happily) married Japanese couples to do, with only 29.2% of couples polled in the survey in the link below sleeping in the same bed.

Then again, the article does have some things that strike me as rather surprising, such as how many couples never kiss; I'm aware that the Japanese refrain from public displays of affection, but I find it a bit odd that so many couples don't kiss at all.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I wish they upload the next chapters and volumes, i have found them in russian but i don't underestand a word xDDD

You can always buy the official english translation by Kodansha on Amazon or on their website. I think its up to Volume 8 now.

Volume 7 comes out on May 18. I don't know if the Japanese release is up to Volume 8, although I personally suspect the series may be getting close to the end given how Volume 6 ended.

joined Mar 15, 2015

Was Sakura the one Rin called a "looker" in the first book? Been too long. Also (puts on anorak) it's a scooter, not a moped.

Yes, even though it was actually Volume 2, Rin described Sakura as "a beauty," but Nadeshiko as "a soft blob."

joined Mar 15, 2015

One recurring problem with this pairing is that most of Rin and Sakura's interactions revolve around Nadeshiko. I personally think Sakura works better as Rin's sister-in-law than as her girlfriend.

Image Comments 16 Mar 12:04
joined Mar 15, 2015

@Norainhere I recently saw one for Makoto and Haru, titled, "Go for it, Mako-chan!"

joined Mar 15, 2015

I thought things were wrapping up nicely, boy was I wrong. Goddamn just when I thought they were making some good progress... Well progress is still progress I suppose. 2 steps forward 1 step back you know what I mean?

I'm personally not surprised this happened. In order for a relationship for the two to work, they're going to have to address Kurokawa's feelings of inferiority toward Fujishiro, as well as Fujishiro's bullying Kurokawa. While Fujishiro has treated Kurokawa better, she never actually learned that Kurokawa didn't actually mean to comfort her after Hiro broke up with Fujishiro, so I think that issue still hasn't been resolved, either.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I find it interesting that when Iindou asked Suzuka about the reason behind the order, she got chewed out, but when Kagami asked the Major about the order, the Major actually answered the question. I wonder if it was because of how Kagami phrased her question, or who she asked.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I got here by the Random Chapter link, and I have to wonder- who's ranked below the protagonist?