- Wait, wouldn't Ayane be taking care of Sana? Isn't she the top?
That makes no sense. A relationship is a two way street. Both parties should be supporting each other to the best of their ability. This isn't some fifties het couple where the man's the bread winner and the woman stays home.
Ayane is assertive and stoic but she definitely has some anxiety and trust issues. Sana is becoming more assertive as she understands her feelings more and more. She doesn't know much about what it takes to survive in the world, but she's prepared to do what's necessary to provide for Ayane. Ayane is a layabout and prone to moping and conceding, but she steps out of her comfort zone to be there for Sana.
There is no top or bottom (even sexually). This is a relationship of equals and they just want to care for the other, rather than be cared for. It's give AND take, not either/or.
Psst, it was a joke.
Also, tops and bottoms exist sexually, as do switches, just because you yourself are not a top or bottom doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Don't take it in such an extreme way though, even in a bottom/top relationship reciprocal care and love is a standard, just like in any romantic relationship, people just have their own preferences and ways and values etc., but yes in this case it seems more like they're both +- equal switches.
If you're gonna say that there are no instances of one person being the breadwinner and the other taking care of household tasks, then that's just ignorance. Yes the traditional view of that is based on sexism and male- breadwinner female- housework genderstereotypes, but it dowsn't have to be. You can have a perfectly healthy lesbian relationship where one person works and is usually the sexual top, where the other takes care of the housework and is the sexual bottom. It's possible.
Also the bottom is actually the top
last edited at Jan 28, 2020 6:57PM