Really hoping it will have a good ending..
Seriously, fuck that guy!!!
last edited at Dec 26, 2017 6:40PM
After a "little" delay it is here.
Thanks a lot! Glad to see that you're still active! Merry Christmas by the way~
Why is this so adorable and sad at the same time?! ;^; Time travel fucking sucks!!!
I know right?!
last edited at Dec 24, 2017 10:55AM
Wow this brings back memories
Looking forward to this
^Same! Cant wait for the next chapter!
LMAO this manga just make my day!!!
Never thought I like furry, but this got my attention. Can't wait for more!
@benja @Jigglyfuck come on guys dont destroy other ships!
('w ') Still lovin' it!
Haaah~ Well now I just have to re-watch this anime
Definately going in my fav list!!!
LMAO!! Skyrim is still my no.1 fav game of all time. That joke never gets old!!!
Awww <3 <3 <3
It's been a long time since I've last read Otsu Hiyori manga. So nostalgic~ Looks like I'm gonna be up all night reading all of Hiyori's manga!
Same dude^ except I romance with Ebi cause I ship ChieXYukiko ;)
Soo cute!!! XD
Literally worst day of my life...never really a fan of het and love triangle...
My fav pairing!!! Guys I recommend u ppl read a fanfiction called (The bully and the bullied) it's so awesome!!!
Aaarrrggghhh the teasing is killing me!!!
I really thought this manga would be abandoned. I'm very thankful for the person/group that pickup this manga. Hoping to see more!!!
Really love this manga! Thank you so much for translating this! :3