Forum › Posts by AkiraH

joined Mar 23, 2014

Ugh I just want all my three babies to be happy why is it so hard for this to be solved DX

Image Comments 06 Jan 02:28
joined Mar 23, 2014

Ship it!

joined Mar 23, 2014

I take it you're an only child? Anyway, I wholeheartedly disagree.

I have an older sister (and I'm a lesbian) and I still like reading yuri incest (as long as everything is consensual of course). They're just fictional stories after all. I think it's just more about taste than whether a person have siblings or not.

But it seems like your wish is granted that there won't be any incest so there you go :)

last edited at Jan 5, 2017 4:53AM

joined Mar 23, 2014

Omg yes a Nozomi x Mizore dj. They were so cute together in the anime

joined Mar 23, 2014

I might have cried a little over how cute this is

joined Mar 23, 2014

Dang Chapter 15 hit me right in the heart. I feel bad for Washio because I also got indirectly rejected by the girl I liked every single day back in 8th grade. Aaah~ good times. Her new look is nice though

And thank god we may be seeing some shounen ai. Would be nice to have some bisexual male characters for once.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Oh Shuninta, why are you so weird? But that's what I love about you

Image Comments 30 Dec 14:32
joined Mar 23, 2014

ugly sobbing

joined Mar 23, 2014

I think my expectations were a bit high... I thought Washio's side would a bit deeper or convoluted than this. Instead it seems unfairly vanilla for the last perspective reveal.

You sum up pretty much what I think about this.

Although I do have another thought which is LOVE ME WASHIO! LOVE ME!

joined Mar 23, 2014

Honoka best wingman.... haha.... cause.... Kotori.... birds.... wings.....

And I thought having a new KotoUmi dj is already great, but you, person, just made my day.

joined Mar 23, 2014

This beats every other story in this book that had gotten translated. Mekimeki never disappoint.

joined Mar 23, 2014

joined Mar 23, 2014

I love Mari's character description tho. "Was the bottom before Arisa lost her memories."

Thank you Seiyuuri and GiB for your work!

joined Mar 23, 2014

Ah I get it now. The two girls I couldn't recognise in this pic Nakatani tweeted was Torii and Kai

Omg I forgot about that, I was confused too. Thanks for pointing it out!

joined Mar 23, 2014

This is a great one shot! I fist pumped in the air when MC kissed her girl.

Image Comments 17 Dec 13:28
joined Mar 23, 2014

The third year interactions are my favorite <3

joined Mar 23, 2014

Now this is the quality NicoMaki content I always look for

joined Mar 23, 2014

I'm not crying! It's just the sweat of my heart! (/_;)

joined Mar 23, 2014

Maki is a pure baby dang it Nico.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Awww the last page. Too freaking cute!

joined Mar 23, 2014

What the fakku...why is the poor Mami-tan alone? :(

She could lose her head if she was around these idiots

Image Comments 06 Dec 20:47
joined Mar 23, 2014

^^ yes I know the original is het, but queerbaiting is still not is nice thing to do. I didn't wish for them to be gay together, KyoAni could have just stick closely to the original and make it het and I would still watch it, because it's a music anime and it's KyoAni and their stuff has almost always been great. But purposely making these two so close together, cutting scenes that supposed to have the other guy in it, just to bait on queer girls is a fucked up thing to do in my opinion. Queer people need positive representation in the media so much and yet companies like this doing shit like "Oh we're gonna make the characters slightly gay but not canonly just to attract you guys but you still don't deserve to get actual queer characters." KumiRei would be a perfect positive queer representation, they have a great relationship and they're not sexualized like other yuri shows, but somehow we still can't have that. Of course this is all just my opinion as a queer woman because I don't like queerbait in general. So yes it would be better if they had focus on Kumiko and Shoe's relationship from the very beginning instead of making KumiRei so gay and then pull the whole "jk they're straight KumiShoe forever " crap

joined Mar 23, 2014

I enjoy this even more than Sweet Little Devil because it hurts so much but in a good way. Still rooting for Sempai even if there's never gonna be a continuation for this.

Image Comments 06 Dec 04:32
joined Mar 23, 2014

@hahaha omg i didnt notice that! They got married! XD

Image Comments 06 Dec 04:30
joined Mar 23, 2014

Oh please Nozomi you love it when Nico gets third wheel by you two