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joined Jan 20, 2014

Should've held hands before she left

don't be so lewd

dammit i was beat to that comment by an hr didn't notice a second page XD

last edited at Sep 7, 2018 4:42AM

joined Jan 20, 2014

mmm... as of today 700 yen are equivalent to 6-7 USD

How the hell is that a lot a money?

Non-amerifats don't get a lot of money. My allowance back in highschool was equivalent to only 2 US dollars a day. That's already a lot for us kids. We belonged to a family of doctors so we were far from poor but our father wants us to be disciplined with money.
I did get an increase of an equivalent of 56 US dollars a week in college though.

As someone from the United States, my allowance started at $5 a week, and then it was increased to $10 a week at the start of junior high school. When I was old enough to work (16) my allowance was stopped and I haven't received any since.

uh kids in america don't generally get a lot either lol. i got 10$ a MONTH as a kid, and now my 11 yr old also gets the same, while his younger 9 yr old brother gets 5. while i want them to know rewards for their hard work (they have to do chores for that money, it isn't free) i also want them to understand that regardless of whether you get a reward or not, you should still work hard at what you're told to do, and that this is their house also so they need to help maintain it.

Lily Marble discussion 30 Aug 02:31
joined Jan 20, 2014

It's almost like Virgin's Empire after they graduate

Lol I know right

that's the vibe i got too. didn't like virgin's empire, and this one was kinda meh too.

joined Jan 20, 2014

hellloooooooooooo nurse /winkyface

joined Jan 20, 2014

oh my goodness how lewd can this story get?? PICNICS with each other???? for shame!

joined Jan 20, 2014

Unless you have my girlfriend who says im the ugliest guy she has ever dated. My responce obviously being your the one who went after me. Only to be smacked down with the out of pitty come back. This has been my life for about 4 months now. Not sure if I feel better about myslef or not but its one hell of a way to go to sleep confused.

Maybe that's your "thing" (every couple has at least one). But if not, you might want to look into sleeping by yourself. Sometimes it's lonely, but you never have to deal with being called ugly by someone you like.

(Depending on how much you talk to yourself, you might have to put up with you calling yourself ugly, but who would trust an ugly person's judgement when it comes to looks anyways, right? You're probably just jealous of your dashing good looks.)

beauty isn't just the physical though. someone could have the worst face, but the most beautiful soul. and i think beauty of the soul far outweighs beauty of the flesh.

and i don't think putting your partner down, joking or not, is ever ok. not if it is a regular thing. unless you have just massive levels of confidence, no matter how good looking you are, eventually you'll start doubting, yourself and their feelings for you. because it comes to a point where it doesn't feel like a joke anymore. and then you'll just start to resent them for it.

last edited at Aug 21, 2018 3:10AM

joined Jan 20, 2014

The mad girl really did it. She trimmed the eyebrows. What's next, remove the glasses?

naw they are going straight for the good shit--MAKE UP. cause NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE can look good without make up!!!!! /rolls eyes. dear my teacher was good cause of the characters, but if you look at it, it really doesn't have much going for it as far as originality goes. and this one is even worse cause tbh while i think ms eyebrows should have more confidence in her looks i really don't care much for her character or the ditz atm.

joined Jan 20, 2014

It's true: Most girls with big (I mean huge!) boobies want them to be smaller. Most girls with small (I mean tiny!) boobies want them to be bigger.
There's a small % of 'in-between is just right' women who are perfectly happy.
It's just human nature to want something you don't have, eh?

Ps: DFC is justice!

well....smaller breasted women can only see the large size and go off of the assumption that that is what everyone likes. they don't understand everything that comes with larger sizes. the discomfort when doing like ANYTHING active. back pain. the early sagging (no matter how well you take care of em it's going to happen earlier than someone of a smaller size) the never find any cute bras your size unless you pay up the wazzoo and order online. hard to sleep on your back. on your stomach. the horrible treatment and looks from men. the love hate relationship that's tenfold with your bra compared to smaller sizes. oh how glorious it feels to take your bra off...but go around without it during the day and it's almost a relief to put it back on. so for us with larger sizes it's more than just "wanting what you don't have."

i know it's mostly a lack of understanding, but a part of me still feels a bit irked whenever i hear anyone say they wish their cup size was bigger. ALL boob sizes are beautiful ladies, don't hate what you were born to be! it might seem like a small matter, but you probably wouldn't be you in some way if you grew with a different cup size.

joined Jan 20, 2014

I like Hishikawa's and Shinsuke's pervert friendship, it's great

That's one part of the family whose acceptance she won't have to worry about, that's for sure...
May we take a moment to appreciate how merrily Brosuke is trying to get his neesan hitched with another girl? o3ob

i think he's possibly the best character out of the whole thing lol

The more interesting part of Shun addressing Shinsuke as "mistress" is that he goes along with it without hesitation.

last edited at Jul 23, 2018 2:06PM

Citrus discussion 20 Jul 04:25
joined Jan 20, 2014

Funny how a girl that is top of her class, can run a school by herself, and was considered old enough to be engaged can somehow not know better. Of course she knows better, she just doesnt care. If she knew Yuzu would do it Mei would marry the guy, be his baby maker and keep Yuzu as a mistress.

let's make this clear, intelligence does NOT equate emotional maturity, so that argument is invalid.

and to me it seemed like you could see yuzu was attracted to mei from the very beginning. mei just sped it up by the forced contact. maybe for the better, can you imagine how many chapters yuzu's am i am i not torture could be stretched out? ugh.

Citrus discussion 19 Jul 02:07
joined Jan 20, 2014

Mei is not a horrible person and she shows all the signs of learned helplessness. Honestly, I think it is amazing how Mei is able to hold together at all considering everything people have done to her.

Starting out, everything is decided for Mei. Her school, her future and even what happens to her body. Her father abandonds her leaving all the demnds of his life on her shoulders. Her "best friend" and fience are shown sexually assaulting her and when Mei may have found a new family, her step-sister is lusting after her.

I think the two most telling parts into Mei's position is when she talks to Yuzu's mom about love, but isn't sure if that's really the advice she need. The second is when the group goes on vaction and while Mei is getting used to the idea of kissing everyday, Yuzu then assaults Mei in the bedroom. Yuzu made sexual advances, Mei said no, Yuzu refused to stop and then we see Mei alone and destraught hugging herself. Going back, Yuzu wouldn't even try to understand Mei on Christmas and then recently when Mei did try to talk to Yuzu, Yuzu stopped her because Yuzu didn't want to hear it... even though Mei was hurting.

Mei is surrounded by people ignoring her true wants and trying to tell her how to be and what to do. Meanwhile Mei is uncertain of what she truly wants; A life with Yuzu or to live up to the expecations of her family. None of whom have made it easy for her to speak up and both of whom she truly cares for. The "easier" choice was just to do what her family wants though it really isn't easy at all. Mei feels helpless and not once in her life has she been taught, learned how to nor allowed how to speak for herself.

Now we get nothing from Mei's perspective to where clearly, and so far, the majority of this story is about Yuzu. I'm not sure how a chapter that is only 30 pages or so long will show us a clear development from Mei, but I want her to yell out. I want to see her boldly face the world and people around her and make her own choice. But her life has taught her that she doesn't have one. And in the end, she gets so much hate from readers. She's shamed, victim shamed, called a horrible person, bitch, and so on. But the one time she showed a cute side, the comments turn to loving her and "God Damnit Mei!". Great, Yuzu is getting tons of support and love while Mei is completely alone once again. Had Yuzu not shut her down when she wanted to talk would things be different?

Honestly, I don't want Mei with Yuzu. I want Mei with someone who would actually take the time to understand her and love her. The best pairing out of characters in this managa would be Harumin and Mei, but I know that will never happen.

this exactly. first going into this series my biggest impression was: back the fuck off guys. not ONE person in her life showed that they just wanted her company. everyone is always AFTER something from her. yuzu wants her body. her friend wants her body. her grandfather wants her body and life to be used for his own gains. her father just completely abandons her. she doesn't need family. she doesn't need love. she just needs a friend. a friend with absolutely zero expectations from her.

joined Jan 20, 2014

one thing that wasn't too clear that makes me curious, if the father in law died in that car crash too...what's the likelihood her parents committed suicide and took him down with them to atone? awfully coincidental that they all died together, don't you think?

joined Jan 20, 2014

this needs to be a series :O

joined Jan 20, 2014

This is getting old though... it'll go nowhere.

have to agree need a little more growth, same gag is getting stale. i'm honestly just starting to feel sorry for the girl hishikawa

joined Jan 20, 2014

man she'd better not shave her eyebrows lol. as a fellow thick eyebrow female i make no apologies XD love the way you were born ladies. it's what makes you, you! and i've never seen an ugly character in a manga, barring simply ugly art in general. i reallllyyy hope the author doesn't miss congeniality her.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Bah, she protests too much.

Also, the opening scene about not-actually-doing suicide-but-then-nearly-getting-killed feels really familiar ... oh, right, Zetsubou Sensei all the way.

aqua blue cinema also did that. was way too similar to aqua blue for me to like it. girl goes to cliff edge cause heartache. airhead local stops her, misreading the situation. at least in aqua blue they get together lol

joined Jan 20, 2014

ooohh this is such a nice and gentle series. done soooo much better than aoi hana and musuko. so much disappointment in musuko and so much detouring boring stuff in aoi hana lol. I love that there's overweight characters. the author gets so much right on how the characters feel on certain topics. and while there is drama in there lives, it's done in such a way that as a reader you don't feel it, and get angsty from it. i remember reading the tall blond girl's chapter with that married guy first a while back and had been put off by it, glad i went in and looked after last chapter to see and read the first real chapter lol.

joined Jan 20, 2014

lol i loved what she did at the end

joined Jan 20, 2014

Girls kissing sounds complicated

Is there some secret lesbian rule I need to know? I just don't understand how it works

Also the "what if we both weren't girls?" Just sorta came out of nowhere. What was that supposed to mean

she means don't think about it as two girls kissing, but as two individual people kissing. aka ignore the gender. a person is a person kissing a person who is simply a person.

joined Jan 20, 2014

such a peaceful one shot

joined Jan 20, 2014

plot twist: the guy was actually telling the truth. she really did just fall and he just has a mean looking face.

or plot twist: madarame is actually quite psychotic, as shown on many occasions by her behavior, and her cousin is the only one to help take care of her cause her parents can't be bothered with a mentally disturbed child, but over the years it has taken a toll on him, but not the type to bother explaining things so makes HIM look like the bad guy. that actually sounds way more interesting lol

joined Jan 20, 2014

glad i'm not the only one who feels they got cheated. that was a really important scene and the author cut it off for dramatics, just so she could put them all back at status quo. made the next chapter really confusing.

Right? And to me doesn't matter if will be touched in the future now just lost the momentum, and as flashbacks, it will cut down impact even more
yes we're well aware she will get dumped at first, then again we wanted to see the confession and even an initial rejection

yes exactly!! momentum was totally ruined. you see her confession coming, you amp up, it gets tense, you get excited, then cliffhanger. you feel a bit let down, but know there's another chapter. you wait. and wait. and wait. then finally new chapter, you start it, feeling the excitement of getting to see the conclusion of the confession....and you get that crap. all the air just whooshed out of your balloon, and no getting that back, no matter how good the flashbacks are.

there are somethings you can do that to, and some things you really shouldn't

last edited at Jun 1, 2018 3:29AM

joined Jan 20, 2014

Even calling what happened "rape" is somewhat questionable, except in that it would obviously be statutory rape as defined in many jurisdictions. Rape occurs when someone is subjected to sex against their will and without their consent. From what we saw, Jinno didn't consent (plus it's questionable whether she was even capable of giving consent, based on her age). But it seemed to be something that she did willingly, based on the fact that she was trying to get closer to Kousaka beforehand and afterwards she sought to do it again (though since we got only a few panels of the act itself, it's impossible to say for certain what her mindset was at the time).

but the stickler is that she didn't know they were having sex. you think if she knew that, she would have still been so willing? maybe. but considering the society, her age, and the way she reacted after and at the end of it makes me think differently. if she was so into it why did the author show her covering her face with tears? that feels like shame to me tbh. then again, with what the author is doing to the story, god only knows what it really could have meant.

if i'm being completely honest...atm it feels like the author has no fucking clue what she's doing with jinno lol. we are all looking so deep into this, analyzing every smile and tear and's probably all garbage. like the author isn't really thinking about the way she's writing and portraying this. just too many mixed signals in this.

joined Jan 20, 2014

why isn't there more T_T i've totally been in the younger girl's situation with the being hyper sensitive to any kind of touch from another and hoping it meant more when it probably didn't lol. girls can be so confusing sometimes with their loose skinship ~_~

joined Jan 20, 2014

As of now it seems was really a poor idea dodging Uta's confession, I mean the whole plot was meant to lead in one day Uta would be confessing and then author decide to leave as vague as possible, he/she will detail in future chapters for sure, but we readers, all of us, were expecting for Uta's confession since chapter 1 lol and then he/she is like "she confessed, and Kaoru still wants to play as family, but you know, you're still not allowed to see, please get excited"

glad i'm not the only one who feels they got cheated. that was a really important scene and the author cut it off for dramatics, just so she could put them all back at status quo. made the next chapter really confusing.