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joined Jan 11, 2014

After two years, you would expect some kind of reciprocation from the other person. But from all we can gather, Saho never treated him differently than any other customer. Two years and he never got across to her that he was serious about his flirting. After two years he had to keep saying “no, no, I’m being serious” when she would laugh it off, and he never picked up on the hint that she wasn’t interested. I’m not saying that he can’t confess to someone he likes, but he really needs to learn that waitresses that look and smile at him don’t also want to date him. He made this assumption with Tamaki as well.

Yeah it’s unfortunate she didn’t really seem the type to give a hard no, but she did treat him differently. She literally saw him come in and went, “it’s been a week! I haven’t seen you!” And “geez there you go again” with a blush when he flirted with her. Saho is literally giving POSITIVE vibes to Kenji. She clearly likes him as a person. Of course he’s not gonna give up after she reacts that way to seeing him and hearing his comments. Again like a previous commenter put it, it’s two uncorroperative mindsets colliding.

I’d even say it’s also an unfortunate framework as worker and customer mixed with unfortunate mindsets that perpetuated this soft flirting from his side and an “oh you” from her side for two whole years. They both use the boundaries as worker and customer to never do the necessary things to move their relationship forward, like for example having a proper conversation (which Saho and Tamaki do immediately). I think he was too afraid to solidly make a move, and also from her side she’s just vibing to a person being genuinely nice to her and complimenting her without taking it too seriously. I don’t want to condemn either of them. As far as I see it, there’s nothing wrong or harmful with their pre-confession relationship because it’s so low pressure and stakes and literally zero strings attached on either side. (Also someone brought up that it’s bad to persistently hit on service industry workers, and I absolutely agree. But I think in this case the author side stepped this by making it clear there was no problem on that end with the endlessly happy and positive coworkers and boss).

I wouldn’t say he’s creepy for the two years (I do think when he confesses he’s WAY too physical and the way he holds Saho is as if he owns her). The most it’s implies he does is talk with Saho and say “since I get to see Saho, I’d never get tired come coming here” and ordering stuff and sitting down for a while.

“I’m not saying that he can’t confess to someone he likes, but he really needs to learn that waitresses that look and smile at him don’t also want to date him.” I don’t get the impression he assumed Saho would’ve said yes. The way the conversation played out on his part is “I know you’re keeping your distance to not hurt the coworker who likes me, since you’re kind. But I actually genuinely like you.” None of that is him assuming a yes. Again I just have a problem with how physical he is once Tamaki entered the picture. That does give off entitlement vibes. Of course, he’s also being super heteronormative, but that’s also the case for Saho. Since they were both operating through a romantic lens during this manga and pair it with heteronormativity, it makes sense they both thought Tamaki liked Kenji.

No one here is a bad person. Everyone acted reasonably and as well as they could in this social context. Saho genuinely liked Kenji as a person. Kenji was courteous except when he got too physical. Good for Tamaki. Get it girl!

last edited at May 20, 2022 2:53PM

joined Jan 11, 2014

They have couple's gatherings, trips and even pissing contests to determine whose love is more true.

When did this happen?? O_o

3 couples had a staring contest where they measured how long they can stare at each other without looking away.

Lmfao, and I was trying to figure how these girls had competed for who can pee farther xD
There's a HUGE difference between a staring contest and a pissing contest

It is a figure of speech. Not a literal contest.

Rather like how when people talk about "Cold War dick-measuring contests" they don't mean the POTUS and Soviet General Secretary literally unzipped and slapped 'em onto table on live TV :U

They didn’t???? My history books lied to me????

joined Jan 11, 2014

They have couple's gatherings, trips and even pissing contests to determine whose love is more true.

When did this happen?? O_o

3 couples had a staring contest where they measured how long they can stare at each other without looking away.

Lmfao, and I was trying to figure how these girls had competed for who can pee farther xD
There's a HUGE difference between a staring contest and a pissing contest

It is a figure of speech. Not a literal contest.

Rather like how when people talk about "Cold War dick-measuring contests" they don't mean the POTUS and Soviet General Secretary literally unzipped and slapped 'em onto table on live TV :U

They didn’t???? My history books lied to me????

School Zone discussion 14 May 21:09
joined Jan 11, 2014

I'm glad that the fanbase is more or less on the same page about the siscon angst storyline being a blemish on an otherwise perfect yuri comedy. There is seriously sooo much good in this manga and their stupid melodrama is just so boring in comparison. And fuck a siscon ew

You sound like the guy who wrote Tsubaki's section on tvtropes

It's so perfect. Look, I adore this series and every character, including the sisters. I think the two of them are goddamn interesting. Their mutual lack of emotional boundaries in the past screwed them up so bad and now they have to be apart in order to function in a healthy manner. It's satisfying watching them expand their social bubble and try to become whole ass people themselves, separate from one another. But the author makes it complicated and real too, cause healing from a lifetime of dependency on each other is hard. Seeing Tsubaki's journey--being unable to be happy for Hiiragi's new friendship, realizing herself that that's not a "good" response, and re-evaluating her entire growth up to this point and who she is as a person--is so authentic. Everything is executed with an enormous amount of emotional intelligence and care. They are wonderful.

Funny sidenote, t's not just Tsubaki's section that's screwed on tvtropes. The entire tvtropes summary for this manga is fucked up and hilarious.

last edited at May 14, 2022 9:30PM

joined Jan 11, 2014

I really just cannot differentiate all these bland S-class couples that all have basically the exact same dynamic.

I"m glad it's not just me. I'd probably understand if I re-read it from the start, but following along with the releases I honestly have no idea who any of the characters are other than mc and gyaru, they all blend together.

When I read this with releases I thought there were like 12 different girls, a new one a chapter, and it was only on reread I figured out there were like 5 recurring girls.

joined Jan 11, 2014

it's lucky i don't believe in astrology or i'd be highly offended by the characterisation of aquarius here ;)

I don’t know anything about astrology. Is the characterization very objectionable? And what about the other characters?

joined Jan 11, 2014

Why is that entire family hot

The uncle is also really my type lmao

Their entire family can be my daddy

joined Jan 11, 2014

We gonna add the r*pe tag? Didn’t expect child r*pe when I clicked this

last edited at May 5, 2022 1:09PM

joined Jan 11, 2014

That cat’s dead.

joined Jan 11, 2014

Whoever "drew" Yvonnes shirt deserves a smack. I understand being efficient, but you cant possibly just paste over a grid...

ever single one of those lines would take as much time drawing as the line art of the entire pose.

We are talking about at least 30-60 mins of extra work per frame.

A day's or more worth of work, by the actual artist and not their helpers. For something so small and insignificant.
And done wrong it looks far worse then copy pasting a grid

edit: reason of it taking longer: outlining the body/clothes is one thing, but such a small grid requires 3d-drawing, making the manga possibly taking double the amount of time

The grid looks good. You forget that real clothes often paste repeating patterns like this. The difference from real life is that the interior contour lines don't follow the form of the body, so it flattens the dimensionality of the body. I've seen this done a lot with skirt patterns, like in Virgin's Empire. The end result is more graphic.

With how clean the art style is, graphic is good. Also, for hand drawn patterns to fit in and not stand out in this style, pattern would have to be drawn incredibly evenly and consistently (other styles like Shimeji Simulation allow for looser and funkier line work). The artist made the right choice.

joined Jan 11, 2014

Let's gooooo. They look so cute and close. I wonder how romance is gonna develop between them

joined Jan 11, 2014

So happy with the amount of yuri harem recs I'm getting in the discussion sections. Yuri lovers deserve trashy rom com too

joined Jan 11, 2014

please don't get a crush on your teacher please don't get a crush on your teacher please don't get a crush on your teacher please don't get a crush on your teacher please don't get a crush on your teacher please don't get a crush on your teacher please don't get a crush on your teacher.


joined Jan 11, 2014

Wow, this is bad. I read the first 6 or 7 chapters years ago and then totally forgot about this until I watched the first episode of the anime and realised I knew the twist moments before the assassination. So I got hyped and binged this again from the start and holy hell what a let down the newer chapters are.

Super happy someone agreed that the manga is kinda uninteresting, badly paced, and lacks chemistry between its characters. It’s feels like the writer lost the emotional core at some point.

joined Jan 11, 2014

"I like you. Please go out with me." is my way of telling my senpai at work how much I want to go meet clients together too.

joined Jan 11, 2014

^ Me googling motorboating and (not) regretting it

joined Jan 11, 2014

I wonder how many times they've kissed so far. Gets me every time.

joined Jan 11, 2014

I took this seriously and only started questioning myself when I realized there's no way there'd be... that much untranslated thing in so many different languages.

joined Jan 11, 2014

Mommy Evie

She’s some strange combo of tsundere and mom friend

This is the best summary of Evie’s character

last edited at Mar 10, 2022 2:00PM

joined Jan 11, 2014

Tong tong mom discourse? In my lesbian forum? That guy’s literally the most obvious troll. Let’s just enjoy the gay and have thoughtful discussions about motherhood not centered around a 1 minute hottake.

last edited at Mar 3, 2022 12:37PM

Reliance discussion 20 Feb 12:53
joined Jan 11, 2014

15 minutes to load one page ;;. These are some thicc files. Anyways, the narrator girl seems kinda too in the business of somebody she really has no business with. Guess it’s her inferiority complex and weird fixation. Like she’s so threatened, which is good most times in stories but just annoys me right now. Makes me dislike her. Looks like we’re gonna be telling a love story from an outsider’s perspective. Wonder how it will go.

last edited at Feb 20, 2022 12:53PM

joined Jan 11, 2014

How dare hebimori cut short the already tiny amount of gay I'll be getting from my slice of life subtext cgdct manga. Komichi and Erika be gaying the fuck out in the forest and HOW Dare you interrupt!

joined Jan 11, 2014


joined Jan 11, 2014

If you just read Erika and Akebi chapters what you get isn't a subtext slice of life manga. It's a straight up romance manga with romance structure, tropes, and progression.

joined Jan 11, 2014

What is it with anime girls and cockroaches? They're not even in the top ten scariest bugs imo.

nothing to do with anime, i would literally die if one crawled on me

i've only directly touched one once in my life, when i accidentally stepped on a dead one, and it's still a traumatic memory many years later

they aren't "scary", they're disgusting. by far the most repulsive, filthy, vile things nature has to offer. just looking at them makes my eyes feel violated. what they lack in physical danger they make up tenfold with psychological damage

Agreed! Where I use to live there were lots of water bugs because we were below sea level, but I had just moved there so I didn’t know about them. I saw ONE in my apartment on a rainy night and I bolted out the front door and ran to my car and my girlfriend died laughing and pulled out the raid and killed it(she was from there) , I kid you not my heart left my body.

I just looked up water bugs and I hate you