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joined Jun 25, 2019

Lilliwyt posted:

I guess they probably mean Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii,

Oh.I understand now. I'm seen this one.

I was reading it with morbid curiosity, and then in the latest chapter they bring a plate of insects to eat and I closed that thing lo/

Ok i'm glad i'm stopping it. The strangling in front of an open window was a lot dangerous and the baby play was disturbing. It's like the author try to put a lot of disturbing play in it.

.... I have read chapter 1.... Looking for more translated chapters.... was sorta hoping it would make its way to dynasty at some point.... Please direct me to where I can find out where they're going with this

Also, just done a re-read and was once again left hanging, is there more Warikitta to come?

If you can read spanish

last edited at Feb 20, 2020 7:46AM

Yuri Ichigo discussion 20 Feb 07:28
joined Jun 25, 2019

Been a bit of time since i see uploads of the groups so i'm wondering if something happen.

Image Comments 20 Feb 07:23
joined Jun 25, 2019

^ It isn't transophobic. Those characters are recurrents in 23 works and more than often the right one is a futanari. I understand where Akinoma come from but generally we treat as Yuri because we don't see her dick so we cannot be sure it's Futanari

joined Jun 25, 2019

4 month's for 4 pages. That's... just... i cant...

IINM there's already a lot of chapters out for this comic on Twitter, it's just that the translator team has several other series to work on.

I do believe it's even finish.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I think she is the one responsible for calling Nika to the park, when she said her love ended I think she already accepted that. She went away for Nika to talk with Kurumi.

I agree, there's literally no way Nika could find Kurumi like that in a big park on her own.

And the long bathroom trip? Not by accident that it perfectly coincides with Nika's arrival, eh?

Poor Kyouko! She should find someone better than those two anyhow... I like 'side-character ships' a lot actually :-)

I'm thinking differently, Kyouko told Nikaidou that they go to the park when Nikaidou come to ask her advices so Nikaidou know they were here. I believe that Nikaidou have gone to the park after finishing talking with Jun then see Kyouko that have understand the situation and told her where Kurumi was.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I live in a very urbanized city but there are a lot of animals everywhere,
like monkeys, crocodiles, various kinds of lizards, snakes, opossums, capybaras, etc.

Snakes? Crocodiles?? Everywhere???
Should we send a rescue party to get you out?

It's probably Australia so i'm guessing it's normal.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And now Kanda doing on purpose. AT each chapter, i will remind that Ookuma said she was ok with Kanda being a girl and so the only reason the misunderstand is still running is because of Kanda herself and her internal homophoby. But you can't go on and onlike that without any trouble. And you can't tell me nobody will call Kanda as a girl, i refuse to believe that everyone outside her family think Kanda is a boy. I just want to see thr truth being spilled by someone else and Kanda facing the consequences. And i mean really facing the consequence and not some bullshit with no drama.

And I will direct you to Jeanne Mathison's earlier post on the matter.

Why would she lie thought ? Why put that line then ? We never back on that statement since then. What even was the point of that line if that's change nothing of the matter ? Kanda ask about it and Ookuma don't seem against it so why didn't she tell her on the spot after that ? It's even worse if it's false to me. Ookume don't seem to be the type of blayantly lying about anything so i don't see why she would have lie here.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm worried about Mio.

She said so many times she loved Shizuka's long hair... and then, next thing she knows, Shizuka cut most of it. What kind of signal is that?

And the worst thing, leaving aside the fact that Shizuka hacked something Mio loved, is this: cutting your hair after a heartbreak is such a big cliché that there's no way Mio won't suspect the truth! Poor sweet cinnamon roll, it will really hit her hard. She's gonna start angsting all over again.

Implying Shizuka won't explain it. If Shizuka explain truthfully why she cut her hair then i think Mio will understand.


last edited at Feb 18, 2020 10:15AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Till Shizuka is not completly over, I don't really see it happen.

So, she truly loves Mio, in your version, but there can’t be one-two scenes with sincere feel? Well, we’ll see. I'll be waiting, lol. But there is already some thought.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I don't want all the relation to be happy

Well, I didn't say happy all the time, am I? Bits of sincerity is appreciated.

Till Shizuka is not completly over, I don't really see it happen.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And now Kanda doing on purpose. AT each chapter, i will remind that Ookuma said she was ok with Kanda being a girl and so the only reason the misunderstand is still running is because of Kanda herself and her internal homophoby. But you can't go on and onlike that without any trouble. And you can't tell me nobody will call Kanda as a girl, i refuse to believe that everyone outside her family think Kanda is a boy. I just want to see thr truth being spilled by someone else and Kanda facing the consequences. And i mean reallyfacing the consequence and not some bullshit with no drama.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Will be boring ngl.

Yeah, heh, I can get very obvious symbolism with her cutting hair. Cutting of past, etc. I want then “boring” (not boring for me at least) interaction showing that she loves Mio and not her doing right thing accepting this sweet loving girl just because she was good enough. I just don't want them breakup, what seem more logical for moving at wholesomeness for Shizuka. She needs to be alone for some time to be fair.

Still need Shizuka to get past Kaoru sorry. Their relation was too important for Shizuka to get ride like that. She is mostly over it and cutting her hair for cutting the past" was a step in the right direction. Mio/Shizuka will never be an easy relationship because of Shizuka's past and it's for the better. I don't want all the relation to be happy cause it will be boring if all where "Everything is awesome".

joined Jun 25, 2019

I just want some sincere feelings from Shizuka, some nice interactions like among Ai and Chie or Mari and Yuu.

Will be boring ngl. Shizuka's relation with Kaoru was toxic and not something that can get ride like that. Like you said they're teenagers, it's not like Shizuka don't truly love Mio. See how heartbreak she was when Mio told her she want to break. She is much more afraid of losing Mio than losing Kaoru. Same with the hair, like said before, it's getting over the past, with that Shizuka shown she want to get over Kaoru for real. Don't forget the relation between Shizuka and Kaoru was toxic and Kaoru really make Shizuka guilty and all. For Shizuka it was probably her first relation and she gone throught some shit.She has suffer a lot from the relation because of that and i think seeing Kaoru don't get affected by that is internally making her mad. "How can she can go on like that after all she have done ?" is probably what Shizuka is thinking. For me, cutting her hair is a proof that she want to get over Kaoru and she really love Mio. They will probably talk about it and Mio will understand and accept it.

Image Comments 17 Feb 21:28
joined Jun 25, 2019

My favorite one,a bit sad they haven't much more screentime after their arc.

Image Comments 17 Feb 21:15
joined Jun 25, 2019

When did she not thinking something stupid ?

Image Comments 17 Feb 21:15
joined Jun 25, 2019

Feel incomplete

Image Comments 17 Feb 21:14
joined Jun 25, 2019

Like Erypio could do that.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It's been a while since last chapter. Is it on hiatus ?

Well the next chapter has an estimated release date of January 3rd, 2020 so...


joined Jun 25, 2019

F for Bike-kun

I'm still curious about how Kyouko will come to terms with her feelings. I want her to be happy, despite her being immature and selfish at times.

Yeah, i don't know what she mean by ending her love. I thought bring Kurumi to the park was about confess to her. Did she give up on that ? Did i'm stupid to have forget that ?

I think she just realizes that Kurumi doesn't feel the same about her, and that when she confesses she'll get rejected.

Those were Kurumi's thoughts, not Kyouko's. The entire section in the park is from Kurumi's perspective.

I guess it's "I'm stupid to not realise that" option for me then.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It's been a while since last chapter. Is it on hiatus ?

Citrus + discussion 17 Feb 13:49
joined Jun 25, 2019

Raws for Chapter 10 are out, is a 42-page long chapter focused on Matsuri.

Harumin's indifference is hitting her hard

Nothing new under the sun then Harumin had never really care about her from ages. Given she gave for Yuzu to said what she was worried about. She ain't gonna make a move for someone she never really appreciated.

I beg to differ on that

Considering Saburo Uta has been giving hints throughout the series that she's planning on having Harumi & Matsuri end up together as a couple

I mean Matsuri has always hang out and try to get in Harumin pants after Yuzu reject her but afaik Harumin has always trouble with her. Also for the little we've seen her at the marriage, their relation didn't seem to have change.

last edited at Feb 17, 2020 1:49PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yume, I dub thee: Haruki version 0.2

And like the Haruki from Warikitta, you don't have a snowball's chance in hell. Sorry, kid.

Lol, I dunno if she will turn out just like Haruki... but she's got off to a good start.

Like i said "Difference is that Touko is actually a respectable adult." so there is likely less probability it's gonna be the same.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Handholding jokes are old and not really funny.

No u.

I already know that i'm not funny and old.

last edited at Feb 17, 2020 1:10PM

Citrus + discussion 17 Feb 13:07
joined Jun 25, 2019

Raws for Chapter 10 are out, is a 42-page long chapter focused on Matsuri.

Harumin's indifference is hitting her hard

Nothing new under the sun then Harumin had never really care about her from ages. Given she gave for Yuzu to said what she was worried about. She ain't gonna make a move for someone she never really appreciated.

last edited at Feb 17, 2020 1:09PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yume, I dub thee: Haruki version 0.2

And like the Haruki from Warikitta, you don't have a snowball's chance in hell. Sorry, kid.

Difference is that Touko is actually a respectable adult.