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Itou-san discussion 05 Mar 02:04
joined Dec 18, 2013

Aki eda should never drawn het again, it was so awfuld

I disagree, Bonnouji is one of the BEST het romances I've read.

joined Dec 18, 2013

The fact that there's LITERALLY A SLASH in the title makes me laugh. There's no way the writers did that accidentally.

I don't doubt it either, especially considering what is happening with Dick Grayson, the first Robin. Not only is DC embracing the all jokes his first name just begs for, there was Midnighter's recent appearance. Long story short Dick is now a secret double-agent whose face can't be seen by anyone outside the spy organization. Midnighter is a gay Batman analogue that was part of another company that got absorbed by DC. Midnighter figured who Dick was because he could never forget his ass.

That's remind me that I heard rumors about the writer wanting to start RH/Arsenal with a bang by having them playing a gay couple to get at a crime lord. :P

Citrus discussion 04 Mar 16:07
joined Dec 18, 2013

Well and Yuzu are acting like realistic High School kids. This isn't like The Feelings where aside of being college girls the cast is larger making very questionable most of the developments.

And yes, the story uses a lot of cliches. But cliches are that beause they work.

Citrus discussion 04 Mar 12:30
joined Dec 18, 2013

I have the same thoughts that if Citrus goes all lovey dovey so easily and so soon, I would find this manga was as cliche and plain just like any other.

Agree on this but still, I am myself a fan of drama and I dislike many drama stories because they are full of cliches and I'm also starting to think that Citrus is becoming a cliche story, I mean we've been running in circle in the 3 first volumes and the 4th is probably going to be the same, the distance grows between them and then they reunite but are unable to go any further.

Well this is drama so it's not that much of a problem what bothers me is, every damn time a character is introduced, his only purpose is to tear Mei and Yuzu apart. I'm just standing here like, Seriously ?!

But well I'll keep reading it, it seemed promising, the art is amazing and Mei and Yuzu are interesting characters, I'm just a little disappointed, my expectations were too high I guess.

I don't think you have been put enough attention.

Every new character introduced brings with her a new differen dynamic while the girls themselves react differently as the events transpire. The Mei at the start of the story would've shut Yuzu's confession and reject Sarah without a second thought, Yuzu herself would be still on the lookout of a hot boyfriend just because that is expected for her.

Yes, the changes are massive but then again, what change on a HIGH SCHOOL KID (these can't be stressed enough, because a lot of complaints can be boiled down to "why they aren't mature and emotionally stable") it is?

joined Dec 18, 2013

I downloaded and is a cute novelty.

Far as I can tell you can't change anything and every time the hands get together you get a small flux of CG's with the current characters just doing cute things and kissing.

joined Dec 18, 2013

The Omakes have shown up on other readers.

They're hilarious.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Aw, poor Meiling.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm only familiar with Jason through the DCAU. The comics seem so convoluted and wacky that I never really bothered to read them myself. I've collected a couple of Batgirl and Batman Beyond issues but that's about it.

And what's been going on with Jason??

Since the most recent status quo change, Jason has been BFF of Roy Harper and while they have canon love interests (Starfire for Roy and Jason has been with three girls) the shipping of the two of them is pretty strong on certain factions of the fandom.

Add that the writer enjoys writing scenes like these

And they will starring on a book called Red Hood/Arsenal on june.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, most of the avatars here are either characters from anime/manga or pictures. Mine being this american superhero art with intense colors stand like a sore thumb.

Well you could also make a joke how New 52 Jason would be fine in a yaoi forum.

But I get what you mean, a lot of time you just end using an avatar that matches the theme of the forum you are on. Hell for me I use to have have a name unique to each forum. Like I was Shou Amabane (one of the leads of the Saturn game Burning Rangers) on a video game forums and Guncannon II on a Gundam one. Again I could be making something out of nothing (I do that a lot), but I think it comes down to a question of a sense of community or self-identity. There really isn't a right or wrong answer, just what at the moment makes it's way to front of your mind.

Also to give credit where it is due. My avatar was made by one Michael Lopez.

Jajaja, so nice to see someone's familiar with Jason.

And you're right about the Yaoi, the most recent issue certainly got plenty of shippers excited :P

joined Dec 18, 2013

Maybe I'm just slow today but I kind of feel the punchline somewhat flat.

Citrus discussion 02 Mar 02:25
joined Dec 18, 2013

That's for sure, as pointed earlier. The whole thing is building towards something.

And well, I guess we mexicans just have a knack for the dramatic. Most of us thought of our first love as being THE definitve love for us, declarations like Sara's were par of the course during middle school.

last edited at Mar 2, 2015 2:26AM

joined Dec 18, 2013


Art is a bit rough for my tastes but is a great story nonetheless.

Citrus discussion 02 Mar 02:07
joined Dec 18, 2013

Sara is a very idealistic and honest girl. Her claiming she loves Mei and needs her is just your classic high/middle school crush.

Or are you telling me that you guys didn't feel like that with your first crush?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, most of the avatars here are either characters from anime/manga or pictures. Mine being this american superhero art with intense colors stand like a sore thumb.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh, that is one of the best artists for Neptunia Yuri.

And yes, they do make an amazing pairing.

For anyone interested on the pair, I can't recommend enough the next fanfic

Amazingly well written, everyone is perfectly characterized, one of the best romances stories that I've read and manage to get drama into the history without turning the setting into a bleak and depressing war story. Is LONG (63 chapters and is on a small hiatus) but is worth it.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Mine is from a comic book cover:

And the character is Jason Todd, AKA Red Hood.

My favorite comic book character, most people know him as the dumbass Robin that got himself killed on the 80's.

I do find funny how distinctive my avatar is here.

UNI+ discussion 02 Mar 00:41
joined Dec 18, 2013

The pic used for the credits is deeply ironic on this doujin.

Citrus discussion 01 Mar 14:55
joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm a bit confused at Nina actions. she knows Mei has a thing for Yuzu and yet, she encouraged Sara.
I'm also wondering what was Himeko thinking by telling Nina the itinerary

Citrus discussion 01 Mar 02:39
joined Dec 18, 2013

After reading the last few chapters again, I think the main issue is that they just aren't on the same level emotionally yet. Yuzu is struggling with her emotions. I think she does accept her feelings for Mei, but is having a hard time trying articulating them properly. Also I think while she would like to be intimate with Mei she is afraid. Not just of betraying her role as a sister, but also she doesn't want to feel like she is just using Mei to sate her desire. Since for Yuzu I feel she wants to connect with Mei and not just use her as an object like that teacher did. The problem is Mei is so guarded, aloof, and casually about intimacy it is just twisting Yuzu up inside. She seems so desperate to connect with Mei, but she panics and trips over her words when Mei doesn't react.

As for Mei since we are meant to follow Yuzu we are also in dark about a lot of what Mei's actions and words mean. Unlike a lot of people I don't see malice in Mei's action here. It's building towards something. Frankly I think Mei is just confused about how Yuzu feels. Mei was more than willing to offer herself up to Yuzu at Christmas, but was pushed away. I think Mei is having a hard time trying grasp that Yuzu needs more from her than just her body. I do think in her own way Mei was being kind. I think she is having a hard grasping that while Yuzu does desire her, it is more than just a physical attraction. I may be wrong but I think she has a hard time believing that someone could be that in love with her. Since all the other in her that have "loved" were either using her or gone about it in superficial way.

Now I could easily be proven wrong with the next chapter, but I think Sara's confession made Mei realize something. Which is why I think she had that slight smile on the two-page spread. Mei asked Sara if she needed her and I think Mei finally got it. Love is about depending on one another, caring for another person, and just basically trusting each other. i feel it all fell into place for her at that point.

As for the last page, I think Mei is playing at something here. I am not sure what. Maybe she feels she is broken and wants to spare Yuzu. Or she is testing Yuzu to see if this what she really wants. There is something going on since I doubt Mei would just fool around with Sara. It is going to be a long wait for the next chapter, but I think this volume will end up bearing fruit.

Excellent analysis, you're on the right track. Everything is building towards something.

Nina does know that Mei's interested on Yuzu and yet she kept pushing the issue. Why?

Mei is hoping something from her "relationship" with Sara

This events might be what Yuzu needs to finally become proactive reagrding Mei

Sara is up from some long overdue reality check regarding her beliefs and her "little Sis"

Citrus discussion 28 Feb 19:28
joined Dec 18, 2013

The sketchy, unfinished panels are flashbacks, as I read the sequence. It's a novel way to do that. Mei, current situation, finished, makes her recall something, that sequence, unfinished, back to Mei, real time.

That's another great way to read the sequence. And is certainly a pretty novel way to tell flashbacks on a printed medium.

Citrus discussion 28 Feb 18:34
joined Dec 18, 2013

We are not, this has been dragging for too long,we wanna know if they will end up together or not, and Mei is being such a plimpnettt dork ugh

They WILL end together (Nina's dialogue with Mei pretty much confirmed it). but to get at that point many obstacles need to be overcome.

I do find funny how everyone is ripping of their clothes about "how long has been" when in reality the story is pretty short at 14 chapters released, the format itself and the pacing isn't that different to those found on american comics.

Citrus discussion 28 Feb 17:38
joined Dec 18, 2013

Seeing all the comments I can't help but wonder if I'm the only one who bothers to see each chapter as part of a whole and not as standalone installments.

Because, seriously, everyone is overreacting.

Citrus discussion 28 Feb 15:08
joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't understand with the way mei thinking.. ;(

That's kind of the point.

Although that behavior is normal on High School kids around here.

last edited at Feb 28, 2015 3:09PM

Citrus discussion 28 Feb 15:06
joined Dec 18, 2013

So out of nowhere now Mei need someone to need her, becoming a needy character... What...
Accept to date a COMPLETE STRANGER... a girl... means she has no issues with that factor (well we already knew this cuz she goes around kissing girls randomly <- that makes no sense, suppose its a way to remind us its a yuri manga, pretty stupid tho). Better not date my not real sister and date this random stranger!

Introduce two new characters out of nowhere. Have Mei accept a confession from one of them - a stranger from some other part of the country - and reject Yuzu, despite their obvious mutual love for each other.

Yeah, I'm firmly in the useless drama camp, and I have been for a while with this series.

Just another point on the "Mei does something nosnensical that will just spawn more drama to keep the engine going" score... Lost track of it, it's just too much to keep count.

The terrible writing has truely made this manga quite the dissapointment, really hope the mangaka gets an actual writer for his/her next manga, cuz this is just shit.

Mei has always been a needy character.

When we met her, she was doing anything to get her father's attention and approval and Matsuri outright calls her out on the previous arc,

Citrus discussion 28 Feb 15:02
joined Dec 18, 2013

wut ?? really ?? i thought the author just can't keep up with the deadline, not just "sketchy", they even transparent at next pages lol

That was my initial reaction but if you look closely you'll see they are the only ones drawn like that (and just at the beginning).