Also i can't put 1 and 1 together here, why Sayaka being gay from her friend had to do with making the rules strict again? If anything that wouldn't help.
Because despite she being unable to accept her own gayness, she doesn't want her crush to be "tainted" by the outside world and she talked her into enrolling a Aihara's because she saw it as the last bastion of purity and rightness in the world. So now comes Yuzu and Matsuri infecting it with their bullshit.
So it's Yuzu talk no jutsu time then. She will probably said everything gonna be daijobu. That anyway she still had to go to the outside world, unless she gonna lock her crush in a mansion. Also, don't want to look like i am relentless on Harumi but i found the comparison of Matsuri of Harumin being the backline healer spot on.
That aside, what I really wanted was to see that reverse uno card where Yuzu and Harumin try to do something for Matsuri and her future,
Ask Harumi to be less dense maybe or did she know but she want Matsuri to spell it for her ?
last edited at Feb 26, 2020 4:49PM