I see lots of others talking about the seagull at the end, and it really has an expression of "just date already" or I'm done with these girls lmao
If you check the artist twitter there's an illustration with the seagull on the cover of the comic, is called "Seagull screaming kiss her kiss her" so we can say the seagull is pretty much shipping them lol
Lmao thanks for the heads up, I went and look it, it's hilarious
Well, aside from the terrible habits that should not be glamorized, I like this. It's cute, the characters seem interesting, the art is good. Here's hoping for a redemption arc where they quit smoking together and go on to live long healthy lives as wife and wife.
Yeah it'd be nice if they went off smoking together. Also yeah smoking aside the art is really cute I think
Her jumping and the sandals flying off got a good laugh from me, I love how comically expressive the art is. Also that serious conversation really hit hard.
I've seen the tat a good amount in fanart and official materials...but I don't know if it shows up in the anime? Maybe the anime excluded the tat for the sake of saving time or something.