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joined May 4, 2013

Does someone by chance know what "da ze" means?

joined May 4, 2013

Love the turqoise monochrome coloring. Awesome, favorite color!

joined May 4, 2013

Absolutely terrific! Gives me the sads about the anime :< wish it wasn't so bad...

last edited at Jul 31, 2013 2:33PM

joined May 4, 2013

Let me get this streight (or gay).
She wants to join a club to find new friends, yet has to bring friends to form a club......................FUCK LOGIC!!!
(still cute series though, nuf said.)

last edited at Jun 25, 2013 12:33PM

Rasen discussion 19 Jun 08:22
joined May 4, 2013

Wow, there goes my faith in humanity.
On another note this would have been the more interesting if it had a little comforting side to it.

joined May 4, 2013

It is, as stated by fellow worriors of purity, infact a very delightful and charming slice-of-lifish story and I'm pretty excited for upcoming plot events.
What I'm missing though would be some hints of episode-crossing character development that are a little deeper than "oh well, this episode she learned about her invironment, the following one she joined this 'n that club".

Why yuri is so good? 28 May 17:58
joined May 4, 2013

...I am ex lover was bisexual...i loved her immensely... i still do. When we went our separate ways...we would still meet and talk and stuff...I hated the thought of her with another man...i still do...but when she would tell me about the girls she had met...well...I didn't mind...because i thought it would have been wonderful to see...and imagining it made me horny...and we would generally have sex while she told me...

I like to imagine that if...somehow...the human race were to evolve into a genderless species...we would all be women...because all a male brings to the equation is a cock and balls...there'd be no need for cock and balls anymore...that would be deep blue paradise...if i was a woman i would totally be lesbian...

edit;...oh and as i once read somewhere "cute girls should be with cute girls" ...imo...

^What GG said. Would be kinda odd though without ever penetrating one else. (then again might be a rather man-biased viewpoint)
Also must be blessing to date a bi-sexual girl.

-Another benefit of (sexually accented) yuri is the less aftermath that the couples have to face afterwards.
Although in het-dj the woman is in full anticipation of having cum all over her, I find it rather messy and troubling.

last edited at May 28, 2013 6:00PM

joined May 4, 2013

In some legends Marmaid cannot fall in love with humans because they will become foam ...

Wow, what sad myths :'{ I wish this had more to read between the lines though.

Also got something really nostalgic and melancholic atmosphere to it, like one of those antique literature-novels writen during postwar period.

last edited at May 28, 2013 5:31PM

Where you from?~ 21 May 11:49
joined May 4, 2013

Cologne, Germany
(more inbetween Cologne and Düsseldorf to be precise)