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joined Jun 25, 2019

And she didn't do anything so what's the problem ? Why focus on something that didn't happen ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

A lot probably

Slow Start discussion 12 Oct 19:01
joined Jun 25, 2019

In any case, it probably won't end with any couple anyway.

joined Jun 25, 2019

This work is actually a bit less clear in that regard, but the idea is that there's a reader expectation this will be het so the tag is there as a heads up

No, i'm fairly sure it's mostly because Daphne did some Het lately so when the Yuri tag get removed, she put the Not Het tag so people don't assume she did another Het. I for one don't see the need of it, you could just put no tag and nobody will assume it's het.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And here you think last chapter she would have progress but no,double down on it.I can't.

Parents shouldn’t force their children to work in what THEY want them to, so her sister is as much of a victim as MC.

And yet, they accept that the sister do what she want to do. But yeah, they're scums of the earth imarite. If they're were really that much of a scum,they will have forced the sister on it and not accept her dreams. They forced into MC because she is a NEET and a scum who have no dreams.Pretty sure they wouldn't have do this a certain someone cared about what she want to do instead of caring about only her horniness.

Sorry but i can't like her at this point.

You know how sometimes villains are more fun than heroes? That's what this story is.

Makino is very deliberately written to be a bad person. If you don't like her that's because you're not supposed to.

But she is not fun. Frankly the scum become less and less bearable for me. I said it again but it's just karma that her parents force her on the job.

Then why are you still reading?

Believe it or not, i still have hope she can somewhat redempt herself in some way like in the last chapter.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The "Let's save that for her" part... It's too wholesome, too adorable.
Both Nanao and Ena, best girls in this manga.
Notice it !!!! Adorable but stupid Asumi.

But do we really wish on Nanao a girlfriend who will cheat on her with all the whores in Tokyo?

Do remember who Asumi is looking for in all this, so Asumi would also have to address the issue of Mai sleeping with other woman to, if they actually became a proper couple to.

And Nanao thinks Asumi is a sex worker right now, so seems she isn't opposed to the idea.

I don't think she have any right to be picky about that given what she is doing to find her.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And here you think last chapter she would have progress but no,double down on it.I can't.

Parents shouldn’t force their children to work in what THEY want them to, so her sister is as much of a victim as MC.

And yet, they accept that the sister do what she want to do. But yeah, they're scums of the earth imarite. If they're were really that much of a scum,they will have forced the sister on it and not accept her dreams. They forced into MC because she is a NEET and a scum who have no dreams.Pretty sure they wouldn't have do this a certain someone cared about what she want to do instead of caring about only her horniness.

Sorry but i can't like her at this point.

You know how sometimes villains are more fun than heroes? That's what this story is.

Makino is very deliberately written to be a bad person. If you don't like her that's because you're not supposed to.

But she is not fun. Frankly the scum become less and less bearable for me. I said it again but it's just karma that her parents force her on the job.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And here you think last chapter she would have progress but no,double down on it.I can't.

Parents shouldn’t force their children to work in what THEY want them to, so her sister is as much of a victim as MC.

And yet, they accept that the sister do what she want to do. But yeah, they're scums of the earth imarite. If they're were really that much of a scum,they will have forced the sister on it and not accept her dreams. They forced into MC because she is a NEET and a scum who have no dreams.Pretty sure they wouldn't have do this a certain someone cared about what she want to do instead of caring about only her horniness.

Sorry but i can't like her at this point.

joined Jun 25, 2019


joined Jun 25, 2019

Makes me think this manga may end up being more than just a cheap excuse for porn

Think Younger Senpai make it clear that writing wasn't the author's forte.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Still, Asumi is searching for Mai to confront her feelings so we need at least to wait for that to happen.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Das some big thighs

joined Jun 25, 2019


joined Jun 25, 2019

Bubblegum getting the goth GF

joined Jun 25, 2019

Time for another divorce.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I love how each Splatoon duo endup being shipped.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Best OT3

joined Jun 25, 2019

Natural vibrations

joined Jun 25, 2019

Did she had the whole hand in it ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

This chapter blindsided me with how wholesome it was, feels like the first time the series focused mostly on discussing love over sex. It's kinda weird since at this point Nanao's feelings for Asumi seem more deeply explored than Asumi's feelings for Mai.

Was ever actually stated that Asumi has feelings for Mai? The way I understood it she basically just wants to meet an important person from her childhood and clear up a misunderstanding. I never had the impression that she had been in love with Mai all this time or something like that.


joined Jun 25, 2019

In Shimamura's defense, she isn't all that close with Adachi yet at that point in the story. She's just not prepared for the onslaught of emotion that gets unleashed on her and from her point of view she didn't do anything wrong to warrant it in the first place. Add on top of that her natural go with the flow ditzy/lazy disposition and she's just left very confused about the whole thing. FWIW, we later learn that she couldn't make out most of what she was saying anyway because Adachi was crying and yelling at the same time and not making much sense.

mind tag your spoilers ?

Liberta discussion 28 Sep 17:25
joined Jun 25, 2019

Did I just read futa porn?

Not under that pen name at least.

joined Jun 25, 2019

When your friend is having a full on breakdown so you call her a pain and hang up, great job Shimamura.

I mean, she's shown time and again she isn't capable of dealing with these sorts of things. Shimamura is acting very much like Shimamura here. Even if it's likely the literal worst thing she could've done.

Revealed later but the reason behind Shima's answer, beside being very Shima's like, is that she don't understand most of Adachi's monologue because she was sobbing all way through it so what Shima heard was only angry sobbing shouting. I mean yes, this answer wasn't the most appropiate but tbh she don't know what could be appropriate when she don't understand a word. Also Shimamura act like nothing happen the day after.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It's something to get work up about the chapter cover

joined Jun 25, 2019

Apparently, a boss who then can use the fact that it's broken to pressure a clueless employee into dating her. :-) My standard reality check: "Imagine if the boss were a guy, how would I feel about this development?" In this case, very uncomfortable.

...fuck, you're right, I didn't think about it from that perspective. Either way I'm gonna read it since it's Suzuki-sensei's work, but that kind of dampens the whole thing. Hopefully the series' makes up for it somehow.

Why think about something that isn't in the manga ? It's not about a male boss isn't it ? So why go out of your way and thinking that way for no reason ? You don't even need to think it as a man to feel that way. This developpement can be bad even it's a woman.