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joined Oct 20, 2017

The fact that You're Under Arrest was name dropped convinced me that this comic might belong in the "girls with guns" subgenre that was popular in 90s manga and anime. Though this is almost entirely a mystery plot, with no action spectacle, so the main similarity is that the protagonist is a young woman who is involved with law enforcement, and that she is "boobily breasting" even in her work clothes. The fact that the femme fatale type villain is actually the protagonist's girlfriend is a very welcome addition, obviously.

Yeah that was a really cool way to do a NSFW scene. Also unusually explicit for a manhua that isn't actually adult. Usually they're either depicting actual sex (extremely explicit) or barely even depicting kissing (sometimes even censoring it). There's pretty rarely an in-between like this.

Are there really any Chinese webtoons that depict full lesbian sex scenes?

I agree on the flower imagery, it was quite nice. In general I really appreciate that every other chapter includes a bit of romantic/sexual intimacy.

joined Oct 20, 2017

The text says "a lifetime", which in the show has been translated as "for our whole lives", as in the MyGO girls doing the band for the rest of their lives

joined Oct 20, 2017

Sorawo pushing Toriko on the ground and away from Satsuki is a great moment.

For some reason Satsuki (or the entity in her shape) only chooses to physically attack Runa and her mother. Runa's mother openly antagonizes her, so while the response is grotesquely violent, it's at least a response. But why attack Runa, when she approached her similarly to Toriko? Is Satsuki passing judgment on her for brainwashing people, by destroying the instrument of her power, i.e. her mouth?

Not attacking Toriko might make sense if Satsuki recognized her as someone familiar. But that assumes that this Satsuki is actually acting with some kind of intent and purpose.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Is "crush" meant to be that "stan" usage the series has done before?
This chapter was kind of confusing to read.

I don't have access to the raws, but you may be thinking of oshi, which is slang meaning either (1) someone who is a fan of a specific person, or (2) someone's favorite person, "bias" (e.g. an idol), but it is sometimes translated as "crush".

It's not uncommon in yuri for oshi to be just a step before the eventual crush. it's even put in titles sometimes, like in WataOshi and OshiBudo. In the case of WataOshi, the scanlators translated it as "I favor", while the official localizer as "I'm in love with". With OshiBudo it became "my favorite pop idol".

last edited at Oct 15, 2023 6:46PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

First, the author says it's not Yuri then the uploader says it's not romance.

It looks like the series is tagged as both yuri and romance on Comic-Walker (Kadokawa's web manga platform). I personally find the romance tag to be unwarranted at this point, but it is funny that the author apparently disagrees with the publisher's designation.

I didn't mind early on, but I have grown tired of the 4-page structure. Every episode needing to complete a narrative arc in four pages is a severe limitation on how the story can be paced, and results in a formulaic feeling. (This would not be a problem in a pure gag comic, but there's an actual plot being attempted here.) And that amplifies my feeling that the story itself is also running in circles...

last edited at Oct 15, 2023 6:12PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

It's so over

last edited at Oct 5, 2023 2:09PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

I feel like there's a line between teasing someone and being emotionally manipulative, and Ami's certainly crossing that. I don't get the idea of wanting to see your partner emotionally distraught, it just feels like being an ass to someone who cares about you deeply. Is this just some weird Japanese cultural thing where borderline abusive relationships are normalized or what?

You say that as if Japanese manga has only toxic relationships and the stuff from other countries have no toxic relationships at all. Like all those other manga with cute fluffy yuri doesn't exist or that all Japanese people think the relationship in the manga is something normal instead of the author just wanting to write a story about a messed up relationship instead of something more normal.

This is it. Generalizing a whole country as a monolith of decadence and perversion because non-wholesome media exists there (too) is an insane leap of logic. "Those Japanese are all the same, and just like me (a bigoted pervert), so they're good" and "those Japanese are all the same, and not like me (an unproblematic progressive), so they're bad" both start with the same incorrect (and orientalist) premise.

Morally condemning whole nations over anything unfamiliar - is this just some weird American cultural thing?

I guess my main reaction to this is — they are so YOUNG. They are little baby high schoolers. Kids that age do incredibly stupid stuff sometimes. Some high schoolers have almost zero self awareness. So I feel like that’s Ami here, and also Rei in her own way. Ami is wrapped up in her own life so she can’t actually see things from Rei’s point of view. That’s why I would hesitate to call this sadistic or abusive per se… it’s more like… stupidity?

On Rei’s end, she’s so wrapped up in this crush, I kind of wonder how much she’s got her whole identity riding on social and romantic acceptance.

In general, not a good scene, but mostly because these are emotionally immature teenagers.

I agree on not calling it abuse or outright sadism, but ascribing what Ami does to stupidity doesn't make sense to me. When Rei gets upset, Ami clearly recognizes it, but she also definitely enjoys it. Who or what is tricking her to enjoy getting a variety of emotional reactions out of Rei? She's also not simply provoking Rei to get her attention, after all, she already has her full attention.

I don't know, assuming that the characters lack any self-awareness or initiative just makes the story sound more boring to me.

last edited at Oct 5, 2023 1:25PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

We may have waited 9 months, but in just two chapters, Huang Qi already closed the distance from letting Bo He feast her eyes on her to gently stroking her arm. So the flirting is heating up at a healthy rate, I think

last edited at Oct 5, 2023 9:13AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

It's a bit tiresome that they're still dancing around the issue with basically no time left for anything. The doubly-fictional characters in Shizuku's novel might be "satisfied", but leaving the confession for the last minute or hour before Kaori dies is the opposite of satisfying, and more like twisting the knife for its own sake. You're telling me Shizuku has no reason to regret not confessing while they were alone on the beach, or now in the hospital? Confessing through the novel sounds cute on its own, but not when it's this late.

Alternatively, is Yuama, or someone at Ichijinsha, that desperately afraid that people would stop reading this series if the leads became a couple one or two chapters before the finale? Would all the tension and conflict have evaporated instantly if they had kissed in this chapter, or the one before?

Don't get me wrong, I still appreciate this story as it is, for many reasons. I really liked Shizuku reflecting on and telling Kaori about the history of her web novel. I'm just frustrated with how the romantic development is paced.

joined Oct 20, 2017

The whole chapter is great as usual but I love that it was all building up to some sloppy blood licking

joined Oct 20, 2017

Some people are still saying it's "not yuri" (or it's "trash") because Aikawa kissed a boy.

Those people are definitely wrong, but the "controversial" aspect of YuriHasa seems to be intentional. There are other Yuri manga that feature some F/M content, but those men are usually either faceless, incredibly pathetic, or outright abusive. So I think this manga might bother some people more because this boy is just kind of normal, which might make them feel like their frustration with the boy is a bug, not a feature.

Still, it's pretty clear that these het kisses are drawn as unromantic as possible. Chapter 1 opens with one, but it is greyed out, and the main focus of the page is Chihaya's reaction ("I should probably leave"). And the other kisses in chapter 4 and 5 are completely "censored".

The case of this "doomed" male love interest is also unusual in that the relationship between the girls would already have plenty of conflict without him. Unlike in e.g. Even Though We're Adults or Run Away With Me Girl, the presence of the boyfriend character in YuriHasa isn't a "problem" that one of the leads is stuck with, and more like a small, inconsequential variable, at least from what we can see on page in these first couple of chapters. He wouldn't even seem completely doomed, if it weren't for the highly confrontational title (and his lack of inclusion on the volume covers, and other off-page information).

last edited at Sep 21, 2023 3:15PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

I find the concept of YuriHasa quite funny, in that I can't help but think that it is knowingly in conversation with Hibike Euphonium. Maybe that just speaks of my shallow reference pool, but I don't know of any other piece of Japanese media that is about the drama between girls in a brass band, and where "boys got between yuri" (at least, from a lot of yuri fans' perspective).

I also noticed that Yuniko Ayana (a self-described yuri fan, whose anime main writer credits include Given, Bang Dream, and Flip Flappers) has been retweeting Yomogimochi's tweets promoting YuriHasa, and even tweeted about being interested in adapting it to anime. Ayana also recently sat down for an interview/discussion with Ayano Takeda, known for writing the Euphonium novels (their topics included Bang Dream It's MyGo!!!!! and Euphonium). I don't know if Takeda and Yomogimochi know each other (they haven't interacted on Twitter), but I wonder what a discussion between them would look like.

As for the release schedule, YuriHasa started as a 16-week limited trial series in March 2021. After a hiatus, it continued full serialization in December 2021. It seems to update weekly, with occasional breaks without a full update, similar to webtoons.

I'm glad I went digging because I found a thread from last year with all of the previous thumbnails Yomogimochi had used for the series up to that time. One of them is especially steamy.

last edited at Jan 23, 2024 9:33AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

The title got me excited, but now I almost feel lied to

A useless succubus who does t understand sex gets dominated by mysterious lesbian biologist where she has proper sex for the very first time... This is dum

Is the twist that kanade ia the actual succubus and Leanne is just a delusional human gurl who's down on her luck? That would at least make sense in a "I am Mari" sort of vein

She understands sex, she just didn’t like the previous experiences. It’s not good sex because it’s lesbian, it’s good sex because the biologist is soft with her and is asking for consent and ducking her the right way

Succubus is surprised that sex can even feel good, it's textbook girl doesn't understand her own body

Leanne's first time probably sucked, then with each successive encounter that felt bad she internalized the idea that she'll never get good sex. Knowledge about anatomy or how sex works was never going to help on its own; what she needed was a partner who actually cared about her pleasure.

Even though Leanne is a succubus, her position is similar to a sex worker, since she doesn't directly feed on her partners, and has to sell the energy instead to make a living. She also has no superhuman instincts to select a compatible partner for a hookup, to the point where she either never tried to vet her partners at all, or stopped trying over time. This is a low-fantasy implementation of the succubus trope, but the fact that she has horns, pointy ears, and a tail make it clear she's technically a non-human person.

last edited at Sep 11, 2023 7:23AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

I’ve never been too big on BL but Idk y I was disappointed it wasn’t. Maybe cuz I wanted to see it be done that way for once cuz most of the time it’s the guy that turns into a girl.

There is BL where a girl turns into a dude but it's just as nasty as when a dude turns into a girl solely for wish fulfillment purposes in yuri.

I wonder why you think it's nasty. Feel free to elaborate

last edited at Sep 11, 2023 5:55AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

I wont be surprised the scum became buddies or even marry that dude. As long as Mashiro staying as a mistress for Makino, along with non stop supply of money or credit card, things will work. Money buy you everything. Those three may even becomes a threesome. You cannot ignore that credit card.

Baha, your post seems to have hit a nerve, and that's hilarious. Morality police, go! A lesbian isn't allowed to marry a man for money.
Please post more of these comments that make everyone angry.

I'm pretty sure the suggestion of a threesome was the issue, not marrying a man for money...

joined Oct 20, 2017

Hodaka has a cute, slightly oddball personality; I think I would like him even if the story were about regular crossdressing or forcefemming.

[Spoilers from the next chapter] The shapeshifting technically should not preclude the occasional crossdressing (for lack of a better term, since Hodaka's identity might evolve over time); it would be cool to see him e.g. go to school wearing the girls' uniform while in boy form. There are lots of ways to use the "girlfriend's kiss gives him a girl form for a day" mechanic.

last edited at Sep 8, 2023 9:43AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

Touching shoulders is proof that you're best friends

last edited at Sep 5, 2023 6:04AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

Matilda is pretty tough, no window is going to stop her. I also love how the mistress licked her face like a puppy

joined Oct 20, 2017

She's biting on Taki's earring

joined Oct 20, 2017

Sigh, it turns out that "consent," under duress isn't actually consent at all. Makes the vampire lady a 2nd rate cartoon villain, and I can only hope that the ship doesn't sail. Too bad.

It's like we're retreading every Beauty and the Beast discourse trope in here. I'm sure someone will be concerned over Stockholm syndrome when Matilda starts falling for August

joined Oct 20, 2017

I'm the only one here to find the death of the other maid stupid ? I mean, she got her neck impaled by her own cross necklace so not only the thing had to go behind her neck when she fall but had to be perfectly aligned with her neck and also be sharp enough to pierce though it. I know we talking about vampire so in term of realism, we're already out but come on.

it's symbolically god punishing her for her wickedness, for trying to take more than that which was given to her by god in her own words, and doing so ironically by puncturing her neck ass he had demanded the vampire do

possibly a bit over the top to include it in a comic that starts the way this does but criticising it for being unrealistic is the wrong way to view it

Yeah, she was a straight christian who shot a lesbian for the sake of a man. Being stabbed by a cross feels pretty poetic. It's like Final Destination for homophobes

joined Oct 20, 2017

Everyone's always jumping to "axed" when they don't like an ending, even though this ending was basically locked in four chapters prior.

Well, there you go straight from the authors mouth: axed. I suspected as much, because it would take way more than four chapters to address everything they had been building up.

I wouldn't say that. The phrasing sounds like it might be talking about the new Kathy and Eliza story. For the main story, the publisher might have said "stop at the next volume end" but they definitely didn't cancel it early, as "axed" implies. It's like the difference between getting evicted and your landlord not renewing your lease. Both might be bad if you wanted to continue, but the latter is much less abrupt and threatening for your future. It's rare to see an "evicted" mangaka make a comeback sadly. Finished manga mangaka though frequently start a new series. I hope we see more from this author, I like their style. :)

It is plain common to call it "cancellation" when e.g. a TV series is not renewed for another season, so to me this distinction doesn't feel very meaningful. The sudden cancellation in manga that you refer to tends to happen because of the author's legal issues (civil or criminal), health problems, or death.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Nanao, who at this point has been in the focus for six chapters in a row (about 30% of the series so far)... a "side character".

Dude... she was like a dead fish.

Every pro she's been with till now got stronger reactions from her.

This is not what a dead fish looks like, what the hell are you smoking

last edited at Aug 15, 2023 1:11PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

@elevown the point is to make it known that the artist does not approve... I don't think anyone expects it to "scare the bots away"

joined Oct 20, 2017

The fact that Shion just dumped that on her basically unprovoked should be a clue for Michiru that the information is not reliable. I mean, she hasn't even thought about confessing, just barely admitted it to herself. I can only hope she asks for a second opinion... Mona knows about Shion's deal, or maybe Kiki's sister?