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New Game discussion 01 Sep 03:25
joined Dec 12, 2016

Umiko isn't really an apt comparison, as she takes that attitude for completely different reasons, as she has clearly stated, and she actually does care about making the product better. Naru only seems to care about getting things done as assigned, damn the final quality.

How does she take the attitude for a completely different reason? She doesn't, she clearly states that she is annoyed with Hazuki constantly changing specs and forcing the programming team to work overtime. Yes, Naru seems to care about getting her assigned work done on time, because that is her job. Why wouldn't she get mad at other forcing more work on her just because they didn't get it right the first or second time?

And the thing is, Naru can't even be sure they're evaluating her so heavily on speed. Since she's doing actual work for the game they are making, they might put more emphasis on the total quality of the final product. So she'd be screwing herself by trying to rush out something that ends up being poorly-designed.

Except she wouldn't. She is not the designer, a poorly designed event would solely fall on Hajime. Do you know what would reflect badly on Naru? Only getting one event done in a 3 month span.

New Game discussion 01 Sep 01:50
joined Dec 12, 2016

Whether Naru would be right or wrong in the real world is irrelevant; in the world of the story her attitude needs to fundamentally change, which is exactly what Umiko (gently) tells her in the last two panels.

Except her attitude is exactly like Umiko's. Umiko has a far worse attitude towards Hazuki, even going as far as threatening her with physical violence if she makes spec changes.

There are clearly better ways she could have handled it, and better ways she could have put it.

There really isn't. She put it exactly as she should have, with the cold hard truth. She was very open about why she was irritated and what Hajime had to do in order for the team to move forward. She explained that she was under pressure to get the work done so that she can get hired and didn't have the luxury of messing around with her first project. She accepted the first spec changes despite pushing the dead line, its the second change and the possibility of further delays that ticked her off.

It's less that she spoke up and more about how she said it. Like, what purpose does bringing up Hajime's own status at the company really serve there other than to be a not-so-veiled jab at her?

To point at the fact that Naru is on thinner ice, that she can't screw around because she is under a microscope while Hajime doesn't have nearly as much pressure on her. Naru has much more to prove and Hajime didn't understand that.

joined Dec 12, 2016

This has got to be the most by-the-book Yuri manga I have ever read.

New Game discussion 31 Aug 22:51
joined Dec 12, 2016

I am genuinely curious how much longer people will be able to contine defending Naru's actions amd attitude.

It doesn't matter what the future brings, she is 100% right in her current actions. Hajime apologized and Umiko didn't reprimand her.

New Game discussion 31 Aug 22:42
joined Dec 12, 2016

No. Just no.
Of course she has the right to point out problems. Pointing out upcoming problems is good. BUT she has to mind her status in the company. As for now she's JUST a student on probation. Getting cocky - not only with Hajime but with other fellow colleagues as well - is a no go. As far as I see her until now, she just does her work but is absolutely no teamplayer. I give it to her that the whole situation is new to her, BUT despite her skill I would not hire someone actively working against their team.

Her "status" shouldnt mean a damn thing since she is 100% correct. Hajime needed to be told that she had to do her damn job so that the team could move forward. Hajime constantly switching specs while stringing along a coworker is the problem that needed to be addressed, not Naru's attitude. If it were then Umiko would have reprimanded her instead of agreeing.

Then again, this manga has nothing to do with real live companies. A company working this way would just get bankrupt after months. In the end all are happy because Naru and Momo integrate, everyone get's a job because reasons and all of them just get "New Game Washed" til their all the same mediocre character without much depth. So who cares. This great manga should have ended after the first game. Now it's just mediocre.

Again, sorry, but you're just wrong. This is how some of the most successful companies in the world work now-a-days. I've worked at Amazon, they literally have it written on the walls to challenge seniors when they do something you don't agree with. I seriously mean it, they literally wrote the words "Have a backbone, stand up for yourself." on the walls in the break rooms.

Besides, how would fresh blood challenging seniors cause the company to go bankrupt? You know what would cause a game company to go bankrupt? Game designers constantly changing specs and never being happy with the results. This would lead to delays, which would lead to fans losing interest (especially for a new IP), which would lead to publishers pulling out, which would lead to cancelling the game. If Umiko didn't challenge Hazuki or Naru didn't challenge Hajime then no actual work would ever get done.

Pulse discussion 31 Aug 15:30
joined Dec 12, 2016

As much as I wish for Sue to suffer, I don't want Mel to get legal responsibility for beating her. If that's what happens... I'm afraid Mel may end up arrested too.

Not too sure about Korean Thai Random Country's law but if Olivia testifies the circumstances (right after getting blackmailed and raped) Mel might get away with another claim of self defense like she did before.

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 4:03PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Honestly, I think NnA demonstrates some of the best writing I've ever seen in a "yuri" manga

Hahaha, that's a good one.You should do stand up.

New Game discussion 31 Aug 15:04
joined Dec 12, 2016

Yes, but with one crucial difference: She is just a lowly student on evaluation, trying to get into a company, while Umiko can tell Hajime or whoever she likes what she's thinking of changes because they're on the same level in the company hierarchy. If an intern in my company would be this cocky towards my employees, no matter their skill, after 3 months their out.

I'm sorry but that's just piss poor management then. I get the idea of seniority but it that is what you go on when a new employee rightfully calls out a veteran then you're just cementing the issue. You need new blood to mix up things and try to find new solutions to old problems, you don't do that by firing every new face that has the balls to call out issues. Hell, companies like Amazon encourage new employees to have a spine and voice their opinions and frustrations.

Hajime has a problem, she knows she has a problem but doesn't know how to deal with it. If Naru didn't confront her then they would have been stuck in a loop trying to finish a simple mini-game. If she didn't push the issue of the deadline then Hajime would have kept using the excuse that there is leeway and that they shouldn't worry about it. This would have caused delays, Hajime would have looked bad for poor planning skills, Naru would have looked bad for not getting enough work done fast enough. Naru forcing Hajime to get serious about planning is a good thing that benefits both parties.

New Game discussion 31 Aug 11:09
joined Dec 12, 2016

That isn't the place to be trying to show off.

Except this is the exact place to be showing off. She is an intern under a 3 month evaluation. If she has to spend 3 months putting together one mini-game that the designer can't figure out then it will make her look bad. She either has to confront the game designer to get their shit together or look like she is making excuses by blaming a coworker while having nothing to show during her evaluation.

She is simply doing the same exact thing Umiko does when specs get changed. The game designer should be told that their inability to do their job is hurting the rest of the team. If a coder has to spend 2 months on every little game event then that's just going to cause delays. So better to let Hajime know that she needs to get it together rather than just letting her string an intern around in circles.

Image Comments 31 Aug 09:06
joined Dec 12, 2016

I think she is teary eyed because this takes place right after their reunion.

New Game discussion 31 Aug 08:01
joined Dec 12, 2016

Of course, in this kind of work, making and remaking is to be expected, like how Aoba and Kou have a pile of rejected concepts, is too early for Naru to feel overworked, I wonder if she can handle the days with extra hours that comes later.

But it's not about being overworked, it's the fact that it makes her look bad not finishing on time and therefore may affect her being hired after her 3 month internship.

New Game discussion 30 Aug 10:52
joined Dec 12, 2016

Naru and Momo with that married life. Also Naru fitting in with the rest of the programmer by laying down the law.

joined Dec 12, 2016

You know what doesn't support the author? Asserting a false negative about the story so that ignorant people who read it will no longer follow it. See the people who were disappointed, even one person calling it garbage. The insults are justified, especially when they directly invite them.

If you can't actually read the language, don't try to ruin the story for others with false impressions.

Pulse discussion 25 Aug 09:40
joined Dec 12, 2016

Mel, QUICK! Find a sharp object and just start stabbing!

If Olivia didn't step in I was seriously considering dropping this. Nice Save.

Kase-san discussion 23 Aug 01:42
joined Dec 12, 2016

Is this series over? I mean, it says end, but I dunno if it means its the end of the arc or the series as a whole. lol

Its technically the end of this series but there is a sequel. Check the authors page.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Moose x Jaguar? Meh

Anime season 18 Aug 19:52
joined Dec 12, 2016

Interesting insight! What was the problem, BTW?

First episodes had a lot of japanese complaining on Twitter: "what a going on?", "please explain".
The obscure plot probably made a lot of people drop it. Maybe it would be a more successful show years ago, when EVA and FLCL were success.

Even FLCL wasn't that much of a success seeing as how it needs western publishers to fund its new season.

Pulse discussion 18 Aug 12:42
joined Dec 12, 2016

Hey, doesn't it just ruin your day when bad people get exactly what they are after and the good people just stand there and watch? Fuck this shit.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Just came across this a few minutes ago. Quite...interesting.

That was ridiculous in all the right ways. Good find.


It's gone

Here you go:

Anime season 18 Aug 08:21
joined Dec 12, 2016

That could mean a few things I think. Perhaps lovers or even enemies? Maybe they're planning something we don't expect... Maybe they're double agents or something crazy. (Probably not but it would be kind of entertaining)

Yeah, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they are not enemies. We know that their plan is to take over the kingdom by making Princess queen so that they can take down the wall and unify the country again. Ange at first wanted them to run away together to a white house out in the country, but Princess wants to allow everyone who has loved ones separated by the wall to be together again. And this is what we know from their conversations with just the two of them, I don't expect that they are planning anything different unless they are lying to each other.

Anime season 18 Aug 02:52
joined Dec 12, 2016

Has the staff said anything regarding Yuri though? As I said, going that route seems risky after Flip Flappers failed...

Nothing straight from the staff, there rarely ever is while a show is currently airing, but the poster that has the two with the words "love affair/amorous adventure" seems to highly suggest something beyond friendship.

I dont know why you are under the impression that flip flappers failed. There was some early estimates that the studio wouldnt make its money back but the fact that its getting a dub suggests that it sold enough to garner interest from western markets. And besides the sales, it did get good reviews from the people who actually watched it so maybe it was thought to be more of a marketing issue than anything with the actual content of the show.

Anime season 18 Aug 02:39
joined Dec 12, 2016

Princess Principal really couldn't hold back the gay even when the episode didn't involve Ange or Princess.

I feel like they were talking not about a romantic one in that scene.
Probably why the princess calls Ange Charolotte even though that's her name?
Little theory:
maybe they switched places? Like Ange is really the princess? They do have the same/similar hair colours and that could explain it. I dunno but I think too many clues are pointing in that direction for me...

It was confirmed that they switched places as children in episode 2. The note black lizard gives princess calls herself Charlotte and Princess Ange.

I don't know what else they could be referring to when they use the term "our relationship". When princess suggests that they start acting like friends in front of everyone Ange says that she wouldn't be able to hold back.

last edited at Aug 18, 2017 2:53AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Wow. Really, a lot of the things you state about friendship are just personal opinions. You really can't impose your own standards, claim them to be actual facts, expect everyone to follow them and claim everything else to be bullshit and don't make sense. If it's hard to believe just because you can't relate, that's your own problem.

Please, I would love to know how you can have a close friend that you don't even know their name. How the hell can they be close if you literally know nothing about them? That's not a personal opinion, that's just a fact. If they know nothing about them then they can't be close.

An actual friend necessarily would know of whatever people are involved in whatever worries you're having? Lol? Is that another fact? Actual friends have to personally know all your other actual friends too? Unless it's a fact that any person only has one group of friends, not really.

Yes they would, if not then it's no different than asking a stranger for advice.

Your mileage may vary. Agree to disagree, if it was that hard for you to perceive anything at all

What a cop out, fact is that there wasn't any romance between the two. Literally just online "friends" then love rivals and no feelings portrayed between the two of them that would be considered romantic by any measure.

cough personal standards and opinion cough. Kinda really hard to actually reply you, when a lot of these are statements are basically starting with IN MY OPINION, THEREFORE IT IS.

If you can't defend it with your own opinion then what's the point in starting the argument? How do you see their online friendship as special?

Cus nothing had happened yet lmao
It happened with Nina acknowledged how she felt and made a move

Nothing happened at all throughout the whole story, and why her "move" makes no sense.

It sure is, if you blatantly ignore everything that showed what their relationship was like
I mean, that sounds like a really lazy way to dismiss any relationships ever, really. "Person A reached out to someone they wanted to get to know better and that was it". Yeah, if you cut everything out, that is indeed pretty much it.

What am I cutting out? That's literally how they explain how they started contacting each other. Liked her cat pictures > talked to her.

Aside from how we actually don't see her treat other people that same way?
Hiruma apparently looks like a loner without friends too, I'm sure that if she acted super chummy and caring when vividly interacting with the rest of her classmates, they wouldn't have gotten the impression that she liked to be alone if she's trying so hard for everyone else as well.

She literally says in that panel that she has other friends in different classes. How did you miss that? And the person who has the impression that she liked being alone is literally the person we are talking about who she doesn't treat special.

And a sandwich is really just two or more slices of bread being an extremely underwhelming meal if you somehow ignore absolutely everything in between the slices too.
A buildup you find bad =/= no build up =/= a buildup you don't find believable

Bad build up is no build up. A foundation made up of shit is both not a good foundation and couldn't be justified as one.

I mean, Ayaka was kind and encouraging to Yurine in the beginning, and Yurine hella latched onto her. Ayaka said she'd beat her, and then Yurine forced a few kisses.
Izumi and Chiharu spent idk how many mornings together, hanging out. Izumi eventually grew insistent on helping Chiharu mend her relationship with her senpai, and after a big gesture, we got some signs that they were warming up to each other and got closer.
It's fictional romance, it really isn't uncommon for a character to perceive another under a romantic light after an important gesture or event/trigger of some kind, one that means a lot to them. For Nina, that gesture would be their talk under the rain. And it's not like Hiruma wasn't kind to her in their previous exchanges either.

Oh, you mean the Ayaka and Yurine romance that is literally spanning across the whole series and hasn't reached it's romantic conclusion yet? Might want to not use that one as an example. Izumi and Chiharu literally happened in an extra. It wasn't even deemed good enough by Canno to give it its own volume.

The talk under the rain which resulting in absolutely nothing romantic. Not even an inner monologue about how they are growing attracted to each other.

Tbf, there are no need for such talks to acknowledge/realise how someone feels. Or is this also a fact?
For instance, we've yet to hear Ayaka admit to anyone nor herself whatever she may feel towards Yurine, but it sure as hell isn't hatred. Somehow, without such talks, it's almost like readers can make observations and understand what's going on from reactions, expressions, their behaviour, context and their interactions.
"I can't live without you" is Nina realising she needed Hiruma, because she fulfills a separate emotional need that Amane doesn't. Surprisingly, whether it's romantic or not, it's like different people have different relationships with one another. And in this case, it just so happens that her emotional attachment to Hiruma became romantic as well.
Finding it sufficient to decide whether or not it's believeable is one thing, stating that there are no transitions is another.

No it's not "another". If it's not sufficient to be believable then why the hell would I say there was a transition at all? If it's not good enough to be a transition then I will state as such and will continue to. It's garbage writing, plain and simple. Their interactions are not romantic, Hiruma provides absolutely nothing to show she even reciprocates Nina's bipolar feelings.

But sure, if you personally don't think anything that happened counted for much, that's fine. You can't just state your opinions like indisputable facts.
You can argue that it was done poorly, but you can't say that it wasn't done at all, just because you personally chose to dismiss anything that doesn't fit personal standards you try to pass off as universal facts
Your values and beliefs are your own. Even if they are common, they aren't absolute.
There's something kinda different about saying that "it's hard to form a trustworthy, close emotional connection with someone if you don't know what they look like", and "it's hard if they aren't considerate of your feelings but expect you to respect theirs", for example.
Inb4 you go "except everything I said is absolute, they aren't opinions, they are facts"

Again, I can say it wasn't done at all because it wasn't. it's nice how hypocritical you are stating that I can't claim my opinions as facts but have to problem claiming your own as facts. Is it not your opinion that there was a transition, that there was romantic chemistry? You clearly said that I can't say these things didn't exist but only that they were done poorly. That's your opinion, drink your own kool aid for once. Your opinion that there was actual transition from love rival to romance can just be as wrong as mine stating that there was none.

And this doesn't even cover how ridiculous Amane acts. Can't wait for the follow up when Amane goes skirt chasing for more girls to add to her harem. I'm sure Nina will just fall in love with every single one and Hiruma will just sit there was a smile on her face accepting everything and not having an opinion of her own.

last edited at Aug 17, 2017 8:45AM

Anime season 17 Aug 08:17
joined Dec 12, 2016

Princess Principal really couldn't hold back the gay even when the episode didn't involve Ange or Princess.

Symphogear episode 6 finally got fansubbed and didn't want to get outgayed by PriPri. Example: "All I want is her love, her skin on mine." Not to forget when Hibiki was told that the noise was heading for the school and all she could think about was Miku. Hopefully this flag means that there might actually be some on screen progress between these two now that everyone knows that symphogears are literally connected to the user through their love.

joined Dec 12, 2016

It's not a personal standard, it's just a fact. How can they be close friends if they don't even know each other's names? That just sounds sad.

So they did talk a little bit more than just cats even though that's how they started. But she confides in her like anyone who confides in Yahoo answers or /r/askreddit. Nothing really all that personal about the situation she is in. She doesn't talk to her like she would talk to an actual friend who would know more about the people involved.

Well yeah? They never really spoke irl, and Nina only knew of Hiruma as the other girl Amane is showing interest in. It's not exactly far fetched to antagonise whom you're jealous of.
And finding out that Hiruma is her friend online put a strain on that too, and makes it difficult to [continue] acting chummy with her (online), since she resents her for her relationship with Amane. That's just Nina in denial and restraining herself tho, from cognitive dissonance. She likes Hiruma online, but there's no way she could behave that way around her irl, giving the situation. Can't forget Hiruma empathising with her and comforting her.
Lke I said, Nina was conflicted. Hiruma irl is a rival, but also turns out to be her friend online, whom Nina does care about.

And absolutely none of it is portrayed romantically, therefore making the whole situation bizarre and hard to understand how it progressed from one to the other. Even the idea that their online friendship was special is hard to accept. Again, didn't even know that much about each other. Didn't know their names or where they lived or where they went to school. I got to know more about someone I played a game of CS with better than these two knew each other. No personal information exchanged between them and yet they are precious friends? That makes no sense.

Yeah it's not directly stated, but she gets pretty excited and pensive about her. I mean, she only heavily blushes and looks at her like that.
Hiruma is clearly super fond of Nina, and cares a lot about her and how she feels, going out of her way to reach out to her

There is still nothing there that indicates any actual romance between the two. She reached out to a cat photographer that she liked and that was it. She's a nice person who cares how people feel but there's nothing indicating that she treats Nina more special than anyone else.

Like, fine by me if you don't think the relationships are built up well enough to be convincing, but if you start arguing that it's so because it "magically" happened, when it clearly didn't, and then argue that they "weren't friends", when they clearly were (and have stated it themselves), that's just kinda awkward tbh :s

Except it did magically happen with no build up. The "romance" just sprung up out of nowhere. There was no talks of liking or being in love, it went from internet "friends" to love rivals to "I can't live without you" with nothing transitioning in between. It's jarring, unbelievable, and makes the whole relationship seem fickle. Not to mention that this whole polyamory starts because on girl just asks out every cute girl she meets, for an actual polyamory relationship that's just a time bomb.