Me too. x) Yeah that and blonde seems to be fond of hiromi too. The whole horse scene looked romantic to me (even if the conversation was not). I didn't expect such subtext from this anime so it was a pleasant surprise. (Between just you and me) You should have seen the grin on my face when I was watching it. xDD
Yeah, the horse scene was like from a romantic flick. I was so confused during that scene. On one hand, it was a lovely yuri moment, on the other, well, I ship Hiromi (or at least I shipped until that scene!) with the glasses-girl! Between you and me, I have a thing for glasses, so I'd love it if Hiromi chose her. xD
Yup. They sure did. ;) Shizuka x Natsuki was obvious as they are the OTP of the show but there was some hard blushing from chinatsu towards mizuki. Lol look at her pouting and blushing.
A secondary couple appears! The crowd goes wild. I loved that blushing part!
Speaking of that episode, how would you feel if you went to see idols, but had to listen to the prime minister throw dirt at them? Bad move, PM!
last edited at Mar 6, 2017 3:46PM