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joined Sep 9, 2016

I really hope the next Yuri anime adaption that gets announced in the future is this manga, I would watch the hell out of it

It's from 2015, though, and I haven't heard anything since.

Anime season 10 Mar 15:24
joined Sep 9, 2016

Oi, Autumn. If you're still interested, Minami Kamakura had a really gay bath scene this week.

Schoolgirl Strikers was also pretty fun. I love Yu Kobayashi's voice, and this week she got to say a few more lines!

joined Sep 9, 2016

this taste.png
This taste...

It's that of a liar!

JoJo reference. Nice.

Kanna x Saikawa moments are always great. So cute.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Well, that got nice and subtexty fast! I love Valentine's Day chapters!

As for the day itself... xD

Anime season 08 Mar 15:02
joined Sep 9, 2016

Are there better subs for Gabriel Dropout than Horriblesubs/Crunchyroll? The translators are adding too much "flavor" of their own, I just keep hearing the difference...

Vigne: Itadakimasu.

Subtitles: Through the Dark Lord. Amen.

Yeah, I hate it when translators take liberties. :S

On another note, Dragon Maid was adorable once again. Yuri family antics! Yay!

joined Sep 9, 2016

Mostly canon pairing
Gets a shit ton of hate for being "forced"

I do not understand this, do people just want everything to always be subtext and never go beyond that?

Are there really people who do not like it?? That's weird. I'd thought people would be glad we got a canon couple...

I think Chika x Riko is a great pairing!

joined Sep 9, 2016

Regardless of what anyone thinks about this, the documentary is a non-issue. Not even Japanese law could ban actual lolicon content, so what chances a random western has?

The same way the west has recently ruined Japanese copyright doctrine while circumventing the constitutional charter and existing laws: Policy Laundering using international treaties like the TPP and the TPIP.

Wowee, BBC2 documentary directors have a lot more clout than I gave them credit for!

The media has more power than we give them credit for. Let's not forget that the press (mostly those owned by William Randolph Hurst) caused the Spanish-American war, what with all the false information and biased articles.

All it takes is for the Parliament to take this seriously and pressure Japan through the UN (for example). Basically it would be like the whale-hunting issue.

Not saying that would happen, but it is a possibility. Do not underestimate the media and the stupidity of the human race.

last edited at Mar 8, 2017 1:08AM

joined Sep 9, 2016

2) Weebs aren't an oppressed minority and a documentary maker doesn't have the power or desire to make you one, so calm down.

Not all weebs, just Yuyushiki fans.

Hardcore childporn


Such indecency... Faints

joined Sep 9, 2016

Why don’t you Japanese people follow what the UK does?

This attitude has always bothered me, not just in this context but anywhere...

Anyway, not to bash, but I think it would be best to ignore articles like these. It feels like their only goal is to create controversy.

Anime season 07 Mar 07:07
joined Sep 9, 2016

Finally had a chance to see the Yuyushiki OVA and the Kinmoza OVA! Both were pretty gay and also a lot of fun. Kinmoza especially was very cute, as usual!

Both series are some of my favourites.

Image Comments 07 Mar 01:25
joined Sep 9, 2016

HomuMado is love, HomuMado is life!

Image Comments 07 Mar 01:22
joined Sep 9, 2016

Tsubasa is living the dream.

Anime season 06 Mar 15:44
joined Sep 9, 2016

Me too. x) Yeah that and blonde seems to be fond of hiromi too. The whole horse scene looked romantic to me (even if the conversation was not). I didn't expect such subtext from this anime so it was a pleasant surprise. (Between just you and me) You should have seen the grin on my face when I was watching it. xDD

Yeah, the horse scene was like from a romantic flick. I was so confused during that scene. On one hand, it was a lovely yuri moment, on the other, well, I ship Hiromi (or at least I shipped until that scene!) with the glasses-girl! Between you and me, I have a thing for glasses, so I'd love it if Hiromi chose her. xD

Yup. They sure did. ;) Shizuka x Natsuki was obvious as they are the OTP of the show but there was some hard blushing from chinatsu towards mizuki. Lol look at her pouting and blushing.

A secondary couple appears! The crowd goes wild. I loved that blushing part!

Speaking of that episode, how would you feel if you went to see idols, but had to listen to the prime minister throw dirt at them? Bad move, PM!

last edited at Mar 6, 2017 3:46PM

Anime season 05 Mar 13:29
joined Sep 9, 2016

Guess I'll watch just that episode then but not the rest.

Yup it's me. :D Hi and thank you for remembering me. :)

I could never forget you! If you do watch it, it's the beach scene with the tomboy and rich girl. ;)

Is it me or did Idol Incidents up the yuri in the latest episode?

joined Sep 9, 2016

Haruka and Yuu's "warming up party". Niiiiice!

Yuru Yuri discussion 05 Mar 01:20
joined Sep 9, 2016

Is anyone still translating this? I miss my Kyoko x Ayano. :(

Anime season 05 Mar 01:07
joined Sep 9, 2016

How is Minami Kamakura in terms of subtext? I am not watching it atm but may watch it if there is some.

The latest episode was a bit subtexty. There was one scene/ line that felt like one girl proposed to another. Can't quote it, because I don't remember it word for word.

There's not much of it in other episodes. I still like it, though.

Oh, and hi Autumn! It's you again! I didn't realize. :)

Scandal discussion 05 Mar 00:47
joined Sep 9, 2016

How the heck did they get into a relationship in the first place when there was such a lack of trust between the both of them?!

I thought it was quite a realistic depiction of relationships. People aren't perfect, they get jealous.

But damn, that ending was really horrifying. Poor Misaki ended up going out with a psycho. Definitely a bad ending.

Overall the story was okay. Although I prefer happy endings, not every story needs one. I would even call this a tragedy.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Nako and Bocchi should marry, best couple

Aww yiss! Agree 100.5%

Anime season 04 Mar 16:08
joined Sep 9, 2016

Any of you watching Bang Dream? Mostly friendship between girls but there are scenes here and there you can call subtext.

I do. It is very subtexty, but I'm still waiting for them to start banging. The title lied to me! xD

Liberty discussion 04 Mar 01:26
joined Sep 9, 2016

Oh, come on, have you read her earlier works? There's a fucking penis-shaped alien in one. Pretty much every NSFW thing she's done is horrible. And I mean, Girl Friends is great, Secret of the Princess is great, but The Secret Recipe's bland, so's Hana and Hina. She did some good stuff but most of her work is... meh.

That's just, like, your opinion, man!

Why bring Morinaga up in the first place? We're talking about Liberty here! Unless you want to start a fight, I see no reason to come here to diss one of my favourite authors.

And if it's a fight you want, I'll indulge you. Put up yer dukes! >:[

last edited at Mar 4, 2017 1:26AM

Liberty discussion 03 Mar 15:47
joined Sep 9, 2016

She's fifty times better than morinaga milk and I'll beat up any girlfriends fan who dares say otherwise.

You are welcome to try, but in my case, I think you'd lose.

It figures the seiyuu for Tomoko is into yuri.

My thoughts exactly! I'm somehow really happy that she likes yuri. She's one of us! Yay!

joined Sep 9, 2016

That nighttime scene… I can't… I'm dying… That's too adorable. >>___<< It's quite symptomatic though. Both Yuu and Sayaka are acting as a deadlock for the other to keep their impulses in check. Though Touko has only her self-restraint (and pitch-black darkness) for that. >.>

That scene was pure gold! Despite what she claims, Yuu is clearly in love with Touko. It's obvious, and cute.

joined Sep 9, 2016

If you're not aware of what happened at Aqour's first Live (which this is in reference to) you can read about the entire event here:!_~Step!_ZERO_to_ONE~_Day_2_Report

That was really heartwarming.

Anime season 01 Mar 05:37
joined Sep 9, 2016

The side yuri was meh at best. Nothing too much praise worthy like Yuri Kuma or Flip Flappers.

tbh, neither of these are any good.

You're right, they're not good... They're great!