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joined Mar 8, 2016

I think (at least, I hope) that part of the disconnect that some people are having with not being able to see the "creepy" factor here is the layer of remove that the manga format adds. We are all at this point more or less accustomed/desensitized to the pantheon of characters who are stated to be the "magic" age of 14-15 and yet are drawn with the curves and poise of full-grown adults (speaking of women here but it applies to the men too sometimes). All the 14-year-olds should be creepy to us too, but we're used to it and the art either doesn't reflect their age or the stylization makes it easy to look past.

In this case, the younger sister isn't drawn appreciably differently so you could overlook the 6th grade line and not see anything wrong. However, try to think if this were a live action TV show. Would you be comfortable watching a 16-18 year old pin down and kiss a 10-12 year old? Do you remember what it was like to be 10-12? Everyone's different, I know, but I can say I had zero interest in girls or understanding of sexual desire at all until about 14. Moreover, have you seen a 10-12 year old (or even 14-15) recently? I looked at some old yearbooks awhile back and I could not believe how awkward and gangly all the people I thought were so mature at the time actually looked. They're just slightly taller kids.

If you have particular fetishes and fantasies that make this stuff appealing to you, well, that's your deal and manga will always have that demo. But you can't rationally not see how for most people this is stretching too far into loli territory.

joined Mar 8, 2016

FYI, in case this isn't already known (didn't see it the past few pages), this is getting a print edition:

Buy! Support Mochi-sensei!

joined Mar 8, 2016


Speaking of being old, I am incapable of reading this sentence without hearing the Professor.

joined Mar 8, 2016

I always thought the "symbol" or whatever for this scanlation group was oddly fascist-looking. I had figured it came out of one of those dumb military-stuff-as-moe-girls games, but I guess it's a bit worse than that.

I don't think the page is especially offensive other than, again, the vague quasi-fascism of it all, given that "ubermensch" is a non-pejorative term that many other mainstream works of entertainment have used because of its ability to shorthand convey a particular way of thinking. I guess the danger of it is if it's the beginning of a "boil the frog" (pun kind of intended) way of sneaking progressively worse stuff in.

What's more bothersome is DS deciding to keep it because the scanlator "threatened" to remove their material. To which I say - so what? Either keep everything if you think the credit page is acceptable, or ship it all off if it's not. What the scanlators want shouldn't enter into the decision unless they're paying the bills. (And since I'm not either, I guess the same goes for me, but...)

last edited at Jul 17, 2017 2:42AM

joined Mar 8, 2016

"He has the best words"

this manga is so goodful

Glimpse into how the sausage gets made: this was the result of Dr. Mario and me collaborating on how to deal with the original joke, which had the first character using the English words "fast" and "slow" in a Japanese sentence and the second wondering in amazement if he is bilingual.

Glad we were successful in making it similar and still funny in English. :p

joined Mar 8, 2016

Okabe goes Rin

I saw no tracksuit. Unless we're talking about different Rins, but i certainly see no reason for that. :p

This has stealth become one of my favorite works, i just wish the author would take the plunge and draw a full story. At least a 30 page doujin. TAKE MY MONEY. :O

joined Mar 8, 2016

Meh, I'm on the "dud train" with this one too. For as long as it is, so very little happens, especially compared to the usual Mochi stories. I don't think the length added anything to some pretty one-dimensional characters. She rolled out all the tired old tropes here - the "should two girls be doing this," the "what are these feels?, " the "I'm ok if you'll have me," etc. And the yuri at the end is kinda perfunctory and robotic. It's not clear at all why the kouhai should be attracted to the senpai, since as far as we can tell her only redeeming quality is that she shows up to practice.

All that aside, even if she can't stand up for herself face to face, since it's the first years' responsibility to clean up can't she just drop the mop, walk out, and let them take the heat? And more than that, isn't Tsukioka a first year, so shouldn't she have had to clean up anyway and is not exactly doing a special favor by helping?

joined Mar 8, 2016

Thanks to the several people who clarified the "Scissor" translation. It makes sense, when I think of the way it's played in Japanese (Shout "jan, ken, pon" then throw). In English people either usually count it ("One, two, three") or don't say anything and just tap the rhythm in their palm. I have heard some people do "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" and throw on the word "shoot!" but I don't think it's too common, at least not in my area. Without the first two words I was just confused about why she was saying it (and since the translation was missing the "s" it added to the confusion).

joined Mar 8, 2016

Not to pick nits, but the translation says "Scissor!" when Asane clearly throws paper (and paper beats rock, so that's how she wins the game). Was this a mistake or did she say one thing and throw another (which would cause a big fight in any RPS game I've ever played. XD)

Also, I'm really coming around on this author. The stories are super simple to this point but cute and right in my strike zone, and the art is growing on me. Hope she puts out something for purchase at some point!

joined Mar 8, 2016

Content wasn't really my thing, but I gotta give props to whoever did the graphics work for the translation. They did a bangup job getting the gradient and style right for the sound effects (really polished look overall too).

joined Mar 8, 2016

@Ropponmatsu: Her original description is "優雅でゴージャスな美しき悪女"

I might have gone with "Elegantly gorgeous, beautiful bad girl."

"悪女" seems to be one of those words that varies its strength and meaning depending on the context, age of the speaker, etc. Obviously the kanji are literally "bad" and "girl." I've also seen it translated as "bitch," "wicked woman," "ugly woman." I sense that Kishi-sensei did not intend it to be a harsh pejorative like that (none of the characters are really bad or unsympathetic, even Kaoru, despite her haters here), and Dr. Mario went accordingly with a more playful translation to capture both halves of "美しき悪女" in one word.

Syrupy Love discussion 09 Mar 12:57
joined Mar 8, 2016

Probably a big factor in some people's confusion is the troubling general hentai convention of "no means yes." Pretty much every h-manga, even yuri ones, even ones featuring established couples in a relationship, feature this kind of non-consent play. I can imagine it creates a very confusing (or fucked up) idea of how seduction and sexual progression should play out in a relationship for people who can't put this stuff into context.

Anyway, that creates a very difficult situation where it's hard to tell if the author intends a particular situation to read as rape (and it's bad), rape as a sexual fetish, or non-consent play (where what's going on is ok for that couple, but in order to seem demure or whatever one partner protests). As a non-fan of any of these things I have learned to mentally block them out most of the time but it's nevertheless a minefield that exists in manga (and particularly h-manga).

joined Mar 8, 2016

p. 58 and 64, transcription error - "yukata" not "yakuta" (The first instance of it is correct on 64 but not the second).

joined Mar 8, 2016

Yeah, this was great, just too short!

joined Mar 8, 2016

The art is pretty and expressive, new long form series are always welcome, and it's an interesting plot so far. But I don't like the outbreak of sameface here at all. All the girls are the exact same height, build, and facial features. Only their hairstyles (and a pair of glasses) differentiate them. That's disappointing.

Heart Gifts discussion 28 Dec 12:40
joined Mar 8, 2016

Yeah, I will also agree that the art here is beautiful, and that is some of the most insightful rendering of panic attacks I've seen. Well done, Hattori-sensei.

But outside of that, my god is all of this ludicrous. ><;

First off, as many others have pointed out, they gave no explanation at all for why Shiro couldn't get the artificial heart. The changes in perspective are rather confusing and not indicated well at all (resulting in e.g. the confusion over who's studying what). Then there's the fact that the doctor's solution to Shiro's panic attacks is to give each of them access to her heart monitor app? And of course there's the typical bad yuri trope-a-thon of obtuse ignorance of each other's feelings, and heedless self-endangerment because one friend feels bad. Even their names reveal the fact that they're little more than vague outlines of characters to fit into a yuri Story A.

But that said, again the art is beautiful and the story didn't go in the horror direction I kind of assumed after that opening page, so let's hope it finishes strong.

Wet Sisters discussion 09 Dec 02:16
joined Mar 8, 2016

So many tags that appealed to me, but unfortunately the one that dominated them all was the one I didn't care about, "Lots of Tentacles." ><;;;

Loved the art style, loved the sisters angle, loved that it was consensual, but while the "magic" tentacles weren't as creepy and gross as that trope usually is, since they took over every panel it put too much of a buffer between the girls. Aside from a little bit of touching and kissing at the start, there's no direct contact between them the rest of the time. No oral, no kissing, and worst of all for me, no breast worship. With the "Lactation" tag and the elder sister's design, that's like, a criminal tease. >:O

I hope the author stays at it and produces some variations on the themes a little more to my liking. ^_^;

joined Mar 8, 2016

Triggered. XD

I don't really expect works with the "Big Breasts" tag to have characters drawn like toddlers. C'mon, doujin authors, keep the lolis in the loli area and the busty girls in the busty area. Is that too much to ask?

joined Mar 8, 2016

I was surprised that she was able to be decisive about some things regarding the experience (which hotel, which type of room). I kinda expected her to be too nervous and overwhelmed and just defer everything to the pro. But then that lead to another surprise that she was unable to tell the woman what she was really looking for out of the experience. She went on extensively in previous chapters about how all she really wanted (at least for now) is an older woman to hug and hold her.

Maybe she left out some of her rationalization that changed her mind, or maybe she was mentally pushing herself to "get the most out of the experience" if she really never thought she'd do it again. But I can't help but think she would have enjoyed it more if she had clearly said she was afraid of that level of intimacy and only wanted to be held for that session.

joined Mar 8, 2016

This coulda used another couple of passes through QC/proofreading...

I don't know why these extratextual works are still so coy about the relationships. Still putting subtext where actual text is what the audience wants. (Or maybe not, maybe the intended audience is fanboys in need of the shred of waifu-baiting hope and not yuri fans).

And of course, needs more Isuke x Haruki. :D

joined Mar 8, 2016

Nozomi - Casino Dealer
Umi - Writer
Rin - This is a guess, because I literally cannot find anywhere with a usage of the kanji 揁, but since 探 is "explore" and because of their role in the story I'm gonna guess something like "investigator."

These three together are labeled "Kaitou Lily White," maybe some kind of competing group.

Honoka - Journalist

last edited at Sep 27, 2016 3:00PM

joined Mar 8, 2016

All it does is chart the names and organizations of the characters featured and their relationship to the others - either friend (親友) or enemy (敵対)

joined Mar 8, 2016

Uh... was there like a contest for "Love Live Alt Reality Eri x Kotori Doujin With them as a Police Inspector and Master Thief and a Balloon-Aided Getaway," or was this outright plagiarism, or just the weirdest case of synchronized inspiration ever?

joined Mar 8, 2016

PLG: Yeah, that's basically it, "ふ" being phonetically equivalent to "fu." In this case it would be "u fu~". The "ho ho ho" one is the "ojou-sama" laugh, the loud, fakey laugh of haughty villains and grandstanders. :)

DrMario: "Listen to" can have the connotation of "obey" if the people involved have an authority figure/subordinate relationship (e.g. "Listen to your parents!"). I don't know exactly how I would position Yuu and Mari in relationship to the Mahi-Mahi alien sugar fairy bubble world, but it never seemed to me like Yuu has any luck getting them to do what she wants. Mari is better at it. :) Also, the usage is for things the subordinate must do, not the authority, which is why it doesn't flow as well with the joke of Yuu's circular logic request. I like "agree to" though, in the spirit if not letter of the translation.

Faust: "Hi hi" looks like someone saying "hello" in a childish way in English (long "i" is the only way a native speaker would read it.) "Hehe" is fine but doesn't convey the haughtiness. I agree that "hee hee" is not right, it's too sneaky/mischievous.

last edited at Aug 26, 2016 5:14PM

joined Mar 8, 2016

Couple of quick translation suggestions:

p. 54, second panel down on the left: I have seen you use this translation, "Hi hi!" a few times in the series but only now looked at the original. The original this time is "うふっ”, which is basically the sound they use in anime for sophisticated female characters to giggle/half laugh. I dunno if this has been consistently your translation for giggling sounds? Maybe you are thinking of "Hee hee!" which is an English "giggle" sound but more mischievous, less "regal." IMO a literal transliteration is best for this sound, there isn't a directly analoguous English word or sound.

p.55 - The lower left panel, what Mahiro says "~言うこときくから” the meaning here of きく is more like "comply with" than "listen to." So maybe "I'll comply with anything you say, ..."

Just my two cents. Thanks for your continued heroic efforts on this wonderful series!

last edited at Aug 26, 2016 2:07AM