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joined Jan 22, 2015

useless lesbians huh

No, they are useless fucking lesbians. Because they actually got to the fucking part, but are still useless.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Blessed rainbro.

I see what you did there, and I like it.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I like this mangaka, but there's not enough substance here to draw me in. I'd say 4/10, wouldn't read again.

joined Jan 22, 2015

That dialogue felt very stilted, like it was translated via Google. I had such a hard time attempting to understand the dialogue I still didn't fully get the flashback...
Still, good to see more Aoko

My mind hurt so much from the flash back part. It confused me, not sure if its because of the dialogue or because of the translation.

After 12 pages I started pretending it had the "no text" tag.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Of course she’s a titan.. lmaoo honestly I thought she was on her period at first

Well it is her period, in a way.

Now, will there have sex while she is a titan? Will she use the vampire as a sextoy?

I assume you have read the same things I have, and also enjoyed them.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I guess even GL and Dynasty are running out of ideas when they run this stuff. Today's attitude seems to be that just because one person writes stuff like this we must post it. I think it pushes the idea of common decency. Like people who say BDSM is sex when in actuality it is sex abuse and not something to be championed, but something which should be addressed professional by mental health professional (and I'm not talking about fuzzy handcuffs and tickler feathers). I don't understand, are there no lines of decency which must not be shown as okay? As stuff like physically forcing insect into someone else's body until the vomit on themselves okay? I am by far not a prude, but causing physical or mental pain to another and treating it as though it is the norm, is at the least irresponsible, and the worst....there are not words to describe. Does anyone worry that someone reading these types of stories here may encourage them to treat other women similarly possibly causing physical or mental trauma? I think this is far different than the shooting and violent video games, though I do not advocate rape scenes in video games. Maybe I am much too nice for the world these days. Humanists are archaic now?

Your entire statement is loaded with personal bias so I'm not even going to try responding to each point you made.
Instead let me answer your question: Yes, you are too nice (sheltered) for this world.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Can I just mention that Rinko's work clothes make her look like a pokemon trainer.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I see The Chads are, yet again, on point with their credit page.

joined Jan 22, 2015

As far as chapter 14 goes, I was hoping this Usshi person would be ace. I guess she still could be but the jealousy with the band dude made it seem like she wasn't going to wind up ace after all. The heart to heart with Miwa was definitely cute but...

It seemed like jealousy in the moment. But during her discussion with Miwa, Usshi's explanation leaned much more toward her being strongly repulsed by the idea of having to take part in a heteronormative relationship.

Not conclusive evidence that she's ace, but it leaves that door very much open (along with many other doors).

Personally, I can very much identify with Usshi. Like her, I have no desire to be in a relationship. I don't really get lonely and can't stand the idea of binding myself to another person.
That being said, a lack of desire for a relationship or sexual contact does not mean a lack of sexual or emotional desire. I do desire woman sexually and have on several occasions caught myself responding to the presence of woman and men around me.
It's like an instinctive, almost animalistic, territorial response to attractive woman and similarly aged men interacting while in proximity to me. A "back off she's mine" kinda feeling.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Yoshimi needs to LEAVE

Right? People busy complaining about Airi and Yoshimi is over here prepping for murder.

joined Jan 22, 2015

i really want a sequel to this

I have good news for you: This appears to be ch.1

joined Jan 22, 2015

There's no possible straight explanation for that.

I see what you did there, and must ask that you straighten yourself out.

joined Jan 22, 2015

The cries for moral justification amuse me.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Why should manga get a free pass? It sounds like the sentiment any typical conservative parents who don't understand anything about what their children are watching. "Eh. It's just some dumb silly cartoons/weird Japanese shit/devil's music. In my generation, -yadayadayada-" What is this argument of "if you don't like it don't read it." Why shouldn't I examine any fictional work to find out how to make it work or not work? How dare people have opinions that are different from yours. If I want to articulate and make my point, I get labeled "those other types of people" or get called gasp, a nerd. Wowie. What does that serve? Does labeling me differently, a herectic, make you feel better? Hey, let's look down on another person because "aw, what a sad newb who must be new to manga." Does that lessen any point I made? No. You just sound like an ass who likes to pretend to be superior. If you need to try to setup the other party as "inferior" or "inexperienced," I can't help but think you got some weird complex going on.

I'm calling shenanigan when I see it. This type of attitude doesn't help with a healthy discussion of any types of work. This is still a forum, we're allowed to discuss why we like and don't like. I think it is of grave importance to examine anything we like and don't about a work. It's pointless to just sing praises all the time. It's also necessary to embrace and address the faults in any works. Criticisms are necessary. There seems to be this weird vibe of: "Criticisms are just some mean things meanie people say to made people feel bad." No, criticisms are needed for people to learn from their mistakes. We shouldn't close ourselves off from what's perceived as negative just because it makes us feel bad. Constructive criticisms are necessary. Slander and pointless insult, now that's meaningless.

Vampire as a theme should give any author a lot of good things to work with. I find the bite scene, where in most other fictional works, is the really juicy and delicious bit where any author can really entice the reader with whatever they are going for. This certainly isn't the only vampire themed yuri work here: VAMPEERZ, quite a bit of Takano Saku's works (technically not tagged as vampire, but she has a thing for sucking on things,) Seifuku no Vampiress. I was certainly excited to see another work with vampire tag, but so far it just lacks that big punch. It was just such a wasted potential it hurts me.

To address the chuunibyou vampire, this one has a lot of personal experience colored by past works. Plopping a mysterious figure on a tall building overlooking the city, complete with The Hoodie, now finish it with some cryptic statements. OoOoh, how MYSTERIOUS! There are ways to setup that particular scene to be impactful, but it felt pretty silly in this instance. Turns out the character is a goof herself, so maybe that's warranted.

Buddy there is this thing called genre. For example, I greatly enjoy hard scifi & fantasy. It's a sub-genre that prioritizes having realism in a setting that normally doesn't. This manga is clearly not supposed to be in that genre.

Also I have some constructive criticism for you: this is an internet fourm, learn to ignore people that disagree with you. If you don't you're going to spend a lot of time creating walls of text in an attempt to win unwinnable arguments, get even more upset when people still disagree, and evently get banned due to low key internet rage.

I've witnessed 3 perma-bans on this site, and would rather not see that happen to you. Remember, we are all just some idiots with a keyboard far away from you. You can ignore us.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Ok, imagine you're that woman Kara, you're going to your work as any other day like the standard person you are, you see a girl on the street who looks hurt, you'll probably go see if she's ok right? but then the girl starts saying that she's a rArE mUtAtIoN oF vAmPiRe, and then you believe her...
...GIRL??? nO
Call an ambulance, she's probably crazy or just a really edgy teenager, no one would ever think she was telling the truth, but the character goes like "iS tHaT tRuE?" she says "yes" and then "Oh, ok fine"? I understand, she just woke up, probably a lil groggy, but believe, i wouldn't ask if that's true, i'd ask if she's ok.
The thing is: Is she actually telling the truth? Yes, she is. But before she proves it, she's just crazy for everyones' eyes.
It bothered me because it was just unrealistic. And if the character really is not the type that would freak out about that, it could at least show it for everyone to understand on page 1.

And then, and then the girl just- just fucking sMILES and she says "Oh I lOvE hEr" oh give me a break, if i wanted to see unrealistic things like that i'd watch Disney's golden era movies.

I understand that ppl likes stories like this, believe me, i'm one of those ppl, but... when it's at least a little realistic.
I'll come back in the future to check out and see if that character is actually just weird overall.
(I actually LOVE Neji's other stories, "Like a Snowfall in Spring" was just so beautiful and "Vacation Maou to Pet" was funny and had nice characters, but this one... idk)

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yuri manga is not the best place to look for realism.

last edited at Jun 11, 2020 5:19PM

joined Jan 22, 2015

I wish there was a wholesome tag


joined Jan 22, 2015


joined Jan 22, 2015

Remember when there used to be these character, what were they called... oh yeah, Tae and Jimiko? Haha.

I feel like I should know these characters, but since I haven't seen them in something like 8 chapters they clearly must not be important.

Somehow this hentai is worse than Game of Thrones. Which is kinda amazing, cause I really don't like Game of Thrones.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Japan needs to do an audit of school nurse office's. The nurse never seems to be in.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Lower left panel, where did her right breast go? 0.o

joined Jan 22, 2015

Love Live doujins are one of the few things that I can see a futa tag on and know that its still gonna be good. The pairings are just that strong.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Idk about other cats but you can find mine outside the bedroom door at 4:30am sharp, making a racket for food.

I don't rise until 5:30am, and I definitely don't get to fall back asleep.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I feel like I should know these two from something.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Ignoring the incorrect guard on page 8, this was wonderful.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I did not expect to see this here.