Forum › Posts by Luhood

joined Nov 20, 2014

I'm saddened by the lack of material in this tag.

joined Nov 20, 2014

I was kind of confused when she appeared normal, because I assumed their names reflected how many eyes they had. Hitomi: hito = 1, Mitsumi: mitsu = 3. (and I'm pretty sure everyone's name is related to their special traits somehow) But then her true nature was revealed and everything matched up again.

I just love this. And as someone without any real knowledge in Japanese I had no idea the joke was so in your face the whole time! This is the kind of humour that amuses me, 'specially when I finally get it.

Also, is it just me who thinks Shitara-Tongue-boy is under-appreciated as a pairing? I mean sure it is no Ooki-Osanaki, and Tabecchi-Futabayashi may be really cute in their own weird way, but nobody seems to talk about the first student pairing, not to mention the only pairing we've really seen proof of twice. What do I know, maybe I'm the weird one.

last edited at Nov 20, 2014 8:40PM