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joined May 17, 2014

And this is why I can only ship NozoEli since Eli x anyone else means Nozomi have to be on the sidelines forcing a smile for her friend's happiness. ;-;

Same, my heart can't take it! 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

joined May 17, 2014

^Hey, be careful there are small children there!

Too late for that warning... :P

Nooooo, not the children!

joined May 17, 2014

^Hey, be careful there are small children there!

joined May 17, 2014

Gasp, it's here! Off to read it! Thanks DrPepperfan!

Edit: that was nice. Was the perv old man Master Roshi?

last edited at Mar 7, 2015 5:41PM

joined May 17, 2014

Oh reall? I forgot about that, this is gonna be fun. ^.^

NicoMakiss discussion 07 Mar 09:47
joined May 17, 2014

Happy birthday Rex!!!!! Glad you got to turn 12 again this year ^.^

last edited at Mar 7, 2015 9:47AM

joined May 17, 2014

Of course! Just message me/ rend a request and I'll add you. Events are a lot more fun that way. ^.^

joined May 17, 2014

Add me on JP sif! And yea I only tried for it once on tht one but ran out of time.either way at least the medleyis fun.

joined May 17, 2014

The Teirs moved again, now the cut off for T1 is 600, and the cut off for T2 is 3000. ^.^ Anyone aiming for a second Nico Ni? (Lots of Nico lately)

Anilingus discussion 04 Mar 21:31
joined May 17, 2014

For all the brown nosers and ass kisses to have a place in the world and let them feel like they belong.

Jk jk. I mean Im not into it, I'm pretty vanilla, but it's not the worst fetish out there.

joined May 17, 2014

I didn't read the story (not a huge fan of this ship so I'm gonna save myself the heartache) BUT, I remember at the end of each episode the credit song wold play and over and over they'd keep repeating "itsumo mirakuru." Now I knew what itsumo meant (always/ forever) but I didn't know what this strange "mirakuru" meant. Finally one day I got tired of not knowing and searched it, found that it wasn't some elusive Japanese word but infact word 'Miracle.' RIP Me. T.T

joined May 17, 2014

cough, cough give me the Jp account cough, cough Good job, Akiko!

joined May 17, 2014

I'm usually on the mobile version so I don't really get to see other's avatars unless browsing picture comments buttttt... mine is just Nishikino Maki because she will forever be my bae.

joined May 17, 2014

@Rye ^.^
In the entire event I probably used around 20ish, maybe 25 or 30. idk becauseI started with 22 and ended with 30. :p I went up to B on Aishiteru Banzai, C to A on Wonderful Rush, C to A in Mermaid Festa and from like 55 to 88 in Kitto... Lol i didn't play the Event song for a reaaaalllly long time so I just had a lot of points saved up and didn't use them to like the last night. (Grinded for like 3 hrs straight.)

joined May 17, 2014

The three-lines blushings look like cat whiskers.

Aw, I wanted to see the kiss. this's still sweeter then chocolate tho. ^.^

You don't get to say that in a NozoEli as long as you're wearing a Maki avatar. XD

I can't ship MakiNico and NozoEri? :(
Then what about KotoUmi?

Edit: Maki is my waifu, never gonna give her up!

last edited at Mar 1, 2015 10:08AM

joined May 17, 2014

Aw, I wanted to see the kiss. this's still sweeter then chocolate tho. ^.^

joined May 17, 2014

So how'd everyone do? I just barely made it lol. Like 20 away from the cut off for the event ranking, and 5 away for the song. But I made it. ^.^

joined May 17, 2014

@Trafi yea it is actually. You can tell the difficulty by the number of notes or stars. This song only has around 413 and the pace is kind of slow. (It's a slow song.)

@Akiko I was soooooo excited for Random and then I realized it wasn't as hard as it used to be. :/ I got an FC on the second try.

Image Comments 24 Feb 19:34
joined May 17, 2014

Perfect picture ^.^ i was kinda worried where exactly the tails were coming from...

joined May 17, 2014

"Hey childhood friend I haven't seen in years, how are you? Let's have sex."

what is a plot even?
Dammit i keep on missing all the event flags in my life! Maybe I should just become the transfer student... it's a wierd time of year, it could work.

joined May 17, 2014

Lol Imean I figured it out and I'm doing pretty well with technical, I feel like going back down to expert would overpower the less experienced players buttttt, then again I'm getting tired of third place!

When you've played so many times you just don't give a fuck.

Image Comments 22 Feb 08:56
joined May 17, 2014

^^ Also why is her arm not coming out of her sleeve?

joined May 17, 2014

let's not forget that honoka has her own private (wars) moments with tsubasa

Lol i don't think Tsubasa goes on many adventures with µ's so Honoka's still SOL.

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 8:54AM

joined May 17, 2014

Yeah, the sex was great, but...
Can we please take a moment to appreciate Nico-chan's graceful way of sleeping in pages 3, 10 and 19?

lol I love how she always keep her hand with that symbol

That gotta hurt... like when I hold the mouse too long, my pinky hurts and gets all stiff...

If we're taking time to appreciate that then I want a moment to sigh over how the artist missed Maki's won derail sleeping posture. Can't have one without the other.

I kinda feel like Mooooooo's is the type of group that does this sort of thing often. Not just NozoEri either, KotoUmi, NicoMaki (BIG TIME), and RinPana too. RIP Kousaka Honoka.

I'd also like a moment to appreciate the elusive dominant Nozomi. ^.^

joined May 17, 2014

^ assumed wrong my bad. It's a lot of fun though. But I'm not doing too great so I might have to move down to expert until the next score match. I keep on getting stuck in third place, RIP me. T.T