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Yuri Guy
joined Apr 25, 2014

Yay, the last story to this collection. I'm not going to lie, I was hoping for a continuation of I'll Send Her Home on the Last Train, though that image on page 160 was great. The story itself was a bit short for me, but I'll have to check whether this is a sequel to any of the previous stories - it's been a while since I read any of them.

Is it? I was wondering, too.

its the origin story, if you will, of the adult lesbian couple in Girls Planetarium.

joined Apr 25, 2014

a hentai manga author.
if anyone interested

Also seems this series has a nsfw one-shot precursor.

really? whats the name? im kinda curious >_>

joined Apr 25, 2014

im just gonna pretend this is a prequel to sweet emotion.

Yuri Guy
joined Apr 25, 2014

Anyone have a source for the credits image on chapter 5.8/6/7?

joined Apr 25, 2014

so how does everyday life work for them now? can they still see normally or do they only see from the other's perspective? if the latter, do they swap eyes when they need to be apart or do they just never part anymore?

As stated here:, it seems it only happens sometimes.

but if it only happens sometimes, does that mean they are blind most of the time?

joined Apr 25, 2014

so how does everyday life work for them now? can they still see normally or do they only see from the other's perspective? if the latter, do they swap eyes when they need to be apart or do they just never part anymore?

last edited at Aug 22, 2016 10:31PM

Yuri Guy
Terumina discussion 21 Aug 20:05
joined Apr 25, 2014

i wasnt sure with naoko-san, but now im certain kashmir is insane.
and i like it.

joined Apr 25, 2014

its manga like this that make me wish i had standards.

Yuri Guy
Looking for manga 19 Aug 07:11
joined Apr 25, 2014

gonna ask here instead of making a new thread >_>

im looking for a manga where one of the girls says that your first kiss only counts if you do it with someone you love because if it wasnt like that then you made out with your dad as a kid (she gets cut off by the other person before she can finish the sentence).

edit: figured it out

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 7:44AM

joined Apr 25, 2014

shes basically a competent sheska.

Yuri Guy
Kase-san discussion 11 Aug 08:22
joined Apr 25, 2014

you cant truly call something a yuri manga without a google scene.

Yuri Guy
Kase-san discussion 09 Aug 18:28
joined Apr 25, 2014

i thought yuri project dropped kase-san to let /u/ take over?

joined Apr 25, 2014

More like Tooru is attractive
Kobayashi never noticed that before this chapter

And that is why is rubbing so many of us the wrong way. Why couldn't Kobayashi not Tooru's hotness without being turned into a guy?

im assuming its because shes been treating everything as normal skinship between girls. when she got turned into a guy, it made her overly concious (because she was thinking "im a guy" during it) and she realized that whoa all that contact is actually really suggestive. it made her acknowledge the proverbial forest so to speak.

last edited at Aug 7, 2016 11:33PM

joined Apr 25, 2014

Cool was like: "Damn, I accidentally created a yuri story... I don't like this kinda stuff... I just like shota x Big Boobs.... It must be a way around this situation.... Oh! I know! I gonna give Kobayashi-san the "thingy" for a little time. And then I'll make Tooru really turned on by the thingy, proving that Tooru likes men, making what Tooru said in the first chapter (, meaningless. Solving this great misunderstanding! Case closed!"

I really hate to bait this further--and honestly, you don't have to try and convince me--but I don't see how 'Tooru finds it easier to be sexual with Kobayashi now that she has different equipment' makes her spoken intent on being sexual with Kobayashi meaningless...

I do not want to convince anyone... I just don't get it... Tooru lives with Kobayashi for a long time. She could have already taken the first step before ... Why Kobayashi have to have a "thingy" to get Tooru turned on like that? Girl x girl sex is a thing that exists.

shes not excited because of dick, shes excited because kobayashi can get her pregnant now.

joined Apr 25, 2014

You can say whatever you want, but in that page when Tooru forgot about every kind of her supposedly romantic feelings towards Kobayashi herself and just wanted to fuck, 'to not lose the chance' was probably the point when this was finally killed for me.

bby, tooru has been trying to fuck kobayashi for the entire series. its not out of character for tooru to jump at an opportunity to get impregnated by kobayashi.

chapter showed that kobayashi is legit into (maid) girls so iono why people arent talking about that instead of the now-gone dick.

Yuri Guy
Title? 01 Aug 22:44
joined Apr 25, 2014

figured i would borrow your topic to ask for help instead of making a new one.

theres two girls that live together and they were kissing in the hallway when the mom comes in. then one girl grabs the other and they run away. they get on a train and go to the sea and spend the night at a hotel but they end up going back home because they only had enough money for one night. when they get home it turns out the mom is totally okay with it and promises to keep it a secret from the dad cuz she was into that when she was younger.

joined Apr 25, 2014

iono about the rest of you but im still enjoying tf out of this series.

Yuri Guy
joined Apr 25, 2014

Mimika.exe has stopped responding

Mimika has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.

Yuri Guy
Henai Girl discussion 25 Jul 07:37
joined Apr 25, 2014

pablo has quite the name lol

Yuri Guy
joined Apr 25, 2014

It's not something about her that upsets other, it's an absence of it. idk, it makes me feel conflicted :<

Yeah, it's an absence of empathy which is a significant shortcoming.

No wtf, being unable to read in between the lines isnt a lack of empathy

You don't need to read in between the lines to see how going to the movies with someone who has literally told you they have a giant crush on you without in any way making it clear that nothing can happen between you is obviously leading them on. You just have to read what's right there on the lines. This is fundamental social etiquette it's not even a complicated situation Sol just has the emotional intelligence of a brick.

sol already made it clear tht she wasnt interested when she rejected her. its not her fault the girl is getting her hopes up regardless.

Yuri Guy
joined Apr 25, 2014

renge's t-shirt though.

joined Apr 25, 2014

the cool thing about yuri project is that anyone can go in and do it if no one else does.

Yuri Guy
joined Apr 25, 2014

Mira has the most mindfūçking stories but for some crazy reason I appreciate every one of them. Also is Mira male or a female artist... I think female but if you know please do tell.

shes an OL. drawing manga is her hobby.

last edited at Jul 1, 2016 11:43PM

Yuri Guy
joined Apr 25, 2014

thanks! been looking for a while, but theres only so much i can do on a vita. you a real bronee-sama.

Yuri Guy
joined Apr 25, 2014

anyone have the back cover for this? i want to see what happens with the not-etrian odyssey couple on the front >_>