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Image Comments 02 Apr 06:04
joined Mar 20, 2014


Liberty discussion 10 Feb 13:49
joined Mar 20, 2014

Uh... didn't Liz just get her hair cut? How could it have grown back the same evening?

joined Mar 20, 2014

So, it's finally finished! I already read the last chapter years ago, and I kept hoping that the missing chapters would explain the sudden development between Yuu and Kanna. That doesn't happen, really. The author wastes a lot of time on that student council in what doesn't seem to serve any other purpose than to pad out the story, but hey, at least it led to a very sweet ending.

last edited at Nov 22, 2019 2:09PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

Wow, what a confusing mess. I really have no clue what's going on anymore. It would help if the characters wouldn't all share the same face.

Choir discussion 16 Jun 15:35
joined Mar 20, 2014

Yeah, the Yurikamome line is a lot of fun. I have been on it several times, and the view is simply magnificent.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Trousers? I don't see Shizuku wear any trousers. What are you talking about, Saki?

joined Mar 20, 2014

So, Yui has to provide for both of them? I don't see this going well in the long run, even if the sex is very, very good.

Saki discussion 21 May 15:19
joined Mar 20, 2014

Wow, judging from chapter 202 Toki and Ryuuka really made a lot of progress...

Image Comments 01 May 12:49
joined Mar 20, 2014

Does Sayaka have black hole eyes?

joined Mar 20, 2014

The way the crowd here is basically screaming blasphemy is more than a little amusing.

Well, it's all about promises not kept. In manga an anime all too often an attraction gets established between two female characters, only for the writers to then go "Fooled ya! They don't have teh ghey. What, you think we're perverts or something?" And to drive the point home the girls either get a boyfriend, get separated forever by whatever means, or have a falling out over nothing.

And no, I absolutely don't care one iota what a writer says on Twitter or in an interview. This about what is happening within the story, and within this particular one the writer establishes a truckload of subtext between Koyuki and Konatsu, only to bail out later on. Koyuki's worries about her future would have a lot more weight in the context of her relationship with Konatsu, but the writer practically ejects Konatsu from the the story and then replaces her with some random other character. Why? It could all be down to incompetence, but stuff like this happens so often in manga and anime that I have become quite cynical.

Like I said, it is getting a bit better, but for every series that is serious about attraction between girls we get a hundred that are like this one.

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 2:39PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

Looks like this is yet another example of an author dropping a 16-ton weight on the obvious attraction between two girls for the sake of angst and drawn-out drama.

Well, luckily things do seem to go a bit better on the yuri front in general, but it's still a bit frustrating when this happens to a series I used to like. I still haven't forgotten about Reina x Kumiko, or Hikari x Futaba!

Ah well, I consider this one dropped. Moving on....

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 12:09PM

Image Comments 19 Jan 12:44
joined Mar 20, 2014

Actually, if Yui was 18 in 2010 then she would be 27 now.

I still can't believe that the K-On! anime is already 10 years old as I write this. When I was in Kyoto last spring I found that a lot of the locations of the show had disappeared, or changed beyond recognition. It's kind of sad.

last edited at Jan 19, 2019 12:44PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

This is nice and all, but is there any way to get the complete scanlation of Sougou Tovarisch? Everywhere I look chapters 9 to 12 are missing.

last edited at Nov 11, 2018 12:00PM

Image Comments 11 Nov 11:05
joined Mar 20, 2014

Carpet sharks are an actual order of shark. I don't think people tend to keep those as pets.

last edited at Nov 11, 2018 11:10AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

Wow, chapter 6 was pretty cruel. That poor octopus was fighting for its life.

Well, if anything it strengthens me in my conviction that it's best to be vegetarian.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Damn it, Yuu. Took you long enough.

And yes, any time is a good time to tell somebody you love them. I have no idea why that would even be an issue, seeing how Touko has been waiting for you to say exactly that for ages now.

Man, why do all my favorite yuri stories always turn out to be so frustrating?

Amanchu! discussion 16 Apr 13:26
joined Mar 20, 2014

So it looks Amano is pulling the same shit she did with Aria: ramp up the subtext between female characters, only to drop a 16 ton weight on top of it when she feels she might have gone too far. And anybody who says there is no yuri subtext om Aria really hasn't been paying attention. There's Aika's obvious crush on Alicia until Amano incomprehensibly starts shipping her with that creep Al, and Akari and Alicia have more than their share of hand-holdy touchy blushy moments. Anybody remember the the Arietta OVA? I rest my case.

Of course, it's much worse in this series because the subtext really straight crossed into text on numerous occasions. Amano had Hikari and Futaba hold hands and look into each other's eyes at such regular intervals that they would have been be labeled a "designated couple" pretty quickly had they been opposite genders. And then there's the anime, where Hikari outright confesses to Futaba. Really, what did Amano think would happen?

Of course, this may not even be her fault anyway. Maybe her publisher/editor reigned her in, so that line about Futaba's love for Hikari being different than Kokoro's because she is a girl was not completely her own idea. Still, it still doesn't take away from that line's homophobic undertones.

In any case, I am pretty much done with this one. This makes me a bit sad, since I have been following it since it started, and I even went to Ito to see the locations from the manga. Well, life goes on.

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 15:16
joined Mar 20, 2014

Is chapter 36 the last one? If so, then that's a rather abrupt ending, almost as if Saburouta was just waiting for this to be turned into an anime, so she could grab the money and ditch a story she was not interested in anymore.

So let's see. Mei seduces Yuzu, toys with her feelings for 8 volumes, then just turns poor Yuzu's world all pretzel-shaped by entering an arranged marriage which hadn't even been mentioned until this volume. This is SO damn cliche as to be insulting, and of course very disappointing for all the readers who were rooting for Yuzu and Mei to be together.

So, really, what was the point of all of this? Was it all just a ruse so Saburouta could cash in on having two cute girls kissing each other? Sure, I liked that, and I realize this story basically just very tastefully drawn trash, but I still feel the Yuzu-Mei pairing had a lot of potential.

Still, I can't say I am THAT surprised. I remember being extremely pissed off when Yumi and Sachiko's relationship in Maria-Sama Ga Miteru just fizzled out after some 33 volumes of teasing, but now I realize that this is just how girl-girl relationships in Japanese media get treated in general. It's all just youthful silliness, they will get married to a guy after all, and their feelings for another girl will turn into nothing but bittersweet memories.

In any case, I feel no urge anymore to keep watching the anime, since seeing Mei will only make me want to throw something at the screen. Bummer.

Citrus discussion 22 Jul 02:51
joined Mar 20, 2014

I am sorry to say this, but Mei, you sure SUCK at being a girlfriend.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So chapter 21 comes along, and it's yet another waste of pages about those boring guys that totally goes completely nowhere. It's also too moronic that Asakura doesn't realize that Subaru is impersonating Tsukasa. Come on!

In the meantime, the main story of this manga, namely Tsukasa's crush on Nadeshiko, gets absolutely no development whatsoever.


Image Comments 07 Apr 09:47
joined Mar 20, 2014

I agree. Kyoto Animation, get on making this anime asap! Kobayashi-san is cute, but i am sure you can take it a step further.

Image Comments 07 Apr 09:46
joined Mar 20, 2014

Man, I wish Hibike! Euphonium had been about those two. That whole debacle between Reina and Kumiko just pissed me off.

Amanchu! discussion 23 Feb 13:24
joined Mar 20, 2014


Uh, that wasn't Futaba, it's the young Mako-chan-sensei. Futaba never had anything to do with the whole
peter dream thingy.

Oh, that's right. It guess just shows my complete disinterest in that bit that I didn't even bother to make sure who's who ;) You also have to admit that they look quite alike.

That said, I kinda agree that so far, those part don't add much to the story. I guess there's some symbolism
to be found somewhere, but don't really feel like trying to figure that out.

Well, I guess it's a reference to Peter Pan, the boy who didn't want to grow up, ship 'n all.

Honestly though, if Amano keeps up all this supernatural nonsense I think I will just drop this one. Luckily we still have the anime.

Amanchu! discussion 23 Feb 08:10
joined Mar 20, 2014


I agree. Chapter 53 is some retarded nonsense, to the point where I wonder what the heck Amano is smoking. And why have Futaba hug Peter, saying she will stay with him forever? The main draw of this manga is the relationship between Futaba and Akari. It's bad enough already has been absolutely no progress in that department for many chapters already, and the last thing we need is Futaba crushing on a guy, even if it's just in her dreams.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Heck, what is going on in this manga? Did Canno completely forget about Yurine and Ayaka? The other girls are nice, but they don't hold a candle to those two.