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joined Jul 16, 2013

Looks promising but geee her mom is a bit of a bitch. Yeah drag your daughter out into the countryside and have her attend to boring social events.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Amanchu, as mentioned before.

Also, not sure it was subtext, but I feel like a lot of what happened in Stretch was received similarly

Amanchu is written by somebody who has a history in crushing yuri dreams, unlike this author who has quite a few full yuri works.
It miiiiiight end like Stretch but even if it ends in "friendship" it will probably be a lot more open to possible future developments then stretch.

I think a healthy dose of skepticism is never bad but people really go a bit beyond that with this manga.

joined Jul 16, 2013

I love how most of the comments here are outrage at the subtext tag xDDD hilarious.

I do not really get it how...pessimistic? people seem to be. "We are doomed it is eternal friendship, Class S, boys might show up!!!!". What is going on? Since when is it all doom and gloom with subtext manga?

joined Jul 16, 2013

Hoping this manga won't disappoint us halfway through (I'm looking at you, Amanchu) because g*ddamnit this is way too cute and I don't need to put on my Yuri googles for me to see the gay.

Seeing how the author did quite a few full blown yuri doujin I kinda doubt this will have the same homophobic text like Amanchu.

joined Jul 16, 2013

That manga is so weird. It tries to establish a cute, light mood yet it has people actively murdering (yes at this point is murder) young girls by seducing them.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Now I wish that women (and men) can marry legally each other in whole Japan (Korea, China and more).

I am pretty sure Abe will push for it because of the Olympics 2020.

joined Jul 16, 2013


joined Jul 16, 2013

"You are not allowed to eat on your way home."

Why are Japanese schools so dumb?

What, you think Western schools can't be that bad?

No public school can set rules for you while you are outside of school. Only private schools could probably get away with it.

Not sure if this would work in Germany once you leave the school property. Feels like the kind of thing a judge would strike down.

So I think the rule suggests that they go home, change into normal clothes, before going back out again.

Would make more sense, then again some schools in manga/anime (not sure about RL) require students to wear their uniforms all the time when being outside.

joined Jul 16, 2013

"You are not allowed to eat on your way home."

Why are Japanese schools so dumb?

joined Jul 16, 2013

Their friends totally know.

joined Jul 16, 2013

"Did you panic?"


joined Jul 16, 2013

Last page should have had an "Eh!? Nandatte!?"

Yuru Yuri discussion 02 Apr 06:57
joined Jul 16, 2013

I really like those Highschool designs.

joined Jul 16, 2013

She should have her lip checked on if it hurts so bad she can barely eat anything. A small wound on the lip is not THAT bad.

joined Jul 16, 2013

It is refreshing seeing somebody immediately calling bullshit when the adult argues "being an adult means to be in an unhappy marriage".

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 15:58
joined Jul 16, 2013

@ UranusAndNeptuneAreJustCousins

But we all know this manga is going to end with Mei getting both, Yuzu AND the Academy (well at least in some form, maybe her father takes over till she is older).
I get the social and cultural stuff (even if it is not as hardcore anymore as it used to be in Japan) but this is still a fictional story and not some hyperrealistic drama. It will end like most boring drama ends, some perfect solution. But what is the most annoying, Mei NEVER tries to fight. She never tries to question her grandfather or anything. She is a submissive slave to his wishes, even if she writes otherwise. Managing the Academy was indoctrinated into her since she was a young child.

This is Yuri-Hime's flagship yuri series. Anything but a 110% happy ending would hurt them. So we can be sure the Editor wont allow any silly stuff like sex with fiance or god forbid another timeskip with her being married.

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 14:32
joined Jul 16, 2013

She decided to inherit the school and we have talked at length how for the sake of reputation you can't lead a school of rich young girl if you're a lesbian. Don't hate Saburouta, hate the country!

So do not marry at all and life together with your "sister"?

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 13:30
joined Jul 16, 2013

Sorry but this looks like HORRIBLE writing. At least for Mei. She is just a submissive pushover again. She can talk about "It is my decision" all she wants but it is not. How is accepting the arranged marriage her decision? It has nothing to do with the Academy. It is only to please what she thinks her grandfather wants...WITHOUT EVERY TALKING TO HIM ABOUT IT! I mean what the fuck? She never asked him "Do I have to marry some random guy you chose for me?" Nope. Just a good submissive Japanese wife. God forbid she gets any character development. No. Wont happen. Her fiance will see her ring, make the connection with Yuzu and tell her she does not have to marry him. She wont act herself. Others have to do it for her like it has always been.

Image Comments 28 Jan 13:27
joined Jul 16, 2013

Well that is not going to end well...

joined Jul 16, 2013

Ohhhh shots fired at fans of tomboys and boyish girls in yuri!

joined Jul 16, 2013

Can we stop having yuri stories where every girl seems to be bi?

Also, I seriously feel bad for the guy she dated. Poor fella probably did nothing wrong and gets cheated on.

joined Jul 16, 2013

-Comet blinds millions
-Comet spreads deadly virus
-Dead come back to life as monsters
-Humans nuke planet
-Aliens invade
-Massive natural disasters

I don't think God is dead, he is just a massive dick!

Their Story discussion 11 Jan 19:49
joined Jul 16, 2013

As it turned out, the progress happened without her participation, and her coming in immediately afterwards is what probably made people hostile. Remember, some have been waiting for this elevation in relationship status for years.

That is pretty much the main reason for me (and if I am allowed to speculate, many others). The main couple had a surprise kiss and their relationship jumped ahead a lot. Now instead of a few chapters them acting awkward in a cute way and stumble deeper into a cute romantic relationship.
Now we get a drama arc where people do not know how long it will be. Just 2-3 chapters? Or will it be more? Will it be months without the main couple interacting?
We just had a kiss. Something that is normally the payoff after a big drama arc. There are no big or even small issues in their relationship right now that a love rival arc could fix. So unless the author does some really amazing writing and somehow uses this arc to progress the relationship of the two it is pretty much a waste of time if you look at it from a purely main couple perspective.

Their Story discussion 23 Dec 11:18
joined Jul 16, 2013

I got leaks of the upcoming chapters they will fight for SJ in a basketball match... Could be futbol too! and there won't be a limit of points, the winner will be decided only when one of them admit defeat, SJ won't be able to refuse because she also believes in the heart of the ball

Sadly this kind of bullshit competition is way to common in anime

"If I beat you you have to give up on her and I become the girlfriend!" While the gf has no say in it...

Their Story discussion 23 Dec 08:01
joined Jul 16, 2013

@ Hokuto

I was making the post under the hypothetical assumption that it will come to drama. If it gets resolved quickly as usual, fine! But like you said, people are probably quite frustrated. We finally got the kiss but all the cute and fluffy stuff that might come from it will now get interrupted for at least a few updates. Seeing how long the time between updates seems to be (even if objectively it is not too long) people get a bit annoyed if some (even if it is just short) drama plot pops up. Even worse if it goes back to the boys after that and we wont see the two properly talking for another 2 months or so.