Forum › Girls in Love! ZelPeach ☆ SamTrain discussion

joined Aug 10, 2015

W h a t da hekk

Ok, did NOT expect this.Since when was there a fisting and muscle tag? Didn't even noticed 0___0 also..what just happened? Where's the plot

joined Sep 11, 2014

Aww, it's too short :(

joined Jan 30, 2013

fat princess anyone?
Also I did not know that Zelda was shipped with Peach xD have I been living under a rock?

joined Jul 12, 2012

Better than I anticipated, but too short sadly.

Ok, did NOT expect this.Since when was there a fisting and muscle tag? Didn't even noticed 0___0 also..what just happened? Where's the plot

Also that's what you call a PWP ("Porn Without Plot", or "Plot? What Plot?") They're commonly found on this site. This shouldn't be a surprise though.

joined Jan 18, 2016


joined Jun 26, 2014

Are you sure that's Samus Aran? Are you sure that's not the Amazon from Dragon's Crown in disguise?

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