About YuuSaya Bloom Into You Doujin
Title: 侑沙について
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/77829239
Booth: https://yuusa.booth.pm/items/1661035
By circle: Orange Coffee
Lead: Tom
Participant: 松本文 / 白隼船林 / とーか / Labordette / くろる / めんだこ / とももん / 羽尾 / 在原るい平君 / 大湊のと / とむ
- About YuuSaya - Floating on a Lake with a White Swan by Bao and Tom Bloom Into You Doujin released Apr 28 '20
- About YuuSaya - Up to Now and Beyond by Tom Bloom Into You Doujin released Apr 28 '20