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princess_daphie Uploader
joined Feb 1, 2021

As I said on first page of comments, I'm down for the Mayu end-game. Much better than the teacher we have no characterization on.

Yeah, ngl, I'm a bit sad that she stopped being present in the story...

joined Feb 14, 2016

Hm. I wonder what he could be interested in asking this new girl to do. So many possibilities, the mind boggles...

joined Feb 19, 2016

I don't know what is meant by a "Tosa Girl" but I assume it doesn't mean she's from Wauwatosa

joined Feb 14, 2016


I don't usually put too much attention into those little banner narrations but since you've mentioned it, I presume it to be short for TOkyo School of the Arts, since that seems to be where she's looking to apply as well

last edited at Jan 28, 2024 3:36PM

joined Jul 10, 2016

I don't usually put too much attention into those little banner narrations but since you've mentioned it, I presume it to be short for TOkyo School of the Arts, since that seems to be where she's looking to apply as well

Oh! That makes sense; thanks! I assumed it was a region or town or something.

joined Jul 14, 2021

They're in Ehime Prefecture on Shikoku (in Matsuyama city mostly, dunno if protag's house is within the area or in a nearby town), the new girl is from the neighbouring Kochi Prefecture (formerly Tosa Province), probably recognizable in the raws by her speaking in one of the dialects from there.

last edited at Jan 28, 2024 12:48PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Ah, that'd do it

joined Oct 2, 2021

Haro doesn't need a brush, he should just dip his wick in and paint with it

joined Jul 14, 2021

I felt like going full geoguessr on the panels and here's the result.

At the beginning of each part there's a link to a big map with the places marked on it. There are a few entries for panels from future chapters, but without any spoilers. Lemme know if google maps links are not working or if I f-ed up somewhere.

The places I've failed to locate are Satou's store, Mayu's apartment (these two are likely manga-original) and this street from chapter 1 (for this one there are multiple things to go by, including the washed out stop marking seemingly facing the wrong way - there actually are a few painted like this in the city so it's not necessarily a mistake - but I still couldn't find a match).

last edited at Mar 8, 2024 3:36PM

joined Jul 14, 2021

Bumping to mention that I've expanded the above post into a full guide

joined Jul 14, 2021

In the future chapters there's a good view of Iyobi's immediate surroundings, but as far as I can tell it's manga-original stuff.

Sneak peek: the nude everybody's been waiting for

joined Apr 14, 2023

Seems like Gao and Haro are opposites in their style of art or their reasoning for it. Interesting how that'll work out later. I couldn't over look how similar their hair styles are, and if wasn't for Gao's father showing up they could be mistaken for siblings or cousins.

joined Mar 28, 2015

An apology is enough? The dad should have ended up in jail for assault.

And the boy's dad is like "hahaha, it's nothing". What? That huge man knocked out his son with a punch and could have broken his jaw and give him a concussion, but "it's nothing"?

Do you job as a dad, ffs, call the cops and jail that man.

last edited at May 25, 2024 6:44AM

joined Jul 15, 2016

An apology is enough? The dad should have ended up in jail for assault.

And the boy's dad is like "hahaha, it's nothing". What? That huge man knocked out his son with a punch and could have broken his jaw and give him a concussion, but "it's nothing"?

Do you job as a dad, ffs, call the cops and jail that man.

This is not how Confucianism-inspired parenting works. An older man physically disciplining a younger one is not a big deal. The fact that he then apologizes in front of Haro's father can be interpreted as him not only apologizing for the assault, but also implicitly for disciplining someone's else son and thus for usurping his social role. Haro's father, as a responsible Confucian adult, is then quick to brush it under the carpet in the name of "social harmony". Thus, social order is restored, and everyone is happy. Except Haro's jaw, I guess, but who cares about that. /s

joined Apr 10, 2023

Haro just seems to be bulldozing Gao this whole arc and it's weird. There's this macho bullshit that seems to be going on where Gao's father instantly reduced her to a helpless damsel and she can do nothing but stand there and shake so Haro has to do everything for her. Even at the end of the chapter where SHE should be getting an Idea for how to deal with her dad, it's Haro who gets an idea instead? That's especially weird imo.

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