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joined Jan 9, 2017

If people were okay with tagging that one other yuri oneshot with Chubby then this also wouid fit the Chubby category.

The what? Who defuq is chubby here?

joined Sep 16, 2019

Mc has lived a life of counting her pennies. While Nakano is suggesting too frivelous a spree it is actually healthy for Mc to experience spending money normally.

I don't think jumping straight from "worrying about how much public tap water she uses" to "lol just buy whatever" is the way to teach Miyako proper money management. There are in fact stages between those two. Also Nakano is definitely doing this to make Miyako financially dependent on the sex work.

Except she’s not necessarily telling her to spend frivolously. Notice how she pointed out how much everything Miyako was considering would be, and she even bought relatively cheap options at the restaurant to demonstrate that Miyako could still enjoy herself without having to go all out. I do kinda think Nakano’s whole goal here was simply to get Miyako to loosen up a bit and enjoy herself.

Also, it occurs to me that Nakano doesn’t actually get much from this weird prostitution thing. So far, we haven’t seen any indication that she’s taking a finder’s fee or a cut of Miyako’s earnings. So if her goal is to pimp out her friend, she’s doing a terrible job at the actual pimping part. Even if she wants to make Miyako financially dependent (which would be hard to do, as she already knows how to live with very little), as things currently stand, she’d have very little to gain from it. I don’t know, maybe she’s playing the long game, or maybe the reporter will reveal some bombshell twist, but for now, I find it hard to see her actions as anything other than a honest, if somewhat twisted, attempt to help out her financially struggling and tight-fisted friend.

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

Say what you will, that "just be quiet and enjoy it" combined with the blush is really hot /////

Exactly. I don't know how people could read something that hot and get hung up on the narrative. Like it's this author -- morals don't apply. And we all are just jealous we ain't living this life. Or I am anyway.

I wish all the commenters were honest like you.

I'm bored to tears by people hating on the characters and putting them on trial for squandering, pimping and prostitution.

All this moralizing blather sounds so fake.

I want a friend like Nakano-san.

Mind that this 'friend' is likely to ask you for some (cough) benefits...

Now I want to see Nakano falling for her even harder.

It's coming, it's coming! >:)

Nakano is totally going to settle down with Miyako, isn't she

Well, how can I put it...

The player who every girl wants, who can seduce and bed any woman in the world, falling for you and renouncing his/her ladykiller ways to dedicate him/herself to care for you and make you happy for the rest of your life?

That's like the oldest, most beloved trope in women's fiction since forever.

So yeah, I guess it's gonna happen, lmao.

last edited at Oct 9, 2022 5:42PM

joined Sep 3, 2022

kek kirby at the end

joined Jul 23, 2019

The player who every girl wants, who can seduce and bed any woman in the world, falling for you and renouncing his/her ladykiller ways to dedicate him/herself to care for you and make you happy for the rest of your life?

That's like the oldest, most beloved trope in women's fiction since forever.

There's something I've been thinking from the beginning—why would Nakano pay Miyako to sleep with her? For someone like her, who gets any girl she fancies & is used to fuck for free with whomever she damn wants, paying for sex should be unthinkable. Forking out money to buy Miyako is a humiliation! She wouldn't do it unless she's desperate because all the other tricks have failed already!

This is why I suspect Miyako is special to Nakano and in fact has been for some time.

(I hope nobody replies that "hah, if she was special to her she wouldn't make Miyako screw other people" because god, that would be sad...)

joined Apr 16, 2022

All these things can be true: Nakano genuinely wants to help Miyako in her own way; Nakano has romantic feelings for Miyako; Nakano is a bad person. I'm not morally judging Nakano when I point out she's done despicable things. I think it makes her character more interesting!

joined Aug 19, 2015

The player who every girl wants, who can seduce and bed any woman in the world, falling for you and renouncing his/her ladykiller ways to dedicate him/herself to care for you and make you happy for the rest of your life?

That's like the oldest, most beloved trope in women's fiction since forever.

There's something I've been thinking from the beginning—why would Nakano pay Miyako to sleep with her? For someone like her, who gets any girl she fancies & is used to fuck for free with whomever she damn wants, paying for sex should be unthinkable. Forking out money to buy Miyako is a humiliation! She wouldn't do it unless she's desperate because all the other tricks have failed already!

This is why I suspect Miyako is special to Nakano and in fact has been for some time.

(I hope nobody replies that "hah, if she was special to her she wouldn't make Miyako screw other people" because god, that would be sad...)

There's sometimes a lack of consent so it's pretty scummy how it progressed so this doesn't justify how this happened. But, I think the payment is to get Miyako to transition into the kind of world Nakano is in - that is to say a more sexually liberated yuri world. Prior to that, Miyako wouldn't have entertained her at all or prolly would've dismissed it as something impossible for her since her main focus in life is... er budgeting. But money, money is something that occupies her thoughts so the prostitution proposal made her start opening to the idea of sex and therefore made it easier for Nakano to make a move.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Dunno about all that other stuff, but page 10 was thoroughly enjoyable.

joined Oct 1, 2014

yum, some delicious food in this chapter right guys

joined Aug 16, 2018

yum, some delicious food in this chapter right guys

Salmon pasta with creamy garlic sauce and freshly-grated Parmesan cheese.

Daremo from Parts Unknown
joined May 6, 2022

yum, some delicious food in this chapter right guys

Salmon pasta with creamy garlic sauce and freshly-grated Parmesan cheese.

You can't do this to me right when I'm getting ready to sleep.
My growling belly keeps me awake now. orz

joined Feb 14, 2018

great from now on in the discussion bored all i'm gonna want is the recipe for the pasta while the recipe for the series thickens akin to the sauce it makes

joined Jun 14, 2022

All these things can be true: Nakano genuinely wants to help Miyako in her own way; Nakano has romantic feelings for Miyako; Nakano is a bad person. I'm not morally judging Nakano when I point out she's done despicable things. I think it makes her character more interesting!

This exactly. I don't point out I think Nakano is the villain because I dislike the character or hate the story, I'm using context clues to try and figure out where the story is going. And I think there's a pretty strong position that the Reporter could end up on the "You can fuck people without needing to have someone give away pictures of you you don't want."

Or ya know, this could all go down the and they all fucked happily ever after route. Either way I'm here to see it out xD

joined Oct 21, 2017

OK I'm an idiot so can somebody please explain to me what's Doumyou trying to accomplish here.

last edited at Oct 10, 2022 9:42AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

OK I'm an idiot so can somebody please explain to me what's Doumyou trying to accomplish here.

I'm not quite sure either, but I'm assuming she's trying to stop da seggs in their college??? Or at the very least trying to expose Nakano's promiscuity?? If it's the latter, then, since Nakano seems to be pretty popular with the girls already, I'm assuming the ones Doumyou wants to know about it are the professors and staff and such?

joined Jul 22, 2017

It is very and extremely funny that Nakano is beginning to develop feelings

joined Oct 10, 2022

"Just shut up and enjoy it."

Yeah, Nakano definitely the villain at this point x.x I feel like we're setting up for the reporter to actually be the good guy. They picked the perfect profession to hide whether she'd be good or bad though, the easiest professions to make villains or heros are Lawyers and Reporters.

Definitely a villain before this point. She set her friend up with a bunch of possible rape scenarios (a bunch of people who are expecting sex, whether our MC wants to give it or not).

I feel like Nakano's ... actually in love with her though, but her motivation is ... maybe, she's not willing to give up all her other sexual partners and wants Miyako to have the same lifestyle and they can be together? It's all very strange.

You people are taking this way seriously in the porn world everything goes.

last edited at Oct 10, 2022 1:57PM

joined Oct 10, 2022

You people are taking this way seriously I mean its for porn crying out loud i can't believe people expect a life lesson out this.

last edited at Oct 10, 2022 1:50PM

joined Oct 10, 2022

It is very and extremely funny that Nakano is beginning to develop feelings

Not really but okay.

joined Dec 25, 2021

I was wondering when we'd some scissoring and they did it on the best chapter!

joined Jun 13, 2012

I do agree that this is porn and nobody should take it too seriously. However, this is more quality porn, which means that there is an actual story line and potential character development (for instance the fact that Nakano seems to slowly start to fall for our MC). Of course, you cannot compare this series to story telling master pieces, since it still mainly focuses on the sexy parts. But I have to say that for porn, this series has some interesting aspects and characters which deserve our attention and I am happy to read about people's interpretations and opinions :)

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

I do agree that this is porn and nobody should take it too seriously. However, this is more quality porn, which means that there is an actual story line and potential character development (for instance the fact that Nakano seems to slowly start to fall for our MC).

This is the best porn. It's porn like Les Bijoux Indiscrets, by which I mean an awesome story with porn in it. Top quality porn.

I'm willing to bet that MC won't make it to 15 customers. Nakano will realize she wants her all for herself waaay before that.

joined Aug 19, 2021

With the new chapter and see she still have 15 followers i really assume she will at least make out with all of them, but nice to see she thinks about a normal lovers relationship with Nakano.

joined Nov 13, 2017

I had a vision in a dream about this, and the final chapter will have an orgy with our MC as the center.
Think DVDES-622.

joined Jan 9, 2017

I like it when we get some decent motivation from the customers

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