Forum › Can't Defy the Lonely Girl discussion

joined Jun 17, 2021

I've always found it kind of weird that writers don't know what to do with a story once "getting together," happens. In my experience, even when people get together and have a healthy relationship, life doesn't stop being life. The troubles they face just aren't them fighting amongst themselves.

I just kind of find it weird that people think "nothing is happening" or the author doesn't know what to do with the story.
Like ... what was this manga before they got together? A lot like this, the only difference being, they weren't together and Sora was asking her for "favours". Every chapter didn't have some epic drama in it. Literally no idea what people are complaining about.

joined Feb 11, 2022

I don’t really think it’s “boring” in the sense that nothing is happening, but in the sense that what is happening is starting to feel a bit repetitive. The emotional points of this chapter felt really similar to the last couple and it just left me feeling unsatisfied, but it’s not like i hated it. I still like this series a lot, I’d just like to see it branch out a bit (which it will hopefully do in this coming out arc).

joined Aug 15, 2018

Idk I like it and it's cute

joined Jan 12, 2021

I feel sad for Sora, I hope she figures out what she wants to do soon.

joined Aug 25, 2018

I’m pretty sure i have diabetes after reading this chapter

joined Nov 6, 2021

Perfect ending 10/10
Loved that Gyaoru or whatever type is called got her girl as well, there was set up for it and it paid off.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Perfect ending 10/10
Loved that Gyaoru or whatever type is called got her girl as well, there was set up for it and it paid off.

OK, either you're on the wrong thread or you didn't realize that the series is still ongoing

joined Dec 23, 2020

Ya know, some pics are just ruined by those filters.

joined Sep 11, 2019

The blush is cute

joined Apr 27, 2018

LOL, She tried to hide behind her phone! :)

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, she's definitely right.

joined Sep 10, 2021

Me, who waited weeks to read 2 pages of this bonus volume
This is fine

last edited at Apr 27, 2022 6:14AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Well, she's definitely right.

I would upvote/like this if I could

joined Feb 3, 2021

Aww this was a nice read. Working things out, communicating, supporting each other in their goals; love to see the series move past the get together end and depict their life as a pair and how that changes them.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Cute. Wonder how much longer this manga will continue for. I am enjoying them just figuring out life together while, you know, actually dating.

joined Aug 16, 2017

Moderately worried about the chapter ending with her crossing a street...

joined May 1, 2015

In before she gets isekaied.

joined Apr 15, 2013

Glad I'm not the only one worried about Truck-kun making a sudden appearance. It's probably fine though... right?

joined Jun 21, 2021

Yoooo not gonna lie that’s a baller move not putting our two leads be in the same class again…I’m genuinely a little shook by that. For a moment I thought we were skipping to graduation after the color pages with how Ayaka was talking lol.

The art seemed really crisp this chapter though, like everything just looked so sharp, in a good way

joined Feb 11, 2022

Late night great white!

joined Jun 15, 2021

It always puzzles me. The two of them would hold hands together, especially in front of their friends. (Thus the friends think that they are showing off). Sora still has the power over Ayaka, so technically she can issue a command to Ayaka once a day. the one thing i find it odd is that they do not live together. Sora's home is emptied, i am sure she can let her partner stays. They do not have to do it every day, a couple of nights would be fine, and of course Ayaka has to phone her family that she will stay there for a couple of nights. I am sure Ayaka's family all know about Sora by now. The two MC can make a step forward by having a schedule. So for example, Ayaka will stay with Sora on a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. So Ayaka's family will know which day she will stay over at Sora.

BTW, is it normal to request changing classes after you have been assigned in Japan? I'm sure if they want to do the switch, Ayaka can have that creepy sensei to pull the strings.

last edited at May 25, 2022 12:48AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

It always puzzles me. The two of them would hold hands together, especially in front of their friends. (Thus the friends think that they are showing off). Sora still has the power over Ayaka, so technically she can issue a command to Ayaka once a day. the one thing i find it odd is that they do not live together. Sora's home is emptied, i am sure she can let her partner stays. They do not have to do it every day, a couple of nights would be fine, and of course Ayaka has to phone her family that she will stay there for a couple of nights. I am sure Ayaka's family all know about Sora by now. The two MC can make a step forward by having a schedule. So for example, Ayaka will stay with Sora on a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. So Ayaka's family will know which day she will stay over at Sora.

BTW, is it normal to request changing classes after you have been assigned in Japan? I'm sure if they want to do the switch, Ayaka can have that creepy sensei to pull the strings.

Pretty sure we’ve seen like 3 different times that Ayaka has stayed the night, so it’s something they are definitely doing pretty frequently. Her family almost assuredly doesn’t know they are dating(that would probably be something worth showing) so they probably don’t wanna make it obvious, or they just don’t wanna do it on school nights, idk, there’s not much reason her parents would be okay with her spending school nights over someone’s house, especially if they know they are dating.

joined Sep 11, 2020

That color intro with Ayaka talking about school days and looking at an album feels like the future... I think this might actually finally be the final volume.

I cannot freaking believe we got 6 volumes of this. This feels like it should have ended ages ago, but we were blessed with even more, and it's all been great. God bless this manga.

joined Oct 30, 2021

For the love of all thats right in the world pls dont end yet

joined Jan 16, 2020

Oh man, that ending. I hope it's just a red herring xd

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