Forum › Adachi and Shimamura (Novel) discussion

joined Oct 25, 2014

Some very apathetic people, like Adachi, are fine with just having one special person in their life. They have their person, job and hobbies, so what she needs to stop revolving around Shimamura and that would suit her personality some more are some hobbies, and maybe she'll meet some people through them or maybe not, you can't really socialize with people you couldn't care less for.

Adachi is not really apathetic (in fact, Shimamura is the apathetic one). Adachi has social issues. She has problems socializing with others due to her family issues.

We have all said their relationship isn't healthy, at this point in time. Most young relationships aren't always the healthiest, as they're young, immature and tend to have bad communication, like said young people in them, and yes Adachi is terribly clingly having barely received love and affection from those she wanted it the most and feeling hated by them or well just her mom, Adachi doesn't want that to happen with Shimamura, so she knows she has to change and stop being so demanding and Shimamura knows she can't keep giving-in. Growth in relationships takes time and communication and they have barely just started, so yes they both suck it at right now, but it's unavoidable as those thoughts creep in the back of their minds, they'll have to have a conversation about their relationship or something if they want to keep being together.

The problem is the author isn't doing enough development. We are at volume 9 and their relationship hasn't getting any better. If anything, it got worse with Adachi being more and more selfish and Shimamura just going along with it because, in the absence of love (Shimamura doesn't really love Adachi), she figures the best she can do for Adachi is giving in to her demands.

Am I supposed to root for them when they're so dysfunctional and unhealthy together? I don't think so.

joined Oct 25, 2014

Or, she have someone she trust a lot and that someone can make her socialize

Except that's not happening. For the most part she hasn't gotten any better.

last edited at Oct 10, 2020 10:19PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

(Shimamura doesn't really love Adachi)

Have we read the same last chapters ?

joined Apr 5, 2015

Doesn’t seem to ever had crushes before or even thought about romance.

Didn't she kinda like Tarumi as a kid or am I remembering that wrong? (I might need to go back and read)

I think this is a valid interpretation, as far I remember, but one thing about Shimamura that I notice is that she is very out of touch with her own feelings. Like, even on her own narration her feelings for Adachi feels a lot muddled. Because she herself doesn't notice it about herself, it is left to us to notice how much she care about Adachi through her actions or less direct thoughts. If it is hard to know for sure how she feels for Adachi now, it is much harder to infer how she felt about Tarumi in the past. But because of that that I do think she might have had a minor crush as obviously Tarumi was and is important to her in a way she can't fully explain how, which mirrors Adachi.

I do find that aspect of Shimamura interesting, specially because Adachi is a bit of a mirror, being much more in tune to her own desires, even despite all her denial. So they have this dynamic where Shimamura understand others more than herself, while Adachi understand herself more than others.

Some very apathetic people, like Adachi, are fine with just having one special person in their life. They have their person, job and hobbies, so what she needs to stop revolving around Shimamura and that would suit her personality some more are some hobbies, and maybe she'll meet some people through them or maybe not, you can't really socialize with people you couldn't care less for.

Adachi is not really apathetic (in fact, Shimamura is the apathetic one). Adachi has social issues. She has problems socializing with others due to her family issues.

We have all said their relationship isn't healthy, at this point in time. Most young relationships aren't always the healthiest, as they're young, immature and tend to have bad communication, like said young people in them, and yes Adachi is terribly clingly having barely received love and affection from those she wanted it the most and feeling hated by them or well just her mom, Adachi doesn't want that to happen with Shimamura, so she knows she has to change and stop being so demanding and Shimamura knows she can't keep giving-in. Growth in relationships takes time and communication and they have barely just started, so yes they both suck it at right now, but it's unavoidable as those thoughts creep in the back of their minds, they'll have to have a conversation about their relationship or something if they want to keep being together.

The problem is the author isn't doing enough development. We are at volume 9 and their relationship hasn't getting any better. If anything, it got worse with Adachi being more and more selfish and Shimamura just going along with it because, in the absence of love (Shimamura doesn't really love Adachi), she figures the best she can do for Adachi is giving in to her demands.

Am I supposed to root for them when they're so dysfunctional and unhealthy together? I don't think so.

Her apathy is tied to her social/family issues. They're both apathetic, one because they have really nothing, the other because they have more.

Also have we both read read volume 8? I'm pretty sure it's quite undeniably clear that Shimamura does love Adachi. Shimamura is a very much go with the flow type of person, so she does go along with somethings because she loves Adachi, but doesn't go along with it with all the things Adachi wants, like the whole "let's go to San-Fransisco right now" trip and the date Adachi was trying to set up afterwards. And Adachi is trying to be more conscious of Shimamura's feelings, even Shimamura was surprised that Adachi was taking her feelings into consideration, when they were talking about holding hands in front of people and the whole talk she had with the fortune teller, that made her ask for a another date, she apologizes for being a selfish baby, both taking action while staying true to their character, slowly, but surely. Again we didn't see that much of Adachi's thoughts since the volume was centered around cementing Shimamura's feelings for Adachi.

And ion know that's up to you whether you want to root for them or not, I'm rooting/reading this for them to get it together, I like how it's showing us the ugly parts of their relationship, while they stay true to themselves.

last edited at Oct 11, 2020 7:42AM by

joined Oct 20, 2017

The problem is the author isn't doing enough development. We are at volume 9 and their relationship hasn't getting any better. If anything, it got worse with Adachi being more and more selfish and Shimamura just going along with it because, in the absence of love (Shimamura doesn't really love Adachi), she figures the best she can do for Adachi is giving in to her demands.

Am I supposed to root for them when they're so dysfunctional and unhealthy together? I don't think so.

Whether or not you like the writing, that's your business, but the idea that Shimamura doesn't love Adachi is just something you simply decided to be true, because you don't like their relationship. It's not an actual fact.

last edited at Oct 11, 2020 1:41AM

joined May 24, 2017

10/10 for this vol.

Really love the mist scene. I knew that Yashiro will help Shimamura in some way in this school trip. And we already know from previous chapter that she doesn't use her eyes to see things around her. The author planned this scene well.

I have been thinking this for a long time, but Shimamura is actually sweet, sooooo sweet. The way her thinking in this page made me smile, a really big smile.
If we talk while lying on a separate bed, the time my girlfriend's voice making its way to my ear will be too much and I might fall asleep waiting!? Holy Moly! This is soooo lovely!

Vol.8 chapter 6, Journey Back, is very interesting.
First, we can see that this future Adachi is pretty much the same lovely Adachi we know. In chapter 1, Journey There, we only see Shimamura's perspective but this chapter we got to see Adachi's perspective again which is good.
Second, in previous chapter they are talking about ten years in the future and at the end of this vol the "And so, they'd gone by, my ten years with Shimamura" is really good. What an amazing way to end the volumn.

Lastly, which is the most interesting thing in this vol in my opinion is that the future Adachi feels jealous of Shimamura that she has another place to come home to. This is really important because even the future Shimamura still think that Adachi is 100% OK to have only her in Adachi's life. We don't know for sure that Adachi means she also want to get along with her family or she means she regret leaving her house like that OR she now wants or OK with having more people in her life just like Shimamura. I find it really interesting. What will Adachi be like in another ten years from this? Will she have another place she can be apart from Shimamura's side? I want to know.

last edited at Oct 11, 2020 1:43AM

joined Jun 5, 2016

You find another yuri LN series to work on?

I'm not that well connected, ha.

I only got to participate with this because I am obnoxious and apparently sneik likes pain, lol

joined Nov 3, 2018

I meant both you and sneik of course. Surely he'll be itching to translate more.

joined Mar 23, 2020

Whoa what a weird debate got started all of a sudden, a kind of stupid one really.

The guy is clearly out of his mind for expecting 2 really, but like fucking really socially awkward people to have a regular "boy meets girl" romance lol, like dude forget about how real the whole gay angst stuff is already, one of them is apathethic towards everything and the other has never had a real human relationships in her life, yeah no shit their relationship is gonna be really fucking awkward especially at the start.

Adachi is clinging to Shima because she's the first person she's ever cared about, like a kid crying when he's first left at kindergarten cuz he never thought he'd need to be separated from mom.

Shima is just as fucking weird for whatever reason she just can't seem to care about anyone or anything really and no there doesn't have to be some deep reason for it, that's just how she is, and Adachi just so happens to be someone that has caught her interest, shes breaking the monotonous life she was experiencing because for once something is interesting, Adachi wanting a romantic relationship with her, she was never against it, sure she's doubted a lot whether her fondness for Adachi goes all the way to romantic love, but do take in mind she was never personally against it, in fact she was quite excited when she first found out Adachi was in love with her, she's just scared what others will think, cuz funnily enough even if she doesn't care about others she wants to maintain an image of being normal.

All in all they're both fucking weird and have found something in each other they never thought they'd have and they never thought they'd have that because they're so fucking weird but the interesting part is seeing them connect, this ain't some self insert, or good happy story about 2 cute girls finding love with someone that makes their heart go doki doki, it's 2 fucking weirdos learning that yes there's somebody just as fucking weird as them out there, and they can connect with each other in a way they never thought they could, even if it's in a very weird way.

All in all youre not gonna understand what other people think and like/dislike ever cuz you're not them and even if something's are pretty fucked they tolerate each other weirdness cuz they know that they themselves are fucking weird as well, but not in a toxic way cuz they're not encouraging each other's most unhealthy behaviors, they're both trying to change for the better, while still being fucking weird.

Nah but I do sort of understand not being ready for such a weird relationship when the overwhelming majority of romances play it so safe.

last edited at Oct 11, 2020 8:44AM

joined Jun 7, 2019

okay okay okay
Adachi monopolizes her a lot? Yes, but in part it is understandable, Shimamura at the moment is the only person closest to her and with whom she has a deep bond, I think it is the obvious that she is a little possessive and to that add that she is a teenager. I don't think it's a "toxic" relationship, I think Adachi's jealousy is what anyone would have in a relationship, just that her insecurities are kind of annoying. I think that Shimamura as the person closest to her should put limits on her and help her to relate to more people (?) or maybe not, simply teach them not to be so dependent on her
How should i put it?Adachi deserves WAY MORE love

last edited at Oct 11, 2020 7:36AM

joined Nov 8, 2017

This forum has become a real battlefield lately.

As some would say, war has changed.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Welp, I'm very late. Only picking up the ln half a week after the anime adaptation began.
Still, given both the contents of chapter 1 and what I've heard about the ln version, I'm certainly gonna enjoy it, probably more than I did the first manga version.
Though, given a) that I'm a uni student now b) the length of this chapter and c) that I have other stuff I'm interested in taking up some part of my time, I think I'll limit my reading to 1 chapter per day.

joined Nov 3, 2018

There are generally only three or four full-lenght chapters per volume, the others are short interludes, so you won't take too long to catch up. Have fun and feel free to comment as you read along.

joined Nov 3, 2018

The anime has been really nice so far, it's great to hear Adachi's scrambled thoughts. And Christ almighty at the dress she has Shimamura wear in her dream.

last edited at Oct 15, 2020 8:19PM

joined Sep 1, 2019

The anime has been really nice so far, it's great to hear Adachi's scrambled thoughts. And Christ almighty at the dress she has Shimamura wear in her dream.

I know right? Bless the anime for giving that Shimamura in a see through night gown to us. A bit disappointed that they didn't show the only kiss scene we probably will ever get.

joined Jan 25, 2017

I'm so glad to see all the non-readers getting to meet our precious disaster Adachi.

joined Jan 30, 2017

Nah but I do sort of understand not being ready for such a weird relationship when the overwhelming majority of romances play it so safe.

lul, reminds me how many people hated Chuunibyou S2 because it explicitly was about how it's okay to have romance that doesn't develop as usual. So many folks missed the point and were like "bruh where's the romance, this is character regression! gib kissu!"

slow is good

joined Oct 22, 2018

This episode was so great. I would say that I can't wait for the next one, but I can, in fact, by passing the time in between by uh... refer to this post

last edited at Oct 16, 2020 6:49AM

joined Mar 12, 2018

Adachi is so funny in a cute way. I nearly cried of laughing at the end of the episode. what the eff

joined Oct 22, 2018

Adachi is so funny in a cute way. I nearly cried of laughing at the end of the episode. what the eff

I agree. That "what the eff" scene I feel could easily be memeable. Or converted into a Discord emote or two (or maybe three, if we're pushing our luck)

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Wow, episode 2 of Adachi and Shimamura was so gay. Also damn Adachi is such gay mess, I love it. I relate to her so much.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Just finished reading chapter 7. Can't wait for whatever episode that scene in Shimamura's study room would be in.

joined Dec 16, 2014

Iruma as a person is so down to earth that I just can't help not to admire her for it.

last edited at Oct 20, 2020 1:38AM

Iruma as a person is so down to earth that I just can't help not to admire her for it.

Thas a man. The one who is a woman is Non.

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