Forum › Kotonoha Amrilato will be released on August 25.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Interesting, I've never heard of this before, but it's apparently "a pure romance story between girls with a language barrier" according to the VNDB page ( Even more interesting news: SukeraSpace, the developer, is apparently a girl's love game developer ( Let me repeat that: IT'S A FUCKING GIRL'S LOVE GAME DEVELOPER. I don't think any other company out there makes solely GL games (if I'm wrong, please correct me), so I find this amazing. Hopefully this does well (and, well, is good) so that SukeraSpace stays afloat and can continue to bless us with more yuri Vns.

Dang, us game aficionados (I refuse to say gamer but game aficionado just sounds idiotic... well, whatever) have been really spoiled in the past two years, huh? On Steam alone (I'm looking at Hella Yuri's recs, so it's obviously pretty limited), there's been Highway Blossoms, Starlight Vega, Sweet Volley High, A Wild Catgirl Appears, Love Ribbon, Nurse Love Addiction, Kindred Spirits, Flowers, Stargazers, Sakura Space, Sakura Dungeon, Ladykiller in a Bind, Moekuri, Queen of Thieves, Pygmalion, Nights of Azure, A Little Lily Princess, Strawberry Vinegar, and probably some more I missed. Their quality is definitely debatable (ahem, Sakura games and Catgirl), but the fact remains that THEY'RE GAY, YAY. The more concerning issue is that pretty much of all of these VNs are Western except Nurse Love Addiction, Kindred Spirits, Pygmalion, and Flowers and thus have much lower budgets than your usual Japanese VN does, but, hey, I'll take what I can get... and I still have a ton of options since I only have Strawberry Vinegar, Highway Blossoms, and Catgirl. Ah, if only I were rich... I could buy all the $40 yuri VNs that I want...

On the topic of Japanese yuri VNs though, I recall there was one called SeaBed or whatever that looked intriguing. Let's hope that Japan continues the trend of producing solid non-shlocky yuri VNs.

joined Apr 25, 2014

I refuse to say game

lolwut. just say gamer.

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