Forum › Posts by moonfrost13

joined Apr 7, 2013


AH, NO IT WAS YOU. My badddd. My memory has some issues >->;.

Haha, it's okay. Even I lose track of who says what since there are so many posts by the time I return.

AHH I'm loving all of this kindred spirit stuff!! In 24 hrs apparently I've found out I have more in common with all y'all than I have with 99% of the people I've met in real life. -_- I like the whole asking before hugging thing tho! Tho I'm on the complete opposite when it comes to preferring gentle/bear hugs...I think I'd prefer the latter just because it'd feel less awkward to me. Soft = just a little too close for my liking haha and usually last longer (I think). Bear hugs tend to be fast and powerful, which I think I'm more okay with.

LOL. Yes to the brain!frozen bit. I totally understand, even if that only happened once to me.

Same. Most of my friends irl are opposite to me. And I would say they're semi-considerate. They ask first which is nice. But, they also tease me since it hasn't come naturally to me yet and they joke that my body must have a "restart" button because no matter how many times I've received physical affection I react like it's the first time. XP

I could see that. I guess bear hugs are on the casual side. Whereas softness feels a bit... intimate? In my case, softness relaxes me. I find it soothing so that helps me to adjust.

I wouldn't say cheek kisses are the common greeting here but, it's not unusual either (sadly). haha. But, I've never had a three cheek kiss nor a kiss on the lips between friends. I hope the latter never occurs because I might just die. My tombstone will read "RIP from platonic girl kiss".

Haha, moonfrost and trafi I'm going to hold off debating with y'all on No-rae + contact. I'll be back Tues with my finished little analysis chart to debate with gusto ;)

Ooh, an analysis chart. Now we're getting serious. :P I'll try to reread FF before then so I can have it fresh in my mind. I typed out a short outline of things that came across as "awkward No-rae" behavior to me but, I want to double check those scenes since I was going purely on memory.


oh... I see I was excluded from "non-touchy people club" oh kay...

Aww, no, you're still a part of the club! Maybe we need an off topic thread dedicated to us, the socially awkward. lol.

Lara 77:

So with no feedback on the post earlier...I assume either 1) just being ignored for lack of interest...which is totally understandable.... or 2) No one actually listen to anything while reading manga/manhawa and with that I would be surprised a bit because I always believed the majority would do.

I listen to music while reading FF. Lately, I've been replaying two songs in particular.

"All Our Days" - RWBY volume 2 OST
(To be honest, the lyrics in their entirety don't match at all with FF. But, the sound of it puts me in a sentimental mood. I first listened to it during the bathroom scene of chapters 22 and 23 because of its chorus: I made this promise to you... I will cling, I will clutch. I'll hold onto you, I won't turn away. I won't leave, I won't go. I will stay with you all our days.)

"Better With You" - This Wild Life
(This song was featured in a K-drama which had a lesbian kiss in it. I've been listening to it ever since No-rae began avoiding Seol-a, since they're better together than they are apart.)


It would appear that FF has also been unofficially translated into Chinese with the title "怦然心情" (pēng rán xīn qíng).

Looks like FF is popular in many places. :3

That's great news. ^^ I hope it means more fan art will be on its way. Chinese artists tend to have a particular painting style that I really love. If the view of that first fan art was flipped, I imagine No-rae's expression would ruin the heart fluttering vibe since she's probably freaking out due to Seol-a being so close. lol.

joined Apr 7, 2013


I'm now revising my opinion to No-rae is awkward with physical contact with everyone she's not ridiculously close with. She seemed pretty flustered (as well) the couple of times we saw Ji-hwan touch her as well (well, when she wasn't drunk anyways lol).

I'm now torn on this subject. lol. A part of me still feels No-rae is a bit awkward in general when it comes to physical contact. Except when it involves Hye-kyung, since they just seem to have that type of friendship. Maybe it's also because she doesn't warm up to people easily as Hye-kyung brought out in chapter 6 when she said that No-rae lacks a bit of boldness and it usually takes a while to get to know her. Or maybe I need to reread the whole series and pay more attention to who No-rae touches and how she responds to it. XP

you and the other non-touchy person on here (sorry, I forgot who you were :C or I think I know, but not sure) are like the only people I've pseudo-met that relate.

Me? Or is there another non-touchy person here? haha. The only time I initiate even a little is if I like someone romantically. And even then I'm putting forth a lot of conscious effort in doing so.

I can reciprocate hugs but, I'm awkward about it if that person catches me off guard. Which is why some of my friends ask beforehand, "Is it okay if I give you a hug?" as sort of a forewarning. Which sounds stupid but, it actually works better for me because then I know it's coming and can properly respond.

But, I think how someone hugs me is a big factor on whether I become comfortable with it or not. Gentle hugs are nice since they give me time to ease into it. Sudden bear hugs can annoy me because it feels like an intrusion of my personal space. Guys have a tendency to give me bear hugs (which hurt, by the way!) so I typically prefer hugs from girls.

I'm completely hopeless with cheek kiss greetings, though. What am I supposed to do? Am I expected to kiss them back? I just end up frozen like a statue, letting them kiss me but, not really doing anything in return since my brain hasn't caught up with the action yet. XP

joined Apr 7, 2013

Where's the love? There aren't even fragments of it anymore. All I see is a load of crap. -_- This chapter left me feeling disgusted with ALL of the characters in it. Whatever happened to plausible drama in yuri? These plots are getting downright ridiculous. sighs

joined Apr 7, 2013

Lara 77:

Perhaps this is exactly why I thought, if there is any progress between the two romantically, it might be a stolen kiss taken without the other realizing it (at sleep for instance and I won't be surprised if it happened while Seol-A staying at No-rae's house).

A moment of weakness is possible. But, I don't know if either of them would have the audacity to steal a kiss, considering both of them retracted from even stealing a touch while the other was asleep.

Overall, I'm just really curious to see how ssamba is going to develop this. She has a tendency of taking our opposite predictions and giving us the best of both worlds somehow. :)

Having said all the stuff above. I am still curious, who will confess first? Long before in the early chapters I always thought Seol-A is the one but now as things progressed I have a feeling No-Rae is the one confessing, or kissing, first.

I think No-rae will be the first to confess. And I'd personally prefer it if she were. She's the one with walls around her heart (and Seol-a knows it) so I feel it'd be really meaningful if it were No-rae who willingly lets down her defenses to take that leap of faith.

But, as far as who initiates the first kiss, my money is on Seol-a. lol.


halmoni's Debut
A Special Tribute to halmoni
By someone on the Facebook FF page:

Wow, that is pure gold. XP

joined Apr 7, 2013


I use Paint Tool SAI. Most of my friends use SAI rather than Photoshop, and it's easier to use. I only use Photoshop for cleaning raws though I'm thinking I should learn how to use Photoshop and Illustrator for educational purposes. As far as I can remember, you can create your own brush in Photoshop (but I don't know I suggest, you create your own brush so the strokes will look better. :)

I started with Photoshop because that's what my friends recommended but, I keep hearing that it's easier to paint with Paint Tool SAI. So I plan to try that program as well to see which I prefer. I've been holding off on experimenting with it because I only just started feeling comfortable with Photoshop and didn't want to go through that learning curve again. XP Thank you for the suggestion. :) I've never created my own brush before. I will look into it, though, since I don't like the brush I'm currently using for the clean lineart. It feels like I have less control while drawing with it, in comparison to the brush I use for my sketches.


Hmm... I don't understand what else this whatever could be? She's aware and conscious about her feelings towards Seol-a, otherwise she wouldn't be asking her brother what she asked. She tried running away from them, but apparently it didn't work out really well because she realised she only hurt her beloved Seol-a. And that made her no better than Kyung-woo whom she told off, "When you like someone, you need to tell them directly. If you're a real man, don't resort to shameful tactics."
Of course, No-rae's confused because both, running away and confessing seem to hurt Seol-a in that or the other way around. So, since the first option failed, and her brother suggested to try the second route, I think this is what she's going to do. Ok, may be not confessing so out of the blue - she might still need some time to think it through - but I do expect it to happen in the next 5-10 chapters. Otherwise it'd start contradicting her character, which would be quite disappointing. I think had No-rae fallen for a guy, she might've confessed already or at least tried to move in that direction.

No-rae knows how she feels about Seol-a but, that doesn't mean she's accepted those feelings. And I think what she's going to resolve is her own internal conflict. She'll finally accept her feelings, be more at peace with them, and stop running. But, accepting your feelings and acting upon them are two separate things. The decision she completely throws herself into, could be as HypocriticalLiar said, choosing to stay by Seol-a's side and not necessarily pursuing her romantically. At least not yet. I do think she will confess, I'm just skeptical about whether it's going to happen while they're at No-rae's hometown. She might not want to complicate matters further between them right now and could end up opting for some sort of middle ground.

I don't know... Considering her past relationship and the way No-rae handled Ji-hwan, I kind of think if she fell for a guy she would have been even more adamant and direct about not getting involved with him.

joined Apr 7, 2013


Ah. I didn't even think of the possibility of chases leading to bad conclusions. D: In-experience rears its ugly head. But your story is certainly nice to know though. Thanks so much for sharing. :3

(And no prob, your fanart was super cute!!)

I've gone through chases with happy outcomes as well as ones where... if it had been the plot of a yuri manga, the ending would have caused widespread fandom outrage. XP But, I think No-rae's brother put it perfectly when he said, "No matter what the results are, it's all about leaving no regrets." That's how I feel, too.


That's a good news. I really like your comic. <3 I didn't expect that No-rae will do that. Ahaha. I'm guessing you're a Photoshop and mouse user.

Thank you! Awesome, I was hoping it'd be a pleasant surprise. Embarrassing No-rae brings me enjoyment. haha. I do use Photoshop. I'd normally draw by hand and then scan it onto the computer but, for all of the FF artwork I've drawn them directly in Photoshop using a pen tablet because I'm trying to improve in that area. What paint program do you use?

I practice everyday to the point that I don't listen to professors when I have classes. XD FF is a good start. thumbs up

Haha, wow. At least you're dedicated to it. XP


They don't get a chance to really say much to each other, until they end up in No-rae's room. Before No-rae gets a chance to say anything, Seol-a apologizes, asking No-rae to forgive her, confessing that she didn't know what she did, but she'd fix it. Eventually she (unintentionally) breaks down in the middle of her spiel, and No-rae feels guilty as hell.

Amid her confession, I could actually see Seol-a talking about what happened to her in the past with her high school "friend". It would give No-rae a clearer understanding of how much she means to Seol-a and why she's going to this length to hold onto what they have. We've seen multiple flashbacks but, I still feel like there's more to that story. And I don't think Seol-a's ever voiced her true feelings about it out loud. Even in the bathroom scene she kept saying she was fine when she clearly wasn't.

I'm likewise skeptical about No-rae admitting her feelings. But, I do think she will make her decision and come to some sort of resolve (whatever that may be) before this trip is over.

Has anyone noticed that No-rae really doesn't hug/touch people unless the other person initiates? Maybe I caught on because I'm the same way (or maybe I'm just seeing things because of that lol).

I noticed it. I'm the same way when it comes to physical affection. haha. And whenever Seol-a in particular touches or hugs her, she's super awkward about it and seems to hesitate when touching her in return as if she has to think about it first. Whereas with Hye-kyung and Hee-jin (or anyone else for that matter) she doesn't give it a passing thought.

joined Apr 7, 2013

Haha, the hair flips keep coming.

Chapter 32 rough typeset by Cold:

Is Cold a member here? If so, thank you Cold! If not... then still thank you but, you just won't see this message. XP
It's so nice to have rough typesets again. Gives me another reason to reread chapters.

joined Apr 7, 2013

That's interesting.

Oh! I know where I saw this before!!

Asami used hairbending. One-hit KO!

(also I love this comic xD
and this )

Ah, of course. I'm ashamed I didn't think of Asami the hairbender first. She has perfected the technique. (I've seen the second comic before but, that first one is new to me and it's hilarious. lol.) This gif also crossed my mind:

Not sure what I'm doing anymore...

joined Apr 7, 2013


Exactly. I mean Ssamba took the time to redesign Dong-hwa with that adorable bowl cut right?? (totally saw a mini No-rae there btw)

Dong-hwa definitely resembles his auntie. It gave me the odd desire to want to see No-rae as a child. Come on Kim family, bring out the embarrassing photo albums and show Seol-a baby No-rae. XP

Oh and I guess one more thing worth mentioning.. I don't know about you guys but I kinda liked Seol-a being dressed casually for the 'visit'. Someone mentioned earlier (I think) that Seol-a wasn't in heels..annnd I furiously scrolled until I found her feet- hell yea she's working those sneakers! Aha, anyway I thought it was a nice touch.

Seol-a's blending in with the country life. Or perhaps it was a subconscious preparation to choose sneakers in case she has to literally chase after No-rae. Or maybe it's to lessen their height difference for when she leans in and kisses No-rae. Wishful thinking. haha.

Can't wait for when she goes all Herbal Essences on No-rae when she let's her hair down.

joined Apr 7, 2013


Headcanon: No-rae and Seol-a babysitting Dong-hwa. No-rae falling more in love with Seol-a after witnessing her playing with Dong-hwa. No-rae wanting Seol-a's babies after- oops.

That is genius. You're making me want to join in on that headcanon. I'd also love it if Dong-hwa blurted out something embarrassing while watching No-rae and Seol-a interact, such as, "Why is your face turning all red, Auntie?" haha.

joined Apr 7, 2013


DUUUUUUDE. FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND. That's like...the best cliche ever!! In like, my romantic-at-heart!book. idk, maybe it's not all roses and lovely drama, but I'm starting to feel like your life is like FF, and I'm starting to get a taddddd bit jealous. :D

But aw. D: I mean, I have no doubt they're not fun when you're experiencing it, but...but...think of the story!! Think of all the gleeful strangers -coughme- excited that apparently true romance isn't actually dead in the water. :P Now I've got two examples! Both you and Random Reader. Life's looking up!

Haha, my life can't compare to the greatness that is FF. We just share some cliches in common. :P

I will say that whether the chase leads to a happy or sad conclusion, all of those experiences - both good and bad - become meaningful. Ironically, among my friends I was the one completely set on the notion that 'stuff like this doesn't happen irl'. Then it did. lol. Just goes to show even if something seems improbable, it's certainly not impossible.


As long as FF is here, you'll never lose ideas. You can draw anytime, anywhere, as long as you have the motivation. :) Get well soon~

True, ssamba never fails to inspire. And if ever I reach the point I'm running low on ideas, I could always ask the fandom for requests. XP Thank you. I'm still feeling pretty exhausted. But, I'm doing better than before and managed to finish my comic as a result. :D

Maybe it's the result of my practicing digital arts for 7 months? lol.

It must be nice to know all of your practicing is paying off and leading to improvement. Whenever I draw fan art for FF, that is basically my practice.

Thank you, HypocriticalLiar and takachi! The whole time I was working on the comic, I kept thinking, 'How does ssamba do this on a weekly basis??' I almost gave up. lol. So it makes it all worth it to see others enjoying the finished result.

And thank you anonymous for sharing my artwork! I appreciate the support. It helps me to stay motivated. And I know what you mean about Tumblr. I've had an account for years, yet the layout still confuses me. Ever since I began drawing fan art for FF I've had to learn how to post, change my theme, reply to comments, etc.


Ch. 32 rough translation -


THIS. I laughed way too loud at your t/n when Seol-a called out halmoni.
Then as soon as Dong-hwa mentioned, "Auntie! Your friend is here!" my grin went into full blown cheshire cat mode. That ending couldn't have been more perfect. haha. Once again, thank you for your hard work!

joined Apr 7, 2013


omg super strange. your life is straight out of a manga/manhwa!! Why would you want any differentttt. (But I suppose we all want what we don't have. Maybe the chase/chasing isn't as fun/romantic as it looks :P)

Most of my experiences consist of friendships which eventually turn romantic or that result in an unexpected confession. That's why I find FF's storyline relatable. Maybe Random Reader might have a different perspective on it but, I personally don't find chasing fun. I overanalyze and lose sleep whenever such situations arise. lol.

Though maybe I'm biased because I had a close friend with a similar background to No-rae. She assumed she was straight her whole life until she fell in love with me. Upon coming to that realization, she ran, I chased and drama ensued. XP

last edited at Apr 21, 2015 6:14AM

joined Apr 7, 2013

Those quotes... What are you trying to do to my heart, winter? ;_;
I bow to your drawing stamina because two fan arts in one day is downright impressive. I love the angle of No-rae's pic. The simple background really adds to the feel of it. I want to be mad at No-rae but I just can't because she looks cool even when she's being moody. lol.

joined Apr 7, 2013

Random Reader

No no no; marriage by 200, babies by 400, and grand-kids by 600! XD

My god... I heard webtoons usually run long according to my friend (though she's never read a yuri one before) but, is the progression seriously that slow? o_o; Just thinking of how long that equates to in weeks is downright torturous. lol.


Love the two main characters ;; the height difference is WAY attractive for the couple. Does that make sense?

It does. Their height difference was adorable from the very first chapter, the moment No-rae fell into Seol-a's arms and her face nestled into the crook of her shoulder. :)

I've also developed a thing for height differences ever since Korrasami...

last edited at Apr 20, 2015 11:35PM

joined Apr 7, 2013


Now you know. XD I love your fanart, too. Especially the No-rae holding Seol-a's bat. :)
Thank you for loving my fan art. I hope to see more of your fan art. ^^

You're a multi-tasking force in the fandom since you work on the scanlation team and provide fan art in between. XP And thank you, too! I'll continue to draw No-rae and Seol-a for... as long as I have ideas for them. haha. In fact, I would be drawing right now if I wasn't sick.

Random Reader:

7 1/2 of success and counting! ;)

Wow, congrats! It really does seem like a perfect outcome taken straight out of a manga or manhwa. :3

I thought that those were scenes of Seol-a reacting to finding out her "friends" true motives.

I believe it was but, that was the first time I've ever seen her friend's complete face so I was wondering if that detail meant something, such as if we'd see her again in the future or if there will be further flashbacks from that time. But, I'm probably just reading too much into it. lol.


Whenever something 'similar' happened to me, it was always just point blank, "will you go out with me." I've never had/heard of this whole secret love/give chase stuff (in real life anyways). D:

Is it strange that I envy the "will you go out with me" approach? I've never met anyone who's been that direct. For me the opposite is more common (complicated confessions, secret love, chasing, and so on).

On a silly random note:
For the sake of No-rae's grades I hope they reach some sort of resolve soon, otherwise she might ruin another semester when she's supposed to be making up for the previous one so she can graduate on time. XP

joined Apr 7, 2013


Yeah... some people are s/u/ch an assholes with describing her like that. i completly agree with you. It's just natural human reaction.

I see what /u/ did there. :P


Just to clarify, I said :

Looks like No-Rae is being a bitch >.>

I agree, it may be a bit much but it didn't meant No-Rae is a bad, wicked or mean person and that she did that by pure evil. It just meant that at this precise moment she did something "bad" and cruel (though she had her circumstance)

I understand what you're saying, since I also think No-rae went too far and said some pretty terrible things she shouldn't have in the heat of the moment. I was referring more to those who judge No-rae's entire character based on a few chapters alone, since I've noticed she receives an unfair amount of harsh criticism. Frankly, that boggles my mind because I've seen readers sympathize with Kyung-woo (which is fine if they do) who had a bad motive in chapter 30 but, who occasionally did nice things. Then there's No-rae who has had an outstanding track record in comparison save for a couple of chapters, yet she's called whiny, a bad person, that she doesn't deserve Seol-a, etc.

Random Reader:

I was on the receiving end of those out bursts more than a few times in my life. I experienced very similar treatment that No-rae was giving Seol-a (minus the whole shitfaced in public bit) from the avoiding and no talking too to a sudden, raging outburst. In that regard, I think Soel-a is handling herself extraordinarily well given the circumstances and good on her to chase after No-rae. I know I did when I had too >;-P ...

It will be very interesting to see what actually happened to her. To see Seol-a's reaction to what I'd assume would be a semi-confession of sorts.

Random Blurb:
I forget where it was but there was that throwaway line that No-rae's friend used when she talked about some guy coming out of the military soon and that No-rae should be excited to see him. I'm not sure if it's something to do with the ex but I feel like it'll come into play soon as well.

I'm closer to No-rae in personality so when I was finally on the receiving end of such confusing behavior, it was an eye-opener to say the least. >>; I give Seol-a a lot of credit. I've also chased after someone before and it's definitely a risk that involves putting your heart on the line. Was your chase successful?

You just know her ex is going to show up at some point to rain on our parade. haha. Though I hope it's not until after No-rae and Seol-a are a couple. I don't think No-rae is capable of handling any added stress at the moment. Not when she's already a conflicted mess.

Do you think there's a chance that Seol-a's former friend might also resurface? I just noticed ssamba actually gave her eyes in this chapter for (I think) the first time. She no longer looks like a creepy ghost from a horror movie.


I'm pretty sure the people who called her a bitch haven't been paying attention for the past like, 10 chapters.

Must be, since their claims make me second guess whether we're reading the same story at all. They're probably just salty that No-rae hasn't leapt into Seol-a's arms and proclaimed her undying love like how all normal people do the second they realize they're gay for their friend... >>

joined Apr 7, 2013


Spot on!!! OMG. Now that I read your explanation I remembered that in the past I put someone like that in Seol-a's position now. So I can sympathize with No-rae. (The difference is that I did not get chased after :P oh well).

To me this is some kind of defense mechanism that No-rae consciously put up so she can avoid whatever happened to her in the past. So to whoever mentioned it before, the No-rae's heartbreak flashback is really timely. (sorry lazy to read back)
I think that one is so devastation that it made her to take a break from the uni. So curious on what really happened.

I'm guilty of pulling a No-rae on someone, too. But, I've also been in Seol-a's position with a close friend. Embarrassingly enough, I was similarly clueless and it took me longer than it should have to piece together why she was suddenly avoiding me and dodging my questions. ^^;

I see it as a defense mechanism as well. I've seen comments (not necessarily here) calling No-rae a bitch or saying she's a bad person (as if they've forgotten every single chapter leading up to the recent ones) but, I believe she's mainly afraid. Fear and a strong desire to protect an already fragile heart can make a person say and do irrational things. It doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you human. And I love that ssamba portrays these emotional layers.

I thought maybe her ex-boyfriend cheated, played her, or was dishonest in a way that completely shattered her trust. Because in a flashback No-rae said something like, "How could he do this to me?" And Hee-jin mentioned that No-rae tends to get caught up with delinquents or those opposite to her. But, I might be grasping at straws with that guess. haha.

Side note:
anonymous and Alextasha, you two are cracking me up here. If readers don't catch those references, then we can assume there's no hope for them. lol.

Oh, I didn't know winter is the same one from Tumblr and pixiv. How awesome. ^^ I love your fan art and often reblog them. Your picture is great, too, madamme. It's a nice wish fulfillment to see an actual touch without either of them pulling their hand away at the last second.

last edited at Apr 20, 2015 6:14AM

joined Apr 7, 2013

Thank you halmoni for the translation!

I'm glad I braced my heart beforehand. Ssamba takes us from bliss to hardcore angst.
Kim No-rae, you need to get your act together! If I'm receiving emotional whiplash - switching between swooning to feeling upset because of you - I can only imagine how confused Seol-a must be.

I get the impression that No-rae is doing the rejecting while she still can before her heart is completely exposed and she becomes the rejected instead. Since she's probably assuming her feelings won't or can't be reciprocated. Because if she simply wanted to end things with Seol-a, she could explain and tell her the truth. And in her mind that would most likely cut their ties as well. But, the difference is she would be the one to get hurt then.

At least No-rae knows she was in the wrong and feels bad about it. That does redeem her... a bit. XP

But, wow, I've got to hand it to Seol-a, she's a lot stronger than she appears, to be able to hear all of that and still persevere even when it touches deeply upon her past fears. :3 I hope she gives No-rae an earful in return. lol. Also, I'm curious how her conversation with Hee-jin played out. I'm assuming she told Seol-a of No-rae's whereabouts. But, I wonder if there was more to their conversation and if that will be shown later in a flashback.

joined Apr 7, 2013


EDIT 2: UGH. Head!canon was THIS close to coming true. ACTUALLY. LIES. Basically all of it came true!

Haha, thank you too. :D And YES. Stupid Kyung-woo. He got a good trash talking this chapter. >:D I'm super excited about this fan comic!!

So close! You were almost spot on with your headcanon prediction. Darn, how did Seol-a manage to tell her the passcode when she was barely conscious? haha. But, I'm still very happy with the outcome. Which room they ended up in isn't as important as the two of them being together in it.

I have to admit, No-rae made me swoon in this chapter. When Kyung-woo tried to evade revealing their location, you could feel all of the delicious tension the moment she said his full name. And that glare she shot him... <3

If Seol-a doesn't remember what happened I would be a little disappointed. Though I assume the memory would come back to her at some point. But, I much prefer the idea that she's fully aware of everything and wakes up completely horrified by her behavior, not knowing how to approach No-rae after all of the embarrassing things she put her through. XP


That aside, with reference to the almost vehicular accident...
Do you guys think that No-rae ended up holding on to Seol-a in an effort to protect her, or it was just because they were jostled in the sudden stop? Or just because she wanted to, and the close call was just a convenient excuse?

I personally think she was using her body to shield Seol-a in case their taxi did crash, since her posture seems protectively hunched over. Even her arms and hands are covering her from all angles like a No-rae airbag. lol.


I'm a tad disappointed that, had Seol-a not called, No-rae wouldn't have even gone looking for her (it looks like). I would have rather her shown up in the wrong place (or at least called her again) than the fact that Seol-a had to call her before No-rae did anything.

That being said, does anyone think Seol-a actually knew what Kyung-Woo was trying to do, when he said, "Shall we rest somewhere....?" Because I feel like that was why she called No-rae (in this regard, I'm pleased...because if it's true, Seol-a was almost as responsible for not being taken advantage of as No-rae was), although her original intention was just to get No-rae to go along with her...not take her home.

I was expecting No-rae to show up beforehand but, I think I prefer this development. I know some of the comments here wanted No-rae to come save the day, while others wished Seol-a could get out of the dangerous situation herself. And ssamba managed to give us both. And I think realistically it made sense since most of us wouldn't run around an area, searching for our friend, who may or may not be in trouble. Since our worries could be chalked up to an overactive imagination. So having Seol-a actually call and hearing how wasted she was, that was a plausible tipping point to move No-rae into action.

I'm eager to see what develops next, though I'm also bracing my heart for it. I feel ssamba has a two steps forward, one step back pattern. Whenever there's a chapter that gets everyone excited and believing things will proceed full speed ahead with further positive developments, the opposite occurs. As if ssamba is saying, "I gave you fluff in the previous chapter, now here have some angst." :P

joined Apr 7, 2013


I'm also practicing how to draw the 2 mc's right now. Hopefully after a few weeks, I'd be able to make a full-blown artwork and not practice sketches.

Hope you guys don't mind.

Whoa, those are already looking amazing. Much better than my first practice sketches which were failed attempts that will never see the light of day. lol. I can't wait to see what sort of fan art you'll create. I really like your style.


No-rae + bat + serious business bat face = WIN

I agree. There's something so sexy about No-rae when she's making a serious or fierce expression. I hope to see more of those intense gazes in the manhwa.


And littleyuri I'm excited for your FF fanarts, same with moonfrost13:

Also, I made a thing... It's not a serious attempt at fan art. haha.

ahohohoho. how to talent?

Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying the drawings. :) Each time I draw No-rae and Seol-a it gets a little easier. It's good practice. And something fun to do in between waiting for new chapters of FF. Makes the cliffhangers slightly less painful. haha.


ask and you shall receive

Very cool visual to Random Reader's plot. In this alternate universe Seol-a will be able to fully appreciate the awesomeness that is No-rae with a bat, since she was too out of it in chapter 3 to take in the lovely sight.


Omg if anyone ever wondered what no-rae would look like in real life

She would look like... Taeyeon? If that's the case my crush may start to shift from Seol-a to No-rae. >>

joined Apr 7, 2013


Haha one can only hope for fanfics and fancomics (heck, maybe you could do it! -kidding kidding- :P )

Also I seriously love that drawing/art or No-rae. I think it sums up everyone's feelings quite nicely.

I actually have been working on a short fan comic (unfortunately, not of that scenario since I started it before this last chapter). I'm 3 panels away from having it completely sketched out. But, reading comics does not make one an expert in creating them so the result could very well be crappy. lol. Nothing like trying. Though I wish I made it simpler. All of these poses are killing me.

Thank you. :) Just like your icon (which I love), I needed to do something artistic to vent my Kyung-woo induced rage.

joined Apr 7, 2013


Heh glad to be of service. :3 [And totally forgot it was a electronic lock, but that makes it even better!] Like you said, I reallllly doubt Seol-a will be able to (or purposely won't) tell her, so that she can (attempt to) accost the shorter girl in the latter's apartment. I'm firmly believing this will be canon, and thus eagerly awaiting the next chapter!!

I only remembered it was an electronic lock because I've watched too many K-dramas and most of them have those instead of regular locks with keys. lol. I hope so. The scenario seems too perfect to pass up. But, regardless, it's a fun headcanon. If it doesn't actually occur in the manhwa it makes me wish a fan fic or fan comic would depict it.

Side note:
I just realized that while I love the spelling of Seol-a, I've been saying her name wrong this whole time. And I can't seem to pronounce it the correct way. Something about the "r" sound keeps tripping my tongue up. ^^;

Also, I made a thing... It's not a serious attempt at fan art. haha.

joined Apr 7, 2013


LOL. I just want to see what happens when No-rae tries to get a drunk Seol-a home. I'd imagine it'd be extremely funny (since Seol-a would be all over her in the taxi I'm assuming she's taking...idk how poor No-rae will deal with that), especially if she's not able to find Seol-a's keys.

After how nervous and unsettled this cliffhanger has left me, this possibility made me smile. :) She won't need a key since it's an electronic lock but, if Seol-a is too drunk to tell No-rae what the pin number is, then No-rae will have to bring her back to her place (again). haha.

joined Apr 7, 2013

Thank you for the translation, halmoni!

Uugh, that bastard, Kyung-woo. -_-" He makes Ji-hwan look like an angel, which I didn't think was possible...
I almost thought he slipped something into Seol-a's drink. Then I calmed down enough to realize she was feeling sick before he even ordered the alcohol. lol.

I feel sorry for Seol-a. She's a beautiful, kind, and intelligent woman who's surrounded by all of these losers who only want to get her in bed. sighs I wonder what No-rae will do. She doesn't have the baseball bat this time since it's in Seol-a's apartment. But, there's no way she'll be able to ignore her worries if chapter 3 has anything to say about it. I love that about her. She's short and doesn't even look strong, yet she's ready to charge forward like a boss whenever Seol-a is in trouble or being badmouthed by others. XP

joined Apr 7, 2013


On the bright side, it gives you more free time to create more fan art. :D
I kid I kid ... well, not really. :P

I'm not sure if it actually gives me more free time but, I am currently working on a short FF fan comic. :P No promises on when it'll be finished since I've never drawn a comic before so this is yet another learning experience for me. But, about half of the panels are sketched out already.


OH. GEEZ. I didn't realize that! I had honestly thought they were still at home. Now I'm just terribly confused...and yeah, you're right about the rest of it too. It doesn't really make sense because those memories seem really random regardless...(like, as you said, the bathroom memory instead of the breakfast thing).

Maybe Samba's messing with us? I can't think of a proper reason why'd those be the specific memories.

I guess it's like craptree and Random Reader said. Though for some reason I was expecting a pattern to No-rae's line of thought. Then again, when you fancy someone every memory becomes special, even the seemingly simple, everyday ones.


Heh np. Calling it like I see it. Actually, I think personal experience is probably the most least you have something more than a wild guess (like me 90% of this manhwa lol).

Although FF has been progressing in a realistic manner, it's harder to predict in comparison to yuri manga. Normally, I'd only have to think of an irrational reaction (for example: shouted confessions, bursting into tears, sudden kisses, etc.) and that's how it would play out. haha.

I find No-rae easy to relate to. If I think about how I would respond to something, she typically does the same. But, Seol-a is the opposite for me. I never know what she's about to do. XP


Ch.29 rough translation

Getting deep with ssamba a short funny comic.

Thank you, halmoni!
I enjoyed the special much more than I expected to. And I'd take Seol-a's 50 obsessions over 50 shades of grey any day. I also had to groan a bit over the most widely asked question. Come on, people... 20+ chapters in and there are still those questioning whether they're reading yuri or not? My god... lol.