Forum › A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days discussion

joined Feb 3, 2021

Let’s avoid personal attacks, shall we? We can disagree about the work without attacking each other personally.

joined Mar 19, 2022

There is an epidemic of people treating their own understanding and opinions as some sort of objective fact that everyone must adhere to or they are wrong. This does not help anyone. Responding to these people with vitriol also does not help the situation. If your comment is not coming from a place of understanding and civility, please consider not leaving it.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

far219 posted:

Lol I dropped this a while back because it started to suck immediately after chapter 1, and now I'm seeing it has the rape tag?

No surprise, bullet fucking DODGED.

But despite me not reading this manga, its existence is pissing me off. The premise of the manga is that a homophobe is shown that girls can love each other, and yet the gay character turns out to be a rapist?

WTF. Yeah that'll convince her. Like what's with the fucking disconnect between the title and the actual manga?? It's about her "falling" in love but everything has been forced on her. Is this a troll manga or is the author just stupid? This shit is just perpetuating stereotypes at this point.

Not liking a manga is fine. Sharing your distaste for it in a vent post is not fine. Consider this a warning: next time, move on. Posts like this harm the experience of everyone here, they won't be tolerated. The rules are always open for review. Thanks.

Futanair lover posted:

Sigh I hate when ignorant people comment on stuff they have Absolutely no information on you definitely wrote the short bus when you were in school

Insults are not helpful, either.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, shit. I liked the adaptation. I'm sad now.

joined Dec 3, 2021


joined Oct 2, 2021

Fallible 16-17 year old humans.

joined Aug 11, 2022

Notice the manga that I read 1-3 chapter of long time back before getting a feeling weird out, Looks over the 40+ pages of comments and read some of the recent ones. Read rest of chapter 4-8

Ah...why did I decided to read again, should have just listen to the warning in my brain and senses instead of being curious...when I first read it I had a feeling that MC was going to lose but the two characters attitude kind of irks/irritate me a bit at the start. They get better for me a bit later on I guess but I became annoyed again due to due to the drama feeling I was getting and well...the feeling from long ago told me right,ugh...*Cries mentally*

Also Looking at the spoiler comments from other posts...all I can say is thank you to those people for the info and WTF KAREN!!! I hope she gets hit by a car or beaten up or something, I don't care if you guys call me a psycho or crazy if I read and understood the spoilers about her correctly is true...*Looks at new tag*...that might be needed if a chapter about Karen backstory/info comes up...

Sorry, I am probably new in this forum discussion here but I wanted to just vent a little.

Ch.8 Fuwa Aya comment: I haven't lied to a single time.....
Ch.1 saying something about not forcing her (gropes MC/Mari for a whole1-2...I mean technically it not forced but more like provoked her ego/tricked her...)
ch.7 (minor white lie about coincidence about buying same scents)
Ch.8 (does meeting with other girls count as errands? if it is then I guess it is the truth...hope aya wasn't Doing the errand though...)

For chapter 8 opinion (Lol Translator predicting right about the comments fight)....Well I didn't like it but I guess Aya was noticing Mari negative feelings and want to do something to change it (might have notice Mari being annoyed/frustrated with her??). Mari feelings seems to be conflicting with the hurt she feels from so-called cheating/NTR and her feeling of possible love for Aya that she can't be angry and annoyed enough to resist (Wouldn't have much issue if she didn't see what happen in ch.7...). I would prefer if it happen in a clearer mind set but well Aya isn't a mind she is too horny I guess...people seem to have a mix opinion about it...I didn't like it but well it happen and we can't change that it happen i guess?

You know the sad thing about all this....I want Mari and Aya to be happy with each other (Though her smug aura mocks and annoys me very much) but I feels like Aya has too much baggage and drama going on...the MC/Mari is catching feels/feelings for Aya but I just feel like a trainwreck drama is going to happen...I know a happy ending is going to happen but well that is probably like 5-10 chapter till it happens when manga ends least I hope there it will be a happy ending probably?

The other thing is Aya is the one that seems to be in control most and Mari is in the sub position pretty much all the time...RIP MARI your not going to keep the $10,000 (1 million yen)...I will be amazed if she does but I get the feeling she will lose. I want her to win the money then go like "Well you didn't make me fall in love with you in 100 days yet...why not have a rematch but this time without the money, the bragging rights are good enough~~" but well I doubt that is going to happen...RIP money...

I just hoped it just a Ex-girlfriend thing or misunderstanding(low chance...) Really hope Aya is not two-timing with this Astarotte girl...I at least hoped that Aya does care at least 50% of what Mari is feeling for Aya and isn't just playing around anymore like at the start of chapter 1 due to her ego and horny...

Sorry for the random post, Just want to vent about my thought about the manga.

joined Apr 3, 2012

I enjoy reading these comments almost as much as I enjoy reading this manga/LN (also where the hell are people finding translations beyond volume 3 of the LN???)

It's one of my favorite ongoing Yuri series, but maybe we can all try this novel concept of accepting and respecting the fact that people will not all hold the same opinion. Even if it's not an extremely polarizing series like this one.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Cute story so far. Love it. Just a question.
New to this dynasty reader site.
Is this manga done? Since it skips to ch 60 or so? You can’t find any more chapters . A page said to have the premium. I have it but can’t find the rest of the chapters. How do I read the rest of there is more. Or is that ch 60 or so a tease chap ?

last edited at Sep 11, 2022 2:41AM

joined Jul 8, 2018

far219 posted:

Lol I dropped this a while back

but why are you still here though

Because I often peruse the home page of this site.

far219 posted:

Lol I dropped this a while back because it started to suck immediately after chapter 1, and now I'm seeing it has the rape tag?

No surprise, bullet fucking DODGED.

But despite me not reading this manga, its existence is pissing me off. The premise of the manga is that a homophobe is shown that girls can love each other, and yet the gay character turns out to be a rapist?

WTF. Yeah that'll convince her. Like what's with the fucking disconnect between the title and the actual manga?? It's about her "falling" in love but everything has been forced on her. Is this a troll manga or is the author just stupid? This shit is just perpetuating stereotypes at this point.

Not liking a manga is fine. Sharing your distaste for it in a vent post is not fine. Consider this a warning: next time, move on. Posts like this harm the experience of everyone here, they won't be tolerated. The rules are always open for review. Thanks.

Yeah sorry, I got heated when I saw the rape tag because I remembered how much I genuinely enjoyed chapter 1 and the premise. My anger stems from how I believe this series ended up being a waste of potential.

Futanair lover posted:

Sigh I hate when ignorant people comment on stuff they have Absolutely no information on you definitely wrote the short bus when you were in school

"Absolutely no info" mate I read pretty much the entirety of volume 1.

Also I don't know how to "write" a physical bus, short or otherwise, so I can't really help you there.

joined Nov 11, 2010

But despite me not reading this manga, its existence is pissing me off. The premise of the manga is that a homophobe is shown that girls can love each other, and yet the gay character turns out to be a rapist?

WTF. Yeah that'll convince her. Like what's with the fucking disconnect between the title and the actual manga?? It's about her "falling" in love but everything has been forced on her. Is this a troll manga or is the author just stupid? This shit is just perpetuating stereotypes at this point.

"Absolutely no info" mate I read pretty much the entirety of volume 1.

For your information, the rape occurs at a point in the story when the heroine (Marika) has already fallen for Aya, and is feeling insecure and jealous about whether Aya really loves her. The remaining conflict in the story is no longer about whether Marika will come to love Aya or accept homosexual relationships -- rather, it is about whether the two will be able to become a happy couple.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Guess I'll throw my two cents in like everybody else! First of all I really love this story, the suspense is killing me. Thank you very much to the scanlation team! I don't know if I can keep waiting, I might have to just read the LN. Anyway.

Was it rape? Absolutely. As someone above said, if it were a man in a similar situation he would be crucified (and rightly so). Does that make me (and most of you I'd wager, who aren't paying a dime) less interested in the story? No. I think all of these protestations and "Was reading intently until now, dropped" comments are so funny. Of course the majority of you are going to keep reading the series, it costs you nothing and the art is top notch.

Remember, the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. I don't see any indifference in this thread.

joined Apr 14, 2022

Does that make me (and most of you I'd wager, who aren't paying a dime) less interested in the story?

Personally, no, but it makes me enjoy it much less.

Remember, the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.

I beg to differ! I know this is supposed to be a clever little quip, but boy is it wrong if you think about it for two seconds. There are plenty of things in life that are so bad that they cross over into making my life less happy because they exist. This isn't one of them -- I don't personally hate this manga, I begrudgingly take the bad with the good and there's enough good for me to still be here -- but there are plenty of things I genuinely hate and it doesn't make my criticism of those things less valid if I voice my criticism of them rather than "being indifferent" and not saying anything.

If I say I hate homophobes, and go on at length criticising the ways in which homophobes are bad, and then somebody says "the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference" -- what exactly is that supposed to mean? It means they want me to shut up, is what it actually means.

last edited at Sep 11, 2022 10:08AM

joined Jan 11, 2022

I beg to differ! I know this is supposed to be a clever little quip, but boy is it wrong if you think about it for two seconds. There are plenty of things in life that are so bad that they cross over into making my life less happy because they exist. This isn't one of them -- I don't personally hate this manga, I begrudgingly take the bad with the good and there's enough good for me to still be here -- but there are plenty of things I genuinely hate and it doesn't make my criticism of those things less valid if I voice my criticism of them rather than "being indifferent" and not saying anything.

I'll freely admit that the famous quote at the end was clumsily used as quip, as it is widely used in terms of relationships.
What I was trying to showcase was the emotional attachment or interest many claimed to have in this series being shallowly discarded because of something portrayed in the story that they found reprehensible. As to whether the quote itself and the idea behind is "wrong" or not, that is something I will suggest you google on your own as it is widely used by experts in multiple fields related to mental health.

joined Jun 6, 2019

That was an uncomfortable chapter. It's a shame because I feel the story was trying to show Marika couldn't resist temptation and then admitting this when she said she wanted to also make Aya feel good. That'd have been fine if they just had Mirake internally wrestling with herself rather than her actually saying no which I am guessing the point the the writer was trying to put across but the execution has been horrible and ended up turning this it into something that's hard to look past.

Flicking through the comments, I never knew he also wrote 'There's no way I could have a lover', I remember dropping that manga as well as it also had a disturbing scene.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Is this manga done? Since it skips to ch 60 or so? You can’t find any more chapters . A page said to have the premium. I have it but can’t find the rest of the chapters. How do I read the rest of there is more. Or is that ch 60 or so a tease chap ?

Chapter 69 is explicitly labeled "April Fool's". Also it's chapter 69.

joined Jan 17, 2021

I'm ready for the angst tag.

Edit: how do you guys keep track with these conversations? Do you reload this page and wait? Daaamn.

last edited at Sep 11, 2022 5:10PM

joined Aug 26, 2022

Why, this felt as though the story was going in a different direction and this was just baiting

joined Jan 19, 2016

ouch just when Marika allowed herself to trust Fuwa again, things are probably gonna get ugly

joined May 14, 2015

It's not that rape happens in the story that's unforgivable it's how its used and just shrugged off by the story, watch this have no repercussions and be laughed at as a quirky situation at best later on, unless they go full on trauma delayed reaction this is just weird fetishistic writing, which you know is not the worst thing ever, but it sure hid itself well until now. Btw same thing happens in plenty of BL manga, literal rape happens but its portrayed as being not that big of a deal because "uke" either orgasmed or dude is hot. Like if the point was that main character is a rapist and she just doesn't care that would fit, but I know for sure this isn't what author wanted and that just makes it worse, way worse.
Don't mind heavy topics, but unintentional edginess is the lamest thing in writing for me. I don't usually read all the tags so it really threw me a loop, this doesn't fit and I'm 99% sure artist didn't mean for this to be a heavy topic, just a freaking weirdo with weird values that's it.

I only remember one hetero story that had the same problem, chinese animation, I just stopped watching because it left a bad taste in my mouth. But I do remember a couple yuri manga and quite a few BL, including not really graphic ones, like they didn't include visual sex scenes, but just enough so we know dude forced himself on the other dude, cool cool. At this point its just a weird trope.

last edited at Sep 13, 2022 6:53AM

TheLubeTube Uploader
Me-A Scans
joined Jul 27, 2018

i fucking blew up my wrist

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ It took me a while to realize what you meant by that. I need to take my mind out of the gutter.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Bad sales

Nope, the artist made it clear that they only planned on adapting the first volume and sales met expectations.

That quip someone made a few pages back about the artist clearly just being here for the dubcon is looking amusingly accurate now lol

joined Jan 14, 2020

I'm ready for the angst tag.

Edit: how do you guys keep track with these conversations? Do you reload this page and wait? Daaamn.

From the forum page, if you click on thread titles, it takes you to the last comment you read.

This does require remembering what threads you're interested in, since there's no visual indication.

joined Nov 8, 2017

Wait, the translation came back from the dead?

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