Forum › Shoujo Manga Protagonist x Rival-san discussion

joined Aug 21, 2017

It'd be funny if at the end Mizushima was revealed to be gay/ace.

joined Apr 6, 2013

Hayama has been acting in the exact same cartoonishly ridiculous way since Ch1, not sure how people are just now finding a problem with it after reading 18 chapters of the same schtick again and again lol

I would say it's the juxtaposition of this genuinely cute moment followed by a cartoony stalker moment. Most of the time Mizushima is hardly a character who doesn't notice Kimura which can make Hayama look better as she not only fully notices Kimura but also in her own way helps Kimura from being depressed about Mizushima lack of attention, but here he not only notices but has a pleasant conversation with her and reveals he did at least notice her a bit even if he got the wrong impression, which then gets followed up with Hayama just acting like a jealous stalker.

joined Aug 13, 2021

Hayama has been acting in the exact same cartoonishly ridiculous way since Ch1, not sure how people are just now finding a problem with it after reading 18 chapters of the same schtick again and again lol

It's hard to explain but since the serialisation, it feels less cartoonish. The "It looks like bullying but is her ridiculous way of showing feelings" before serialisation became harassment that remind me of real life scummy people (mostly guys but some women). Maybe I find the pacing less impactful than the shorter chapters and so I don't find it funny so I'm more critical, it may be that. But it feels different.

joined May 12, 2020

I...I think I prefer the het...


Let us be stoned together then. Boy is a good boy and good girl loves him. It would be awesome if they got together. If Hiyama was a boy we would have very different tags up there.

joined Mar 25, 2021

Ngl I think what Mizushima meant when he replied to Kimura about enjoying flowers grow is something like enjoying lilies (yuri) blossom. Maybe there's already been hints dropped that he's like GARTH from PBMMV but I probably forgot because Its been a while since I've last read this series and probably got confused by the constant fucking reboots.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Hayama has been acting in the exact same cartoonishly ridiculous way since Ch1, not sure how people are just now finding a problem with it after reading 18 chapters of the same schtick again and again lol

I think it makes sense that when the format switches from the short 4-page chapters to something longer, Hiyama's behavior is subject to more scrutiny

joined Mar 26, 2021

"So in other words, they're best friends!"

Mizushima, dude...

joined Mar 14, 2016

I'm starting to feel sorry for Hiyama. It's starting to feel more like she's fallen for someone clearly straight and just won't take the hint.

joined May 26, 2020

Hiyama my gal, I think it's time to move on..?
(Kimura really feels like she's straight and hiyama is just pushing it as this point imo)
joined Jun 6, 2020

Except its like a romance manga so naturally they are

joined Dec 20, 2018

Mizushima casually destroying obsessive lesbians

joined Jun 21, 2021

Woo we're finally seeing some solid hints at Kimura starting to return Hayama's feelings, let's gooooooo

joined Mar 14, 2016

Ayo, progress!

joined Oct 22, 2018

finally. progress.

joined May 3, 2016

So we’re not going to talk these ridiculous girls?

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

So we’re not going to talk these ridiculous girls?

Yeah kinda funny that hayama straight up hears them and only tells kimura not to listen to them, I mean she’s right but say something to them maybe lol

Also kinda weird that they’re doing this when hayama clearly likes her

last edited at Jul 6, 2022 7:01PM

joined Apr 28, 2022

Uhoh someone looks like they might be startin to catch those feelings!

joined Aug 19, 2021

So we’re not going to talk these ridiculous girls?

Yeah kinda funny that hayama straight up hears them and only tells kimura not to listen to them, I mean she’s right but say something to them maybe lol

Also kinda weird that they’re doing this when hayama clearly likes her

For real, I just noticed they have been there all along and witnessed scenes like these with their own two eyes:

Hiyama's friends gotta be smoothbrained af

Yuri Yuriyuri
joined Aug 21, 2020

Evil bob cut girl is kinda cute tbh. Hiyama appreciates you being a "wingman."

joined Feb 11, 2022

Finally we get to this. Kimura working through her feelings for Hiyama later is hilarious.

joined Mar 25, 2021

Imagine if the two henchmen are gay for each other. Coming out of nowhere? Definitely, but it's possible!

joined Feb 2, 2019

So we’re not going to talk these ridiculous girls?

Yeah kinda funny that hayama straight up hears them and only tells kimura not to listen to them, I mean she’s right but say something to them maybe lol

Also kinda weird that they’re doing this when hayama clearly likes her

For real, I just noticed they have been there all along and witnessed scenes like these with their own two eyes:

Hiyama's friends gotta be smoothbrained af

There's the issue of this manga being a combination of the web and serialised version. We'd have to determine whether the version this chapter belongs to has already introduced her friends to Hiyama's gay hijinks before we can conclude their smooth brain levels.

joined Feb 16, 2020

I wonder why the grp translating this jumped 39 & 40 but returning with 19 at mangadex? lol

joined May 12, 2021

Possibly my favorite part of this manga is that the two lackeys really want to be generic mean sidekicks to the generic mean popular girl, but said popular girl is actually a weirdo. They can't turn the tables and start bullying Hiyama or even stop being her lackeys because she is still at the top of the social hierarchy but they just try their best to be assholes, anyways

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, that was cute.

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