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joined Jan 6, 2017

This was a very cute chapter

And once again I seem to have a completely different view on Mei from everyone else xd. For me she felt very affectionate and happy and just in general very loving towards Yuzu

joined Aug 17, 2020

I feel like citrus will go viral again once saburo uta gives us the scene we're all asking for.

joined Feb 21, 2021

This is just sad at this point. Yuzu acts like a dog desperate for any ounce of affection while Mei is still a piece of wood who can't be bothered to show any type of emotion aside from boredom. Yuzu is the only one pulling her weight in the relationship and deserves so much better.

joined May 1, 2019

Mei may still not act affectionate, but not once in this chapter does Yuzu look or act sad or disappointed. Even when Mei pushes her off in bed, in the very next panel, Yuzu has a smile of pure adoration on her face. Yuzu knows how Mei works, and she doesn't expect to receive the same amount of outwardly expressed affection that she gives Mei. She knows that Mei loves her, and just knowing that and spending time with her is enough to make her the happiest girl in the world.

That said...Mei better learn to pick up those hints, or we'll never get to the scene we're all waiting for.

joined Aug 6, 2021

Nobody said Yuzu is disappointed or sad... no? They stated the truth, Mei does nothing for the relationship, it's always "me, me, me". That's fact. I like Mei I think but the character had almost NO development at all this series (Citrus+)

Yuzu does indeed deserve better but Mei will be better later as we know :-)

joined Jan 3, 2017

You know, as much as I want the scenes we all want; it's really nice to see Mei loving Yuzu in her own way. She may not show it much, but she does very much love Yuzu and I think that's pretty nice.

last edited at Sep 19, 2021 11:14AM

joined Jun 11, 2021

This chapter really made me feel bad for yuzu. Like, c'mon mei it's just a day would it kill you to not work and spend time with yuzu. It's not out of the blue either since she mentionned smth about that day before. Like, c'mon.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Is this what it's like to have a crush on an extremely autistic person?

joined Aug 10, 2021

Is this what it's like to have a crush on an extremely autistic person?

More like a wood slab lol

joined May 1, 2019

You know, as much as I want the scenes we all want; it's really nice to see Mei loving Yuzu in her own way. She may not show it much, but she does very much love Yuzu and I think that's pretty nice.

I agree. I think one moment in this chapter that's easy to overlook is when Mei is working in her room. She leaves the room and is about to open the door to where Yuzu is, but she stops herself. She would much rather be spending her time with Yuzu, but she can't afford not to do this work.

However, I also agree that Mei could stand to show her affection more (though let's not forget that she spent several days looking for a good birthday present for Yuzu, which according to this chapter, clearly made Yuzu incredibly happy). Hopefully that'll be a part of her character that will develop more in the future.

joined Jul 29, 2017

You know, as much as I want the scenes we all want; it's really nice to see Mei loving Yuzu in her own way. She may not show it much, but she does very much love Yuzu and I think that's pretty nice.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Mei has become the absent workaholic manga parent while sleeping in the same bed as Yuzu.

last edited at Sep 19, 2021 11:29AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Honestly... I really enjoyed this chapter.

joined May 13, 2021

Ughhh Mei, you are being pretty annoying rn!!

joined Apr 1, 2013

Not going to lie.. that was CRINGE to read the latest chapter..

Yuzu is trying to invite her for sex/romance and every time she tries to attempt Mei is just oblivious.. wtf
Like seriously Yuzu is the only person putting in any effort into this one sided relationship and Mei just seems like shes there for the ride? this seems like really bad story telling at this point because you know they will add drama soon where mei will feel second thoughts and be discouraged by it later down the line.. honestly this is boring. They are girlfriends but nothing has happened so far.. a few kisses and pecks on the cheek. Yuzu is ready for the commitment and Mei is just like... a dry wall seriously her whole demeanour is just DRY WALL

Mei is a work-a-holic mindless drone.. there's more to life than just Work Sleep and Repeat
Yuzu has been trying desperately to show her there's other things outside of a daily endless routine.
Where's the fun? where's Mei's personality at? I understand the whole straight laced / following in her fathers footsteps the adult life etc.. i assumed that situation was already dealt with 20 chapters ago?
seriously where is her personality? Maybe this is her personality.
So basically the whole concept of this story is seeing a 'no strings attached or Platonic relationship" ? which how does that work if Yuzu wants a legitimate relationship with Mei?
Mei has zero emotion. The only time we ever experience it is when Yuzu has left her room shes by herself and then she suddenly feels happy or loved? Yuzu goes above and beyond to express her emotions and tries to get Mei to give the same feelings back.. Mei never shows any effort.. its like Yuzu is trying to have a relationship with a brick.

Mei is just... ugh I'm done.. i dropped this manga for a reason.
I only came back because i noticed the latest chapter on the main page.
I read it thinking there would be some hope in this ridiculous story telling but nope.. its the same crap.
Mei's character development has gotten worse now in this Manga. Its gotten to the point of stupidity.

The story would be more entertaining if Mei was an actual Android/Robot.. honestly
at least then the story would make sense lmfao

last edited at Sep 19, 2021 12:25PM

joined Jan 1, 2019

Megumiaki, thank you so much for taking over as translator for this series. I too discovered Citrus very early in my yuri journey, and it holds a special place in my heart. I'd be very sad if people lost interest in translating it.

joined Dec 18, 2020

this was such a cute chapter

joined Oct 30, 2018

Huh... ya'd almost think Mei isn't the type to wear her emotions on her sleeve like Yuzu is... and of course she's oblivious, she said herself earlier she wants to take her time and do things properly (or something to that affect, I can't recall the exact words). And do you remember how upset she was when she lost her ring? She was legit convinced Yuzu was gonna be super sad and/or mad at her.

All I'm saying is that some people express their emotions and affections in different ways. Yuzu and Mei's ways are just suck a stark contrast that it seems Mei isn't invested in the relationship... but there's plenty of evidence that supports that she does.

joined Jan 6, 2017

You know, as much as I want the scenes we all want; it's really nice to see Mei loving Yuzu in her own way. She may not show it much, but she does very much love Yuzu and I think that's pretty nice.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Mei has become the absent workaholic manga parent while sleeping in the same bed as Yuzu.

oh yeah, "assumes facts" not in evidence

Are you sure we read the same thing?

joined Sep 2, 2021

People dislike Mei because she isn’t ready to think about sex yet? How annoyingly rude. If you losers tell me Mei has had no character development nor does she have a personality, then don’t even try and tell me that you’ve read Citrus. Because you know that’s a lie. Citrus is a story to read, not a story to read for sex. If Saburouta does not want to draw a sex scene then she doesn’t have too. If sex is the only thing defining the change of Mei’s personality then that’s the most shallow thin-headed thought anyone’s ever got to think of.

In this chapter from the moment Mei told Yuzu, she has work to do instead of hanging out all day, you could tell she realized how she sounded like a workaholic; hence her quick pause, and her face of realization. To which Yuzu tells her it’s okay. After awhile, Mei took a break from work and planned to hang out with Yuzu because she couldn’t resist waiting. However, Mei paused and decided to go work again; fighting the resistance. Those 2 scenes itself is a huge development for Mei. As she’s learning and becoming aware of her duty as a lover along with considering Yuzu’s feelings. Mei used to do and say things without considering Yuzu’s feelings, most times she’s done more harm than if she would’ve just told Yuzu. For now Mei has had great development, in the communication department.

Yuzu is a great girlfriend, she spends her time considering Mei’s feelings and making sure Mei is comfortable. She isn’t obsessed with the idea of having sex with Mei as much as the readers are. Yuzu comprehension and patience with Mei is a super wholesome thing. Both of them are really trying for their relationship.

And most of the readers just sit there whining about how Mei isn’t ready for sex yet. Tch.

joined Oct 29, 2013

Ok, that's enough for me. I'm finally done. Good luck for you, guys.

joined May 16, 2012

Yup, I agree that Yuzu deserves something much better in this situation and that Mei is kinda frustrating like always... but then again that's what I only think Yuzu deserves, in the end, Yuzu is happy and wants no one else but Mei and be with Mei.

Gotta respect Yuzu's patience or anyone who can be in this kind of relationship, she really does love Mei unconditionally, she really did try to understand Mei and accept her and everything about her. She knows that Mei has a hard time expressing herself. (I even think the author doesn't even understand Mei, her own character lol just my guess.)

I guess like any other relationship you gotta give a lot of effort for this kind of relationship to work, it just it happened that most of the reader can see that it was Yuzu that's giving more effort in the relationship but that doesn't mean their relationship is one-sided or that Mei doesn't love Yuzu. it just they express it differently.

No one loves anyone any less as long as both of them accept and understand each other and that they both work together for their relationship to last.

P.S I think those who are wondering where the first chapter Mei She's still there probably just hiding (that part of her) since she said she wants a fresh start and take things right this time (coz all she did back then just confuse or hurt Yuzu) it's not like Mei doesn't know or forget about what is sex (they even previously watch 20mins scene of that in the last movie they watch and even admit to matsuri she does want to touch Yuzu) it just it's not her priority (frustrating right lol)

last edited at Sep 19, 2021 12:58PM

joined Nov 22, 2019

I really love this series and have no plans on dropping it, but I feel like Mei was especially deadpan this chapter, like she regressed a little. I get why she works so hard, and her realizing that while washing the dishes was nice, but her stopping herself from hanging out with Yuzu seemed off this far into the series.You'd think that this far along she'd learn to take breaks, especially on her lovers birthday. And then, when she finally does spend time with Yuzu, she just kinda sits there while Yuzu cuddles her and it just all seems very one sided. And then when she talks about the weight being lifted from her heart, she dosen't even crack a smile. She says it so robotically, which would have been fitting earlier when she's learning how to be in a relationship, but not in volume 4 of the sequal manga. Similarly, Yuzu basically have to explain to Mei why being given affection by your lover feels nice, even if you're already in a relationship was so flat for this kind supposed character development. The only time we see Mei show any emotion in this supposedly touching chapter is when Yuzu kisses her ears and she blushes. I honestly love these characters and their dynamic and Yuzu has clearly matured, I just wish that after all this time we could see Mei reciprocate a little more, thats all.

joined Apr 25, 2020

So what, the birthday party with just Yuzu and Harumin has already happened backstage or what?

“Because I’m your older sister, and your girlfriend” Oh Yuzu, you truly have a way with words.

joined Jul 29, 2017

You know, as much as I want the scenes we all want; it's really nice to see Mei loving Yuzu in her own way. She may not show it much, but she does very much love Yuzu and I think that's pretty nice.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Mei has become the absent workaholic manga parent while sleeping in the same bed as Yuzu.

oh yeah, "assumes facts" not in evidence

Are you sure we read the same thing?

We absolutely are not reading the same thing-- most of those supposed "examples" of "Mei loving Yuzu in her own way" show Yuzu going all out to elicit some kind of response from Mei and getting absolutely NOTHING in return except a cryptic statement at the end about a "weight being lifted from her heart" that Yuzu doesn't even hear because she's asleep.

Actually, you're right--Mei saying "Thank you, Yuzu--because of your care and consideration I was able to ignore you completely all day" is the quintessential lovey-dovey Mei-bot in a nutshell.

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