Forum › JK-chan and Her Male Classmate's Mom discussion

Alice Nightrose
joined Feb 9, 2021
joined Jun 27, 2017

Hopefully that doesn't mean it's immediately over.

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

So I’m assuming “pure relationship until you’re an adult” means 20 years old? 18 year olds count as adults in Japan?

20 is the age of drinking and I think full legal majority, 18 is the drinking age and the age of sexual consent in Tokyo.

From 2022 it will be 18. So it will be one less year for them ahaha

joined Oct 23, 2018

HECK YEAH! (Actual) Progress! No "status quo is god" misunderstandings/twists! All in 20 chapters.

joined Jun 14, 2016

Incoherent screaming and flailing of happiness

joined Jun 18, 2019


joined Dec 9, 2019

Nakashima's 18. Commonly that's the legal age of adulthood though it really wouldn't hurt for them to wait till she's 20. It's just as fine as hitting it off right away without the wait.

However, I understand how the mom feels about the gap. Something about what the mom said hit me in the gut cuz it's been real in my life.

In this case would the mom be considered lesbian or bisexual? There was a point where she had real love for the husband. Is her growing away from that and falling in love with a woman making her only lesbian.

She married a man whom she'd known since middle school plus they were both really young to have that kind of responsibility. She might have mistaken "fondness" for romantic and sexual love. You can grow a fondness for a person whom you've known for so long and feel "love" for them. I think it has been implied that social expectations impacted how the mom viewed "happiness".

18 is still that age where people explore who they really are and what they want in life; seems to me she had never gotten that chance cuz of, well, the expectations that warped her version of reality. So the possibility of her being a closeted lesbian as far as I'm concerned is greater than the possibility of her being just bisexual.

last edited at Apr 4, 2021 3:04AM

Yesssss W for the girls

The YuriWitch
joined Dec 23, 2020

The woman gets the girl in the end...and the son is as clueless as ever.

joined Mar 8, 2019

When Mihoko says “adult” does she mean in terms of age or when Yuka graduates college/ becomes a contributing member of society with a stable income?

Because I feel more like it might be the latter? Like she wants Yuka to experience life and if she’s still in love, then that means her feelings are real. It’s a valid concern for Mohiko to have seeing as she seemed to have mistaken her own feelings for her ex husband. At the very least, Mohiko “outgrew” her love for her husband so perhaps she wants to make sure Yuka won’t be led down a similar path.

joined May 5, 2013

Yuka can finally make her dream comes true: become Takuya's mother. At that point, I feel like I've got enough happiness from this serie, so I'd order a bonus epilogue chapter where Yuka makes fun of Takuya because she's become his step-mom.

joined Jun 7, 2016

I hope more keeps coming. I really wanna find out what Takuya reaction will be when he finds out.

joined Sep 8, 2019

Damn 18 years age gap.
Make sense I guess. Takuya is 18 and all.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Sep 23, 2019

as the baby once said: less gooooooooooooo

joined May 12, 2020

But who would sell gay agenda recruitment brochures in Glorious Nippon? Could it be....(((them?)))

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ I hope that "them" remark was a joke, because otherwise... shivers

last edited at Apr 4, 2021 5:33AM

joined Jan 15, 2020

I am personally going to assume that "until you are an adult" is more a matter of perception, that you would still think of a high schooler as a kid, while a college student would be viewed as a young adult, so "keeping things pure" may last under a year, if it lasts at all.

Oh well, now it is a matter of Takuya learning the truth as well, and how he will react... it wouldn't be invalid if he felt a sense of betrayal, as Yuka was using him to get close to Mihoko, but I also don't think he is that kinda guy or that this is that kinda story, it would be funny if the extent of his reaction was "Alright, so that means next time you are stay the night, you will sleep in mom's room and I won't have to sleep on the floor?".

joined Feb 15, 2021


joined Jul 29, 2017

This series was/is so good. Like, top five greatest yuri I've ever read.

joined Dec 24, 2014


joined Aug 9, 2019

In Japan, 20 is the age of turning into an adult, both traditionally and legally in many cases. There’s a “coming of age day” - 成人の日 - which is for celebrating those who have turned 20 in the last year. Many legal provisions relate to being 20. The voting age used to be 20 until very recently where it got lowered to 18, and I believe drinking is still only allowed at 20. Probably other things, too.

The age of consent varies by prefecture, but I believe the latest age is 18. It’s not tied to the above “becoming an adult”.

So basically - society still views Nakajima as a kid because she’s not 20 yet. But sexual-consent wise they’d be legally okay to get dirty. Which is good because, y’know, their current situation would be grooming otherwise.

joined Feb 17, 2013

In this case would the mom be considered lesbia or bisexual? There was a point where she had real love for the husband. Is her growing away from that and falling in love with a women making her only lesbian.

She might be Bi sure, but doesn't have to be.

We have no idea if she had romantic love for her husband to start with- they had been dating since they were young (middle school). They got married at only 18. That young, in her first and only relationship, she isnt gonna be able to tell the difference between romantic love and if she just liked him as a person.

And im not sure but I assume, until you KNEW you were gay, it would be possible to fall in love with someone of the opposite gender, even without being physically attracted to them or desire them? I mean until you got to the point of being physical you wouldnt know it didnt really do anything for you- and even after that, some people just wont realise for years that what they are feeling physically and emotionally is NOT just the normal way all women feel- thats how you have some women find out they are lesbians after 20 years of marriage.

So to summarise, we cant tell from just the fact she was married once- and use to 'love' him.

I think the most telling thing that makes me think she IS a lesbian though, is that the flashback tells us she told her husband all about it.. If she was Bi, then that wouldnt be a huge deal that had to end their marriage right? She wouldnt really have had to even bring it up- but she told him all about liking girls.. that makes me think she realised she only likes GIRLS in that way.

last edited at Apr 4, 2021 6:47AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

18 years age gap is big, but not insurmountable. Some famous (real) people have larger age gaps and they are very much in love with each other. Macron and his wife comes to mind.

The real test comes later, when one is in their 30s and the other goes on their 50s.

joined Feb 17, 2013

So I’m assuming “pure relationship until you’re an adult” means 20 years old? 18 year olds count as adults in Japan?

Cornonthekopp - 18 (16 in tokyo) is everything but drinking and owning credit cards and houses which are 20 atm.

BUT- I dont think she meant waiting till 20- it sounded like her main hang up was that Yuka was still in highschool. She is 18, so its already legal for them- I think she just wants to wait till she isnt a highschool girl any more- and Yuka is in her last year as an 18 year old, so thats probably like in 5 - 8 months? (Could be much less but we haven't seen them studying for finals etc)

And I dunno how 'pure' it will be anyways lol- it looks like it will at least involve kissing! I know Yuka said just once as a vow, but you saw how easy Mihoko gave in to her desire - and like Yuka wont be wanting more lol.

It looks to me like Yuka is gonna be the one mostly taking the lead, and Mihoko seems a bit of a pushover with that kinda stuff.

last edited at Apr 4, 2021 7:16AM

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