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joined Jul 1, 2018

If I’m reading correctly, it looks like vol. 8 had some omitted stuff ( 9 pages across the chapters) that are going to be included in the release next month. I wonder where they’ll go?

casually includes kiss scene at the end of 28.5

joined Oct 1, 2020

casually includes kiss scene at the end of 28.5

Inb4 the final scenes involve a tsunami wiping out the town and killing everyone, so the last volume is set in the afterlife. Highlights include God literally getting off her throne, locking our leads in a room, and screaming at them to do each other so that millions of people every month can stop praying to her to make Nettaigyo yuri.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Three more pages of Konatsu and Koyuki putting their hands together in 28.5, three more of Aoshima's cats in 29 and three more of Konatsu platonically stroking Koyuki's hair in 30.

joined Jul 1, 2018

Three more pages of Konatsu and Koyuki putting their hands together in 28.5, three more of Aoshima's cats in 29 and three more of Konatsu platonically stroking Koyuki's hair in 30.

I’d agree that there are probably a few that go in ch 30, but it’s pretty long, so she might add something in 29.1 or 28.1. A few pages may not seem like much, but in a manga like this, small things tend to have a big meaning later on. There’s probably nothing that is monumental to the plot, but important enough for her to want to have it drawn. I’m thinking some Kohai stuff in 28.5. Though, since she did mention that it was drawn how she wanted to, it may be more like those artistic and abstract paneling that we see sometimes (i.e Konatsu drowning for 5 panels straight). Sucks that we probably won’t see until vol 8 comes out in English and we buy it ourselves.

joined Jul 1, 2018

Volume 8 cover is out!

I’d been wondering what it would be, and it’s totally perfect.

Kaede’s eyes are now purple lol

last edited at Dec 3, 2020 9:13AM

joined Nov 3, 2018


joined Apr 20, 2013

Oh my that IS really beautiful... Look at the tiny frogs, so cute

joined Jan 25, 2017

I think the new pages Hagino's talking about are just bonus illustrations like a lot of the volume releases have had, going by a google TL of volume 8's amazon page - not expansions of existing chapters. But we'll see!

last edited at Dec 15, 2020 12:12AM

joined Jan 25, 2017

Volume 9 will be the end, unless I'm very mistaken. Thanks for everything, Hagino-sensei.

joined Mar 29, 2019

oh... so the time has come... I am going to miss this one a lot, still my favorite current manga... how many chapters remain then 3? 4?

joined Jul 27, 2020

So we will reach the conclusion soon... I'm going to miss Hanigare a lot. It's been a while since the last time (if not the first time) I invested too much emotion in a single title. In her tweet, Hagino-sensei said she's writing the story she wanted, so I think the conclusion will satisfy everyone.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I was hoping it would get to 10, but if the author sees no reason to drag it out, then I'll trust her on it. Let's see how it ends.

joined Jul 1, 2018

I’m happy that this manga is going to end exactly how it was intended to, but I’m also sad to see it go. Hagino-sensei said it right in another tweet: don’t tell the marathon runner who’s near the tape that they should keep running past the finish line. She’s got an ending set, and we should just trust her on it. It was one of my favorite manga, and I can’t wait to see how everything ties together.

joined Jul 27, 2020

Anyone listened to Hagino-sensei's Twitch stream today? She talked about many things. She said that if nothing happens, the serialization will concluded in March, so 4 more chapters left. She drew what she wanted, and never thought to prolong the story just to meet certain volume numbers, stating that if one volume is about 200 pages, Hanigare probably would end in volume 7. Hagino-sensei knows that some fans are hoping for anime adaptation, but there's no plan for it (since the manga will end soon), and if there's an offer, she'd refuse, citing that she didn't want anyone to intervene with her story. She also said that this year was tough for her, since she didn't meet anyone except for supermarket's employee and doctors during the pandemic, and her cat's passing.

She talked a lot, but unfortunately, according to her tweet, she was unable to save the stream even though she intended to.

joined Jul 1, 2018

Anyone listened to Hagino-sensei's Twitch stream today? She talked about many things. She said that if nothing happens, the serialization will concluded in March, so 4 more chapters left. She drew what she wanted, and never thought to prolong the story just to meet certain volume numbers, stating that if one volume is about 200 pages, Hanigare probably would end in volume 7. Hagino-sensei knows that some fans are hoping for anime adaptation, but there's no plan for it (since the manga will end soon), and if there's an offer, she'd refuse, citing that she didn't want anyone to intervene with her story. She also said that this year was tough for her, since she didn't meet anyone except for supermarket's employee and doctors during the pandemic, and her cat's passing.

She talked a lot, but unfortunately, according to her tweet, she was unable to save the stream even though she intended to.

Thank you for posting this. I was trying to follow along using limited comprehension skills and copious amounts of google translate, but we all know how that goes :/. The only thing I recall besides what you posted was the fact that she was happy to see so many positive impressions of her manga on Twitter, while also citing that it’s a mean place, but I could be wrong for obvious reasons.

joined Apr 20, 2013

I can't watch long streams so thanks, I'm glad she was able to tell the story she wanted without limitations, too bad about the anime, I think the people behind Bloom into you did a great job on it but I understand the feeling, after all, a director will always try to give her/his own touch

joined Jul 27, 2020

Thank you for posting this. I was trying to follow along using limited comprehension skills and copious amounts of google translate, but we all know how that goes :/. The only thing I recall besides what you posted was the fact that she was happy to see so many positive impressions of her manga on Twitter, while also citing that it’s a mean place, but I could be wrong for obvious reasons.

I think she also said about it, saying she's happy that many people support Hanigare in Twitter despite being a harsh place. She checked in Twitter after announcing the manga will end soon, and grateful that people commented about it nicely.

I can't watch long streams so thanks, I'm glad she was able to tell the story she wanted without limitations, too bad about the anime, I think the people behind Bloom into you did a great job on it but I understand the feeling, after all, a director will always try to give her/his own touch

She talked about how she thought that her manga could be more popular (anime adaptation is a way for it), but unable to do so since she should write a story that meets people expectation (as opposed to how she wanted the story to be).

Also, after finishing Hanigare, she implied that she won't start any new serial, thinking about going back to her family's home in Matsuyama.

joined Jan 25, 2017

Sad to think we might not see any more manga from Hagino after Hanigare, she's become one of my absolute favorite mangaka over the last few years. But I hope she gets some good R&R, sounds like it's badly needed after this year.

joined Apr 20, 2013

I think we all need a long vacation from 2020

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I think we all need a long vacation from 2020


She's been posting content publicly for around ten years at this point. She's been drawing full-length stories for about five - and maintaining a social media presence, and sometimes streaming - been serialized for nearly three, not to mention the rest of her life. Even before the pandemic she talked about the loneliness of city life and her introversion sometimes making her feel different(?). Highly competitive careers are draining in the best of circumstances. If she needs a break from serialization or art altogether to work on other aspects of her life, I think it's awesome that she has that opportunity. Hopefully she's able to give Nettaigyo the fitting end she wants, and then move onto whatever awaits her next!

joined Jul 1, 2018

If google translate is right, it appears the new pages are like extra chapter to set up for volume nine. Just might buy the Japanese version to see what it is!

joined Mar 6, 2018

Subtext? Is This Yuri Yet?

Seriously, please give a hint of the endgame, I'm dying here...

Also, when did the angst tag suddenly appear?

last edited at Dec 27, 2020 1:49AM

joined Oct 1, 2020

This epic bildungsroman about Fuyuki finding love and purpose in a small fishing town continues to be as great as ever, but I'm not sure why the author's devoting so much time to the shy girls from the aquarium club. Are they lesbians? Are they amphibians? Seems kinda distracting, tbh, 7/10.

On a more serious note, we might actually need an Amphibian tag to describe stories about girls who aren't sure about their feelings for their best buddies and use tons of ocean metaphors to express this.

last edited at Dec 27, 2020 2:03AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

Hachimitsu Scans are real darlings, not only do they translate really fast, they went out of their way to do the volume extras due to the extra pages.

joined Jan 25, 2017

"What should I call that person" indeed....

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