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joined Oct 10, 2016

It's like this shit in the sims: "Apologize... In bed"

This was such a dumb read, even dumber than that tentacle/futa raping plant story

last edited at May 6, 2020 3:15PM

joined Aug 12, 2017

Feels like the author's brain melted along with the story while drawing the sex scenes. Shion deserved better. And Nozomi's development made as much sense as Citrus's plot progression

joined Sep 3, 2018

Shion deserved bettter indeed and Nozomi's progression was in fact dumb as shit. Can't win them all I guess.

joined Oct 22, 2018

And Nozomi's development made as much sense as Citrus's plot progression

That's an insult to Citrus... and me, who finds Citrus mediocre, saying that, well... that's saying something!

joined Apr 1, 2014

I don't understand how the MC can change her mind in just 2 or 3 pages. Im afraid to say that...Citrus did it better. I think I just expected more of it(?)

joined Nov 22, 2019

Usually 50% story+50% porn doesnt work that well but this was particularly jarring. Drama about consent/love together with Mira-tier sex was not a good combination.

joined Jan 19, 2015

Oppai is best pie.

Kikaluna Uploader
Noca Scans
joined Nov 20, 2017

The real twist of the story is that Nozomi was a top all along!

joined Apr 27, 2014

Hahaha, this ending is...she just realized "ah I am in love with you, ok sorry, let's be girlfriends now", seriously?
lol I can't like either of them xD
this story omg..still fun to read, thanks to the uploaders and scanlators and author-san

joined Oct 4, 2018

Feels like the author's brain melted along with the story while drawing the sex scenes. Shion deserved better. And Nozomi's development made as much sense as Citrus's plot progression

This had me crackling. I don't agree (Citrus is hands down better than this) but it made so much sense while making none that I couldn't help but laugh.

last edited at May 6, 2020 11:08PM

joined Jan 9, 2020

I don't like it, the ending is way too sappy, and it doesn't sit right with me how the story suddenly shifted to portray Shion as so selfless and kind and Nozomi as thoughtless for not noticing her feelings. Like, hello? Shion totally did betray her by using Nozomi's weakness to satisfy her pent-up desires, the accusation is well-deserved. And Nozomi was right to blame her for that.

But I guess she suddenly fell in love with her, changing both her tune and her sexual orientation in one fell swoop, so that makes everything OK, or something. What the fuck.

Lesson learned: If you can draw decent porn, stick to that, don't try to tackle heavy themes like consent and assault, and unrequited love across gender lines, only to wrap them up in a neat, kitschy romance bow that makes no fucking sense.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Maybe all the sex melted my brain as well because honestly I didn't think it was all that bad as far as real smutty work goes
Like I don't know maybe being real close to someone for that long might make it easier to fall in love with them especially when you think of what they've done and meant to you
Like I dunno I've read way worse smut than this

joined Dec 20, 2018


We sure see the word "normal" a lot these days.

joined Jul 23, 2017


We sure see the word "normal" a lot these days.

Hahahahhaha ik what u mean

joined Dec 16, 2014

I can't believe the whole story just revolved around a flashback.

joined May 10, 2015

I think it all feels a bit off, not so much the story itself but the pacing of it all is way too quick.

Needs to be more time for her emotions to develop and to understand what she did before the change

joined Aug 22, 2016


We sure see the word "normal" a lot these days.

Hahahahhaha ik what u mean

Thank Godness, I wasn't the only one thinking that at that line XD

joined Feb 23, 2016

At least they got a happy ending

joined Oct 18, 2017

I actually thought this was a mature and interesting take on a relationship like this. It shows that perception, ignorance and naivety, wilful or not, can cause a lot of problems.
The 'im suddenly in love with you' was very cliche as i was kind of expecting Nozomi to have actually loved Shion for a long time (as well) but was ignorant to it because perhaps she saw loving another girl as being "wrong" or "disgusting" and it taking almost losing Shion to realize it.
Contrary to others, i think this still had a better plot than Citrus.

joined Oct 1, 2014

This is something I would like to imagine as a heart-broken fantasy, when you love someone so much, you just want to be with them. And this manga comes with a simple fantasy realizing that desire. At least Shion is happy!

joined Oct 23, 2016

Ya'll do know that hentai plots are never that good and we are mainly here for the titty rubbing and clit flicking action, riiiiight?
In any sense the plot isn't that bad, Nozomi was always bisexual, just in denial. When she grabs Shion's boobs as a "prank" she excused herself thinking Shion found it "gross." Then got the closetted lesbian vibes and quickly hid in her own closet too and friendzoned the crap outta her.
She knew Shion's feelings and took advantage of them and then found out, hey I actually did enjoy getting fucked by my female friend. Maybe, we should just try it out, who knows, it might work.
And bam it did. Sometimes shit really be like that.

I know a woman who told me a while back she was bicurious but has never tried it with another woman. Recently she got drunk and made out with one of her female friends. It escalated just about this quick, and the only reason they didn't go all the way was because her friend was on her time of the month.
Now this woman knows she's bisexual. All it took was some alcohol. lol

last edited at Jul 10, 2020 5:18PM

joined Dec 14, 2019

ok so why are y’all so wholesome for no reason lol I guess i do be living in a simulation ig >^< if my scientist sees this, please free me for I have gained awareness


joined Apr 22, 2020

Life and love is complicated often, I think it's ok to acknowledge and explore that in this medium

joined Sep 7, 2021

Feels like the 5th time I read this.

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