Forum › Run Away With Me, Girl discussion

joined Sep 1, 2017

i agree with NaruZombie. things can't stay like this forever i think this picture can be necessary to finally have the so awaited break up. this break up though... might have a price to pay i fear.

While I agree there is zero percent chance that the girl is not going to show that picture to Mr. Punchy McWomanbeater I really hope you're wrong about it forcing Midori's hand. I want Midori's choice to walk away from that jerk and be with Maki ,to be all her own.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Does Midori know Maki is gay? I can't remember if they discussed Maki's love life since highschool. I want to say no.



Midori knows darn well which way Maki swings... and that she does so particularly hard in her own direction.

Thanks that saved me from a hour or two of rereading.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Thus, the way was paved for more drama.

joined Jun 5, 2016

No, they havent gotten married yet. Even though I think it's not uncommon to sign the marriage register prior to having the ceremony they don't seem to have done that. Midori is pretty resentful that Tazune doesn't give a hoot and she's having to plan it all herself, too, that's also been made pretty clear.

joined Aug 16, 2018

I don't quite get the vitriol towards Doumyou, she's obviously gonna fuck Tazune, but whether she's so opportunistic that she'll out Midori to him, I dunno.

I think the anger against Doumyou is because taking that picture was such a dick move. You see two people doing something intimate, and you whip out the phone and take a pic? Baaad.

Also, about whether Doumyou will snitch on Midori or not? Think of that picture as "Chekhov's pic" and you'll have your answer. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also @zensunni, I don't think they're married yet, just engaged. Nothing quite points out that they've been legally married yet for sure and the way they talk about their marriage coming up makes me think its more than the ceremony.

I'm a bit confused about that, too. Midori once gave "Tonoike" as her surname, but maybe that was a little joke. They don't act like a married couple at all.

My best guess is that they haven't tied the knot yet, and are planning to do both ceremonies on the same day: got to the City Hall, register their marriage, then go to some church or religious place and have a fancy wedding just pour le tralala.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Damnit the more I think about it the more I realise that Maki should just walk away. She is setting herself up to be Midori's security blanket, where Maki goes through endless cycles of heartbreak, as Midori repeatedly runs to Maki, when things get rough with jerkwad, only to leave Maki again whenever the guilt gets to her.
That makes it even more important that it's totally Midori's choice to walk away from her marriage. It will prove that being with Maki is her choice and not taken in desperation to avoid being alone

last edited at Mar 6, 2020 12:34PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

Midori once gave "Tonoike" as her surname, but maybe that was a little joke. They don't act like a married couple at all.

I think that was just practice/showing off. I think shes never done it since she started questioning her staying with him too, but I dunno if that's coincidental or a subtle thing the author did.

joined Mar 28, 2015

No, they aren't married yet. They are still in the planning phase (meaning, Midori does all the job).

Doumyou will probably rat on Midori in order to snatch Tazune for herself.

Tazune will probably beat Midori and/or cheat on her with Doumyou.

Maki will maybe save the day.

This is all very predictable at this point.

Surprise me, author.

joined Feb 9, 2019

like nya-chan, to me it seems set up for a predictable ending. idc if its predictable tho, i just want to see a happy ending.

joined Aug 4, 2018

idc if its predictable tho, i just want to see a happy ending.

Yeah, yuri manga -- and romantic manga in general -- is not about surprise pairings. Actually, 99 times out of 100, you can tell who are the otp of the story just by looking at the cover. And that's okay. Japanese fans like it just like that. And, frankly, most of us like it just like that, too.

We don't read yuri manga for surprises, we read it for character development, psychological exploration, relationship building, waffy times, ecchi times, angsty times, all sorts of social issues (and how to deal with them) and, eventually, if at all possible, a happy ending, please.

So far, this manga has been delivering quality content chapter after chapter. I for one sure have no complaints, none at all.

Ok am I missing something? Why is writer trying so hard to make it seem like we should care about the hot chick and the douchebag breaking up?

They never liked each other outside of douchebag just thinking she's pretty and wanting to bone. And her just going along with it because she can't say no and he was at least somewhat attractive. Plus they only agreed to get married because the hot chick got pregnant.

Him not treating her like he has feelings for her is expected and understandable but him being a douche about it is not ok.

I never forgot for an instant that these two aren't even interested in each other. They're just putting up with each other because of their child and for image sake.

So who cares if they cheat on each other? They're only a couple in name but don't act as such in any other instant.

So this pretend build up to some lame drama is odd.

I don't like or care about any of these characters and don't support any of them getting together but the story thinks i'm dumb enough to fall for it's painfully obvious ship bait.

The main chick is just a bland hopeless romantic.
The hot chick is just a spineless, indecisive, piece of eye candy.
The guy is just a bitter, vengeful douche taking out his frustrations on the hot chick.
And the hot chick's coworker is just some salty twat that didn't get the guy she wanted so she blames the hot chick as if it's her fault she lost.

Ugh this story is just stupid. I think it's because it's too obvious with it's manipulation.

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

idc if its predictable tho, i just want to see a happy ending.

Yeah, yuri manga -- and romantic manga in general -- is not about surprise pairings. Actually, 99 times out of 100, you can tell who are the otp of the story just by looking at the cover. And that's okay. Japanese fans like it just like that. And, frankly, most of us like it just like that, too.

We don't read yuri manga for surprises, we read it for character development, psychological exploration, relationship building, waffy times, ecchi times, angsty times, all sorts of social issues (and how to deal with them) and, eventually, if at all possible, a happy ending, please.

So far, this manga has been delivering quality content chapter after chapter. I for one sure have no complaints, none at all.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Meme review

joined Sep 13, 2018

I don't quite get the vitriol towards Doumyou, she's obviously gonna fuck Tazune, but whether she's so opportunistic that she'll out Midori to him, I dunno.

I think the anger against Doumyou is because taking that picture was such a dick move. You see two people doing something intimate, and you whip out the phone and take a pic? Baaad.

Also, about whether Doumyou will snitch on Midori or not? Think of that picture as "Chekhov's pic" and you'll have your answer. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Is it really a dick move to want to tell someone and have proof of their fiancee cheating on them when you don't know that that Someone is an abusive shithead? Sure Doumyou might have selfish reasons for it, but it's not like it isn't happening, and from her perspective, Midori is just doing this for no real reason.

Oh it'll be important, I'm sure, but how it comes up, I don't think its as clear as 'Doumyou snitches'. Tazune might see it accidentally, she might be about to show him then notice the blood and see Tazune be weird about it and put two-and-two together, she might confront Midori about it first. Like I said, this isn't a clear cut thing, though I can see the angle folks go to for it.

Ok am I missing something? .... I think it's because it's too obvious with it's manipulation.

Because we should? Midori is a traumatized gay woman dealing with comphet who gets preyed on by some shithead, but because of comphet, patriarchy, gender roles, and other societal stuff, and ends up almost being trapped in a bad situation that she doesn't realize is bad yet. It's something that at least as a lesbian I find really engaging, especially when I read and know about how this shit happens in real life a lot.

If you don't like it and hate the characters, you don't have to read. Personally I find all the characters really interesting, Maki especially is relatable for me. She's living a second chance for the girl she loved and thought she'd never see again, while dealing with the conflicts that arise from that girl still dealing with comphet and being in an abusive relationship that she's at least aware of. Midori isn't spineless or indecisive, she's traumatized lmao. If you can't have empathy for characters like that, maybe you want to avoid the 'drama' tag. Doumyou is at least interesting in that I don't know what to feel about her. She picked up on Tazune and Midori having a weird relationship, she still seems into Tazune, but what's her angle? To just get with Tazune? I don't know, but I'm willing to give her a benefit of the doubt, especially considering Tazune seems totally fine cheating on someone and would've likely tried to already if it was hinted at being reciprocal. Hell, even Tazune is interesting to me, he's scum, but he's scum that socially minded folks are aware of in a particular way, hell he fits well into themes of dealing with childhood trauma via going hard into gender roles too.

last edited at Mar 6, 2020 9:12PM

joined Feb 23, 2016

This will get interesting in the next chapter~

joined Dec 13, 2019

why is the blood still there clean the fucking floor dude

tazune's too lazy to clean and midori's probably too scared to even look @ it

last edited at Mar 7, 2020 11:37AM

joined Aug 4, 2018

why is the blood still there clean the fucking floor dude

tazune's too lazy to clean and midori's probably too scared to even look @ it

Also, it's a visual aid to narration, choke-full of symbolic meaning.

Every time the blood smear is shown, it turns into an element of the narrative -- and plays a major role in helping us understand the behavior of the Tonoike couple.

joined Apr 9, 2014

It seems that the author found this translation though I’m not sure whether she’s happy or mad about it... lmao

joined Jul 23, 2019

It seems that the author found this translation though I’m not sure whether she’s happy or mad about it... lmao

Google translation gives this:

"Speaking of which, it seemed that Kakeochi was illegally uploaded overseas, so I looked into it and laughed. Even handwritten characters are in English. 'Run Away With Me, Girl' is something like a good name."

joined Apr 19, 2018

No other manga draws me in like this one
This really evokes so many emotions in a such nice tempo
I'm no reviewer nor do I actually understand most of the media but this — it makes me so engaged in the story and I love it

joined Nov 8, 2017

I never wanted to punch a man in a Yuri manga (or maybe any fictional man) as much I want to punch Tazune. His backstory just make me hate him more, though that was probably the point of it.
I wish Doumyou at least knew she's in love with a misogynist asshole.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I wish Doumyou at least knew she's in love with a misogynist asshole.

With any luck she will find this out very quickly very soon and we can all sit back and laugh at her.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I wish Doumyou at least knew she's in love with a misogynist asshole.

With any luck she will find this out very quickly very soon and we can all sit back and laugh at her.

That, or she'll be treated so shittily without realizing it that we may even start feeling sympathy for her as well. Anything's possible.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Man, I got the impression Doumyou will use that pic for good or something. Or maybe I'm just naive.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Man, I got the impression Doumyou will use that pic for good or something. Or maybe I'm just naive.

No, they are right: if the use of that pic breaks the status-quo and the end result is a yuri couple, it's for the greater good.

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