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joined Apr 9, 2014

Regarding the new spoilers seeing the past event in a different light, it just makes me think again that I don't want to read the original after all and I just want to read this yuri side story.

That’s fair. I just want people to know that Doona is important to Gyerin: she only realized she was a lesbian after she met Doona; she only realized she was into BDSM because she met Doona, and she is only able to guide Juyeon through it because of her experiences with Doona. Also, like I said, Doona NEVER mistreated her, they just wanted different things and parted ways. Doona is no longer in Gyerin’s life, but meeting her brought her to where she is right now, and if they ever meet again, I’m sure Doona will be beyond happy when she finds out that Gyerin found another woman who could give her what she couldn’t.

joined Apr 9, 2014

Everything I have been told about Sadistic Beauty is from a lot of people who have read the story. I don't care if there are people who do not agree with what I shared.

It’s not about “agreeing with what you said”; you’re just straight up lying. I could go and screenshot every single panel that contradicts what you said, but from the looks of it even if I did that you would not admit that you were wrong. So here is just one: GYERIN SUGGESTING THAT THEY HAVE A THREESOME: Sure looks like it was Doona who forced her, huh?

joined Apr 9, 2014

There are certain things that I have been told about Gyerin in Sadistic Beauty and that is that the protagonist of that story has treated her badly, even forced her to participate in a threesome with a man when she is clearly a lesbian and even knowing that Gyerin had feelings for her, she continued using her like a sex toy and gave her hope for a future together.

This is such bullshit. Y’all should really read the whole comic before shitting on a character you don’t even know.

First of all, Doona NEVER treated Gyerin badly; in fact, her relationship with Gyerin was the healthiest one.

Secondly, Doona also NEVER forced Gyerin to participate in that threesome - Gyerin was the one who fucking suggested it! What happens in that chapter is that Haesol shows up to talk with Doona, who had just finished having sex with Gyerin. Doona tells Gyerin to go home, Gyerin gets jealous and refuses to leave, so in order to stay with her she suggests the threesome.

Thirdly, Gyerin herself didn’t know that she was a lesbian until she fell in love with Doona. There’s even a scene where Gyerin is telling herself “I’m not a lesbian, I’m not a lesbian, I’m not a lesbian”. It was only confirmed by the author that she was indeed a lesbian and not bisexual on their Q&A in chapter 100.

Finally, Doona NEVER gave Gyerin false hope. From the very beginning, Doona made it very clear to ALL of her partners that she was not interested in being in a serious relationship and Gyerin agreed to being her sex partner in spite of that. Eventually Gyerin confessed that she had feelings for her, Doona reiterated that she only wanted to be friends with benefits, but that didn’t make Gyerin happy anymore so she left. That’s all.

For some reason people love to shit on Doona, who is indeed a flawed character, but not for the actual mistakes that she made. It’s always the “I’ve heard this and that” bullshit. And since no one bothers to read the comic anyway, people buy it. As someone who’s been following this series for practically 5 years now, I’m seriously sick of this. Don’t believe everything people tell you, especially those who never bothered reading the whole thing.

EDIT: I also forgot to add, but after Gyerin confessed her feelings and Doona rejected her, Doona never contacted her again precisely because she didn’t want to take advantage of her feelings. They eventually meet up at some point by coincidence, Gyerin gives her a piece of her mind, Doona feels bad for not being able to give Gyerin what she really wanted (but it’s not like she could choose who she falls in love with), and if I remember correctly, she apologizes for hurting Gyerin, and they both move on.

last edited at May 5, 2021 1:05AM

joined Apr 9, 2014

It seems that the author found this translation though I’m not sure whether she’s happy or mad about it... lmao

Lily Marble discussion 05 Apr 06:17
joined Apr 9, 2014

I love absolutely everything about this chapter.

joined Apr 9, 2014

Kodama Naoko never fails to disappoint me. I like her art style so I try to give her works a shot, but it’s almost never worth it. In Netsuzou Trap she romanticized sexual abuse and portrayed lesbian relationships as not “real” because it was all just training until the characters got a boyfriend. In “A World Without Freedom” she romanticized rape. In all of her works she portrays bisexual women as cheaters, and that just gives more ammo to the biphobes in the fandom. ISTG, someone must have hurt her pretty bad in the past for her to become unable to write healthy relationships or portray lesbian/bisexual characters properly. 90% of her works are toxic. I knew what I was getting into when I decided to read this one, but it was just to confirm that yes, she’s still the same shitty writer from before.

joined Apr 9, 2014

Mari posted:

Also, on the futa thing: I honestly dislike it because I see it as a fetish and not as a representation of trans people.

I seriously don't get where this came from. Futanari=/=trans. I don't know the history, but I get that people who draw/read futa either didn't know how to draw 2 girls having sex and/or needed a way to self insert, wanted 2 cute girls instead of girl and guy, but still wanted a het action or for some girls apparently they prefer penetration with penis compare to toys. So all of this is a ways to make people enjoy porn more and isn't in any way meant to represent trans people. In fact it is far from it, since futanari by definition has penis and pussy. I'm perfectly fine with hentai or w/e having a trans character, but I really dislike futanari. So like, it is hard to deny it is a fetish, just not a way to fetishize trans people.

It's complicated. I don't think they're trying to represent trans people, however, a girl can still be a girl even if she has a penis, right? And that's what futas are: girls with penis. So, if they were supposed to be a representation of trans people, I think they're a bad one (for being a fetish). If they weren't, well, whatever, still not my thing (since it's a fetish regardless). I had a hard time finding a definition for futas, but I think you finally gave me an answer (something that has the sole purpose of making people enjoy porn more). Thank you. :)

last edited at Nov 30, 2016 1:44PM

joined Apr 9, 2014

Also, on the futa thing: I honestly dislike it because I see it as a fetish and not as a representation of trans people.

I've heard a similar argument about yuri as a whole, that "real lesbians" always present themselves as butch and femme, and that yuri manga featuring two especially girly women in a relationship are playing exclusively to straight male fetishes


Nah, there is a lot of yuri stories which are drawn for playing exclusively to straight male fetishes, that's a fact, and I complain about that, too. However, you can also find a lot of good yuri stories drawn by women for the enjoyment of other women (I mean, lesbians, bisexuals or whatever people identify with). I usually dislike stuff made by men, but there are exceptions. I do like my porn, but I rather have some sort of plot in it iinstead of just mindless sex and weird fetishes.

joined Apr 9, 2014

Also, on the futa thing: I honestly dislike it because I see it as a fetish and not as a representation of trans people.

What the dark skin tag?

I don't really like it either. Dark skinned people aren't fetishized in all stories with this tag, but the tag in itself is a fetish, I guess. In my opinion, fetishes are okay as long as they don't objetify people (such as BDSM and stuff like that, whatever works for you), but that's just me. I don't wanna censor others or anything. I'll completely distance myself from lolicon/shota stuff though, thank you very much.

joined Apr 9, 2014

Damn, shipping wars really are everywhere. I don't really get why people have to be so aggressive about this. Although I do have an OTP in LL! (NozoEli), I don't mind if people have different preferences than me. Can't we all just respect each other?

Anyway, about the doujin. I didn't like the way Rin was so pushy about it. When someone asks you to stop, you stop. Proceeding any further against their will is classified as rape, even if they seem to be "enjoying" it. Hell, haven't you guys seen millions of women protesting around the world with posters that read "No means no" and stuff like that? Women are raped because of this idea that we don't mean what we say ("she says no but she actually wants it").

Also, on the futa thing: I honestly dislike it because I see it as a fetish and not as a representation of trans people. That being said, I'm glad that someone pointed out on this thread that gender and biological sex are two different things. Don't be transphobic, people.

Citrus discussion 11 Jun 19:37
joined Apr 9, 2014

Gosh I just love Yuzu's expression on page 21. It's like a slap in Matsuri's face.

Citrus discussion 17 May 10:19
joined Apr 9, 2014

Lol, and it's gonna be interesting. CANT WAIT >.<

Yes! And tomorrow we'll (hopefully) get to see the raws of chapter 10.

EDIT: It seems it's already out. lol

Why do I have a feeling Mei just gonna treat it like it was nothing again (even though it really bothered her) , and perhaps try to distance herself from Yuzu, making Yuzu confuse what the hell happened.

Because that's how she is. However, I find it hard to figure out what's on her mind so we never know what she'll do. I also think that regardless of which reaction we'll see, Himeko will realize that something's wrong. Even if Mei tries to act like nothing really happened, I don't know if she'll be able to properly hide her feelings this time because by now she must have realized she likes Yuzu back, and she probably doesn't know what to do. She said they should stop with what they were doing, but I don't think that's what she wants even if that's the logical choice. I don't know if I'm looking too much into it but chapter 10 will be promising. lol

last edited at May 17, 2014 10:31AM

Citrus discussion 16 May 20:47
joined Apr 9, 2014

I cant help but think that what Himeko said foreshadows some upcoming events... She might really sock Yuzu's face ;-;

I thought something like that too. I mean, we don't really know how Mei is going to react to that kiss and all but it'll probably be as clear as day that something happened (especially for Himeko because she is supposed to know Mei really well) so I think she'll realize it and depending on what she comes to know she might really break Yuzu's face. The only thing I can tell you though is that (more) drama is coming. xD

last edited at May 16, 2014 8:48PM

Citrus discussion 14 May 20:24
joined Apr 9, 2014

Wow, Mei's expression on page 04 just killed me. I just can't deal with all that beauty of hers. <3

I think it's the same with brazil 15-16 as well

Thanks for answering. :)

last edited at May 14, 2014 8:26PM

Citrus discussion 13 May 15:55
joined Apr 9, 2014

Hey guys. This is really random but I've been wondering... How old are Mei and Yuzu? I'm assuming they're both first years in high school so here (in Brazil) they'd be 15-16, but I don't know how it works in Japan.

last edited at May 13, 2014 3:56PM

Citrus discussion 10 Apr 11:33
joined Apr 9, 2014

as for Matsuri, now that her character has introduced the forced misunderstanding between Yuzu and Mei, how many chapters must we endure the angst? and how will Mei react? more coldly towards Yuzu or does it cause her (Mei) to go all caveman (forcible kiss) on Yuzu when they are at home? I'm guessing here, but I think we get 2 more chapters of this madness before Mei goes from ice queen to club wielding caveman (eeeeerrrrm... cave woman).

I don't know how many chapters but as I said I think Mei will just ignore her for the time being. At some point she'll have to act, we'll just have to wait and see.

Mei did you just see that girl is challenging you, just accept the challenge get your girl.


EDIT: Also anyone know when chapter 10 raws will be out? Or scanned?

If I'm not wrong, the next chapter comes out on May 18th. We usually get to see the raws as soon as they're out but with a low quality. Better ones take a little more time to be posted.

Citrus discussion 09 Apr 23:57
joined Apr 9, 2014

Man, I just had to create an account here after reading chapter 9 to say that I can't bring myself to like Matsuri. Seriously, this girl and this kind of development are just... too cliche. I agree with those who said that adding her was unnecessary drama. I mean, Matsuri says she likes Yuzu but she's just bored. Mei had already screwed things up (again) by rejecting Yuzu and Matsuri only made it worse.

Anyway... I also agree that Matsuri's actions may help Mei to realize her feelings, but knowing her I'm pretty sure she'll just ignore Yuzu and pretend she doesn't care at all. I actually think Mei is already aware of her feelings but she doesn't want to admit it (probably because she has been thinking about their future even though what she said sounded like an excuse to me). I don't think she's okay with rejecting Yuzu either (at least her expressions don't say so), but it's hard to tell what's on her mind. I just hope she makes the right decision and fights for Yuzu when the time comes instead of being stubborn if she doesn't want to lose her. I guess Yuzu wouldn't stop loving Mei even if she wanted to but oh well... who knows what'll happen if Mei keeps on rejecting her. Matsuri has something in mind after all, and just like Harumin I also had a bad feeling about it. lol

last edited at Apr 9, 2014 11:58PM