Forum › JAM discussion

joined Oct 3, 2013

Wow, that ended with a dark undertone...Especially that last page with the three jars of..."jam."

joined Mar 12, 2014

So I'm guessing that they're talking about blood?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Somehow I think Keine might object to her shopping trips, then.

joined Apr 10, 2013

tries to give a comment that is somewhat different yet same to the above three but fails

Meh... it was good...
I'd just say that I liked the Meiling in the beginning of the page.

joined Feb 9, 2013

Woah, the scariest one iz Sakuya no doubt.

joined Sep 24, 2013

T-that suddenly took a turn for the dark and disturbing...

joined Dec 30, 2014

It's not music, it's food. JAM.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Hmm I don´t think it´s so dark.
We know that the fairy maids are nearly useless and that Sakuya does nearly everything in the Mansion. She is doing the cooking too of course. Flan´s snacks are made out of humans and even if it was never official stated we can safely assume that Sakuya makes those.

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