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joined Jun 3, 2017

I really dont care who.end up with shorty. But what annoys me if she did end up with pinkie is that the drama between the two. If ever they end up together, well hell im damned.. After all your bullshit and ends up together. Yep you guys are a joke. You should not prolong the agony and just live happily.. Well if no agony then there wont be a story for us anyway. So whatever. Hahaha. in The first place they should have ended up together and blondie should be let loose (tho im team blondie).. Hahaha. So much crap for crap. Only shorty have a good swing on both girls. Cant say she 's a lucky shit head with no spine at all.. Hahahahha,, shorty does not deserve both on them in my opinion. They should just split up the three of them and live happily on their own. Hahahaha.

joined Jun 1, 2017


Are you sure you're a scientist?
It had nothing to do with geocentrism or numerology or feng shui or whatever superstitious rubbish you want to name.
This is all very deep into "brains falling out" territory, and makes me question your understanding of science in the first place.

“ Whenever people attack not the idea — but its source — you know they've hit the brick wall of their intellectual limitations. “ Dr. Idel Dreimer,

This the 2’nd comment that attempt to belittle my qualification as a scientist, even though my field of study have nothing to do with the Idea we are arguing here.  
Scientist are human too. They have personal opinions about everything in the world Not everything they have an option on are based on scientific evidence. For example:

  1. Sir Isaac Newton:  his obsessions with Biblical numerology, astrology, and a quest for the Philosopher's Stone. 2-  Alfred Russel Wallace (Darwin’s pal ): Co-discoverer Of Natural Selection. He had views on spiritualism. 3- French astronomer Camille Flammarion was another believer in spiritualism and reincarnation

and much more….  

We should ignore all Newton’s contribution to science, because he is stupid! He believed in astrology. Or Maybe he had a “"brains falling out" … Right ?  ;)

Acupuncture has been shown to be ineffective in clinical trials, giving no more than a placebo effect.

1- Most conventional treatments are not evidence based According to the BMJ’s Clinical Evidence, conventional treatments are categorised in the following way when the research literature supporting their use is examined: Beneficial: 11%, Likely to be beneficial: 24% , Trade-off between benefits and harms: 7% , Unlikely to be beneficial: 5%, Likely to be ineffective of harmful: 3% ,Unknown effectiveness: 50%.  So a measly 11% of conventional treatments have strong evidence of their effectiveness and safety whereas the vast majority are not evidence-based and some are even known to be harmful.

2- Scientific Evidence in General is a bit shaky: According to Professor John Ioannidis’ very well-respected and highly cited article on research methods, most published research findings are actually false ( Check this paper  : “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False”. Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2005)).  For a variety of reasons, including funding sources, poor research design, and good old bog standard bias, most published research findings end up being unrepeatable and/or overturned. And it is on these very results that the entire institution of evidence-based conventional medicine is poised.

3) The Problem with Drug Money: As touched on in the Ioannidis paper, funding source, and not just good old fashioned scientific investigation of reality, significantly affects which conclusions research studies come to. And thus we’re forced to face some unpleasant facts, namely that biomedical research funded by the pharmaceutical industry consistently over-estimates the safety and effectiveness of pharmaceuticals as compared to reality 11 12 and that the majority of biomedical research is funded by the pharmaceutical industry.13 Oh dear.

4) does it have scientific base? ““An evidence-based approach to medicine, as previously discussed, means looking at the scientific evidence from clinical trials and other sources in order to decide best medical practice. The systematic review is often the final stage of evidence-based medicine, whereby a conclusion is drawn from all the available evidence. . . In each case, the wholly independent Cochrane Collaboration presents its conclusions about the effectiveness of whatever is being systematically reviewed. Hopefully this background to the Cochrane Collaboration has helped to convey its reputation for independence, rigour and quality.” (Check this paper : Singh, D. S., & Ernst, P. E. (2009). Trick or Treatment? Random House).

5- Acupuncture Improves Many Biomarkers:

A)“The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Acupuncture and Their Relevance to Allergic Rhinitis: A Narrative Review and Proposed Model”. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine”. McDonald, J. L., Cripps, A. W., Smith, P. K., Smith, C. A., Xue, C. C., & Golianu, B. (2013).
B)“Neural substrates, experimental evidences and functional hypothesis of acupuncture mechanisms”. Cho, Z. H., Hwang, S. C., Wong, E. K., Son, Y. D., Kang, C. K., Park, T. S., et al. (2006). Acta Neurologica Scandinavica.
C)“This brings us to an interesting situation: any provably safe and effective alternative medicine is not really an alternative medicine at all, but rather it becomes a conventional medicine.” (“Trick or Treatment? “.(Singh, D. S., & Ernst, P. E. (2009). Random House.

I don’t claim all the above are my words, Its from an article in the subject

P.S: In a civil rational argument, don’t take it personal. I advise you to argue ideas without personalizing the discussion or dragging your opinion about the person your arguing with instead of the idea it self.  It makes you look bad. Its fine that other people have a different opinion then yours, you dont need to attack them or belittle their intellegence because of it.

I no longer want to participate in this discussion with you.  It’s taking an ugly turn.

I’m used to it though, as we say in the States “When they can’t use their words or intellect, they call you names“.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 3:45PM

joined Jun 1, 2017

True Evil

Shes not a kid , why would she be mad?

Since when you know me so well, honey?

Since your not 8 years old darling ;*

Em i mistaken ?

Together we can go far beyond than working out your biceps and chest...down south muscles also need attention :3

I work them well for her , so dont worry about that darking.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 3:40PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Fair enough, Amy_85. You've sufficiently demonstrated that not only are you ignorant of science in general, but are hostile to the very idea. I shan't bother you about it further then.

joined Sep 6, 2015

the geocentric model was questioned as early as the 3rd century, and continued to be questioned to some degree ever since

Actually, since the 3rd century BCE, if you were referring to Aristarchus of Samos, the first astronomer to advocate the heliocentric system.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 8:17PM

joined Jun 1, 2017

True Evil

I know perfectly that my flirts would never compete with your love and feelings for her. And i am not an idiot not to see how deeply she loves you back.

Awwwww your such a sweetheart ^.^

Don't be jealous, honey. I am not here to steal your little pumpkin :3

Pumpkins are bettter shared darling ;p

Unless you prefer watermelon? As i happen to be 1

joined Jun 1, 2017


Fair enough, Amy_85. You've sufficiently demonstrated that not only are you ignorant of science in general, but are hostile to the very idea. I shan't bother you about it further then.

Celarly you have an issue with me not my ideas, as your STILL calling me names ( ignorant, hostile... etc), & i havent called you 1 so far. Stop bullying people that DISAGREE with your ideas ! So: Either peopler agree with you or u start lashig out & call them names? Grow up & be a good sport.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 9:37PM

joined Jun 1, 2017

Lena and Amy, what do you mean by pumpkin! that I'm fat :'(

That you delicious & sweet like a pumpkin ;*

True Evil is Lana ? Such a CUTE name for someone who thinks they are the real evil ^.^

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 8:56PM

joined Jun 1, 2017

True Evil

Yeah. ..shared and eaten together from both sides at the same time:3 pumpkin sandwich will be super trendy this year

I prefer scooping out the pumpkin with my hands before eating it. You can "give" me a hand if you like ?

I always thought of you as a cupcake. But watermelon is even better...your refreshing flesh would feel heavenly especially now when it's so hot outside (and inside) can't wait till I get the first bite :3

Cupcakes are too sweet & Im not

If your looking for watery & exotic, then ur in the right place darling ;*

Your in for a double treat actually .'s Lena (like Lee-nah)...common name in Russia:D

Ok Lena ;) what an adorable feminine name.

Its Russian then <3 Im so facinated by that language & its on my " to do list" to learn. I just started with the alphabets & Im struggling xD

joined Jun 1, 2017

I truly didn't have the intention to engage in your discussion, but Amy was able to publish papers and participate in her field working with one of the most accredited Universities with her brain falling out.. I can't imagine what she could do with all her brain intact XDDD

Actually, based on "some people" evaluation of what a true scientist ( should or shouldn't) belive in, Isaac Newton & I both had a "brain fall out" , as we both believe in Astrology & "claim " to be scientists. So maybe i will end up like him? You never know....

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 10:40PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

There is no way to direct message on here right? Or get alerts for updates?

I have never really participated in a forum until WDTFS. It has been fun getting to know people through these discussions. I feel like I could learn a lot about life from you guys. Thank you for having me.

Are there any boundaries here? Or can you just ask whatever? Seems like the latter. XD

last edited at Jun 25, 2017 4:28AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

There is no way to direct message on here right? Or get alerts for updates?

I have never really participated in a forum until WDTFS. It has been fun getting to know people through these discussions. I feel like I could learn a lot about life from you guys. Thank you for having me.

Are there any boundaries here? Or can you just ask whatever? Seems like the latter.

Here you can discuss about anything.
How about join the our wdtfs fans discord chatroom even though it is really not about wdtfs if you want alerts or notifiations or chat directly with people?

joined Jun 23, 2017 if you want alerts or notifiations or chat directly with people?

The link seems to have expired. Thanks, mvl89, for letting me know!

I am usually so late to a good story that there are no active discussions like these on forums, because they already ended. As an outsider reading the forum, I must say, if this was a debate in a political or scientific community, then there is no contest regarding who has been backing up their comments more sufficiently. From the Doctors to the Foxy ladys, you have a good mix of people.

How did you guys first get into this manhwa? Have you been following it for a while?

joined Jan 13, 2016 if you want alerts or notifiations or chat directly with people?

The link seems to have expired. Thanks, mvl89, for letting me know!

I am usually so late to a good story that there are no active discussions like these on forums, because they already ended. As an outsider reading the forum, I must say, if this was a debate in a political or scientific community, then there is no contest regarding who has been backing up their comments more sufficiently. From the Doctors to the Foxy ladys, you have a good mix of people.

How did you guys first get into this manhwa? Have you been following it for a while?

Try this
I have been here since this thread was created.
In here we just talk whatever topics that come up. You can talk about wdtfs.

At one point, i really liked wdtfs. Not so much into wdtfs now. The story went downhill for me but Seju is still as sexy as ever hahaha.

Do you like wdtfs?

joined Jun 23, 2017

At one point, i really liked wdtfs. Not so much into wdtfs now. The story went downhill for me but Seju is still as sexy as ever hahaha.
Do you like wdtfs?

Cool, it works. :)

WDTFS is definitely refreshing compared to many manga or manhwas I have read or tried to read. I do not think I have ever gone back to chapters as much as I have in this story. The ending seems to have been there since the beginning and the writer has a clear story to tell. Once we find out the ending and it is justified, I would want to recommend it to people. There are obvious things holding me back, regarding the sex parts, although it is necessary to the story.

And yes, Seju makes this manhwa interesting. She is a great and complex character.

joined Jan 13, 2016

At one point, i really liked wdtfs. Not so much into wdtfs now. The story went downhill for me but Seju is still as sexy as ever hahaha.
Do you like wdtfs?

Cool, it works. :)

WDTFS is definitely refreshing compared to many manga or manhwas I have read or tried to read. I do not think I have ever gone back to chapters as much as I have in this story. The ending seems to have been there since the beginning and the writer has a clear story to tell. Once we find out the ending and it is justified, I would want to recommend it to people. There are obvious things holding me back, regarding the sex parts, although it is necessary to the story.

And yes, Seju makes this manhwa interesting. She is a great and complex character.

I greeted you in the chatroom.
I wish for the best or reasonable ending. I just hope Seju has her nice ending.

joined Jun 23, 2017

I wish for the best or reasonable ending. I just hope Seju has her nice ending.

Same here. :)

Welcome, mpgpeg

Thank you, Nora89. Haha, I have read some of that love affair.

So what is your story with WDTFS? I am curious, you seem to know the most about it.

joined Jun 23, 2017

We are very similar in how we approached this manhwa. I felt the same way, like, what am I reading? In a good way of course. What a great way to tell a story. So complex with hints scattered everywhere. A jigsaw puzzle is a great way to put it. I agree.
I think there is the advantage of the writer and artist being two different people. The writer could focus on crafting the storyboards more efficiently and has more time to hint at future events.

joined Jun 23, 2017


Is there usually a designated top or bottom in lesbian relationships? I've heard and read differing things.

What is your opinion on how lesbians are depicted in the media? I know there is an underrepresention and a misrepresentation with many made for and by the straight guy. Carol, the movie, is one I know that was praised recently by critics.

Sorry if these are too intrusive or too much like an interview. I am just curious on different perspectives.

last edited at Jun 25, 2017 6:05PM

joined Jun 23, 2017


That was very enlightening, thank you. :) Ah, that even adds more meaning to when Sungji tried to bottom Sumin right?
Team Gaji are indeed two gay women, not that I ever doubted that.

Haha, I heard there is a glove to cover the nails? Are those used a lot?

I think in Carol, the younger one was always a lesbian, but slowly discovered it as she was enamored with the older women who has been in a previous relationship with a women. I enjoyed the film, it was directed by a gay man, so you can take that as however you'd like to. Very similar to what happened to Sungji with Sumin. And many other movies and comics... it's always the naive falling for the experienced one.

"Dom in the streets and Sub in the sheets" I guess?

joined Jun 23, 2017

mmhm it's a bit more complex than that.
Sungji said: it's my turn now, to see this side of you I don't
Sungji means, this is her turn to see what Seju saw in ch55.. Sumin's pleased face.
I said it's competitiveness, reclaiming.. Foxy lady added "curiosity"

I see, that makes sense. I always wonder how I should perceive Sungji. She initially seems to be the type who never has bad intentions. Very... innocent and straightforward in how she views things. But there is always more than meets the eye, especially in WDTFS.

hehehhe.. still, no matter how many gloves you wear, the nails will hurt the other girls big time.. worse time for both

Long nails seem distracting anyways. Convenient for opening things though.

Thank you a lot for the recommendation

It's a very gentle film that relies a lot on the acting and expressions of the characters. Not for everyone, but at least know that it is not a piece of crap. :) It got 94% on Rotten Tomatoes if that means anything to you.

last edited at Jun 25, 2017 9:33PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

I looked Carol up online, it's not yet available on NetFlix.. and where I live, they would charge me €1500 fine if I dare stream it or download it :(

Wow, they are that strict? It's okay. I guess that is a pro of living in the place it was made, it is available to purchase at least. Thanks for trying. :)

I watched that movie. It's ok...but not gonna watch twice :/

Yeah, it is a slow paced, subtle movie. I do not expect everyone to like it.

last edited at Jun 26, 2017 8:24PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Thank you for recommending. I only use Netflex (and put everything else on a list to stream it later when I am traveling XD)

I do not have Netflix, but I have this service that streams anime. Haven't really used that either recently. Focused on college stuff right now, little time.

After the ending of WDTFS is revealed, I fully intend on rereading it multiple times, panel-to-panel, word-for-word. Given, if the ending makes sense. XD

joined Jun 23, 2017

same situation.. but you are making the smart choice unlike some people like me procrastinating everything till WDTFS ends XD..

This manhwa has literally been consuming my thoughts ever since I read it. I am procrastinating right now with this forum! I spent so much time as is rereading several select chapters and if I am not disappointing with the ending, I will reread it from start to finish again. Trying to hold myself back for now, that's why I am not as well-versed as I would like to be in it.

joined Jun 23, 2017


That's another thing. Regrettably, I have not read the official translation. I plan on buying the whole thing on Lezhin once it ends. (Please do not extend it for too long, if you did, Team Gaji.) At this point, I feel like I need to know how it ends.

Yes, I felt the same way after reading chapter 50. Amazing. The "You're right." at the end gets me every time.

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