Forum › Rib-Breaking Magica discussion

joined Nov 2, 2013

what lol

I have yet to see a serious doujin about rebellion

joined May 17, 2013

That's true - Forced Luminous is the closest I've seen. It's a bit odd, given that it's had since October to sink in, but the scanlation filter could be making the problem look worse than it is.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

what lol

I have yet to see a serious doujin about rebellion

How about this one?

joined Nov 2, 2013

How about this one?

That one was good in its own way, but I'm looking for something a little.. I don't know heavier? So far all the rebellion doujins are pretty short and forced comedy.

joined May 21, 2013

That one was good in its own way, but I'm looking for something a little.. I don't know heavier? So far all the rebellion doujins are pretty short and forced comedy.

Well, I'm sure we're all still a bit depressed over the actual movie itself and refuse to add anything that would make it even worse--kind of like forcing a laugh during a prolonged serious moment because your brain refuses to process the overkill of angst. We all want that happy ending, after all. I can definitely relate with adding a fanmade happy overtone to a canon depressing scene.

If you'd like something particularly heavy, how about going back and watching Rebellion itself?

joined Nov 2, 2013

There's only so much I can get from re watching the movie again, that's why I'm disappointed with the doujins because I want to feel more of the fans side of rebellion.

add anything that would make it even worse

I doubt anything worse can happen at this point.

joined May 21, 2013

There's only so much I can get from re watching the movie again, that's why I'm disappointed with the doujins because I want to feel more of the fans side of rebellion.

From a logical standpoint, I'd assume everyone wants to view Rebellion with a little more humor because the movie itself pretty much is devoid of that and really gets in your face about it. The only reactions to Rebellion I've seen were in the author pages of these happy doujins and usually go along the lines of "I saw Rebellion this weekend. It was so sad! I..[spoiler spoiler spoiler]. Bebe was so cute!"

That being said, I'm sure one that primarily focuses on certain characters' angst'll eventually crop up when someone thinks of something other than "It was so sad."

I doubt anything worse can happen at this point.

/laughs into the moon

joined Sep 22, 2013

Homura is such a masochist xD

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

Oh please. You just tumbled down 2 times, are you really want to run with your eyes closed now?

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