TANKOBU by Kuwabara Tamotsu Original Doujin — Completed

Kobushi Jun was sleeping on the train and she caught a scent that reminded her of that time back in a middle school basketball match. Jun bumped with a girl from the other team, and three years later, Jun bumped into that very same girl. TANKOBU is a short series about two polar opposites attracted to each other. -Lazy Lily Fansubs
- Chapter 1 released Sep 29 '18 Public transportation
- Chapter 1.5: TANKBOU EX released Oct 4 '18 Biting Hatesex Tsundere
- Chapter 2 released Nov 28 '18
- Chapter 3: Lazy Morning released Dec 19 '18 Moderate amounts of sex NSFW
- Chapter 4: Love Bears All Things released Jul 21 '19 BDSM NSFW