Fire Fire Fire by Satou Shouji — Completed


Jiga Kirishima lives in a time where the only sky the people know is the color gray and most of the world is wasteland and ruins, with a few people in power depriving resources from the disorganized weak and poor majority. With his father's sword, Jiga makes friends and enemies and goes on adventures while searching for others who share his bloodline.

Jiga's sword happens to be made of a rare material which a powerful organization known as Lost Eagle Nest claims to want in order to rebuild the world, but is that what they really want it for? They'll stop at nothing to take it from him, and Jiga and his friends now have a price on their heads.

Volume 1
Chapter 1: Kickass? Or Just Ass? released Dec 7 '10
Chapter 2: Badass? Or Just Bad? released Dec 9 '10
Chapter 3: Did We Win? Or Did We Lose? released Dec 12 '10
Chapter 4: Is It Light? Or Is It Dark? released Dec 13 '10
Volume 2
Chapter 5: Is It Dirty? Or Is It Clean? released Jan 2 '11
Chapter 6: Is It an Enemy? Or Is It an Ally? released Jan 23 '11
Chapter 7: Are Things Too Fast? Or Too Slow? released Jan 30 '11
Chapter 8: Is It the Past? Or Is It the Future? released Feb 5 '11
Chapter 9: Is It Sweet? Or Is It Bitter? released Feb 9 '11
Chapter 10: Do You Know? Or No? released Feb 12 '11
Chapter 11: Is He Evil? Or Just a Little Bad? released Feb 13 '11
Chapter 12: Is It Far? Or Is It Close? released Feb 16 '11