cameron Aug 19, 2018 1:38AM

Penguins mate for life. ^_^

SushiKnight Aug 19, 2018 5:04PM

TECHNICALLY gentoo penguins generally choose the same mate for up to 3 seasons, after which point they'll find another. Rockhoppers do mate for life though, so who's to say in this case?

cameron Aug 20, 2018 6:18AM

Don't ruin the illusion!!!

mg1342mg Aug 21, 2018 3:56PM

"Gentoos breed monogamously, and infidelity is typically punished with banishment from the colony." Straight from multiple studies I reviewed , especially an extensive one published in 2008.

SushiKnight Aug 22, 2018 2:50PM

Huh, guess I'm wrong. Time for me to do more reading!

edit: by the way would you happen to have a link to the 2008 study? I'd love to look through it if possible.
edit2: nevermind, found it.

last edited at Aug 29, 2018 2:49AM