shermanchurchill Feb 25, 2018 12:23AM

Best otp.

juanelric Feb 25, 2018 1:02AM

I NEED to watch Girls und Panzer.

YuruYuriYurin Feb 25, 2018 1:21AM

^^ nods nods Yes you should watch GuP, it's an excellent anime. The only upsetting part is Kay/Darjeeling never once interacted on screen.

Random Wanderer Feb 25, 2018 2:27AM

Not quite sure how this ship came about, since these two have never so much as spoken to each other on screen... but it's cute so who cares.

GirlzandPanzers Feb 25, 2018 8:05AM

Where is Darjeeling's hand going. Up or down; me thinks she wants to start with boobs.

elevown Feb 25, 2018 8:35AM

^^Sometimes 2 characters just seem like they would make a great couple, visually, or personality wise - even when like these 2, they had no interaction :)

It also helps that they both seemed really nice people, yet we didn't get to see much of them, adding to the desire to fill in the blanks.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 8:37AM

AnimeSavesMe Feb 25, 2018 9:14AM

Oh damn... America-chan x British-chan... XD

UranusAndNeptuneAreJustCousins Feb 25, 2018 9:15AM

@Random Wanderer: One is a loud, brash, outspoken American that plays Sensha-do for fun (therefore, treating it as nothing but a game), and has no problem expressing her frustrations even through swearing. The other is a calm and reserved Brit who treats Sensha-do as serious business and expresses herself through vague proverbs. They are basically the opposites, plus the whole US-vs-Britain thing. They also have some things in common, both value fair play and are very friendly, ready to go out of their way to support Ooarai simply because they like the girls.

What is interesting, however, is that although I say "American" and "British", both of them are Japanese (Kay is from Sasebo, while Darjeeling comes from Yokohama), it is just that their respective schools have different themes (US and Britain), so I always wondered how much of their personalities is actually theirs and how much is it playing the role.

I mean, all the GuP characters are Japanese who basically go by the Hippo Team's logic of 'soul names' appropriate for their theme (Matsumoto Riko, for example, is simply known as Erwin, because that is her thing), or they go by nicknames (Anzai Chiyomi ---> Anchovy), so neither Kay nor Darjeeling are actually named Kay and Darjeeling.
The only real foreigner is Pravda's Klara, a transfer student from Novosibirsk who spends much of the time speaking fluent Russian, and while Nonna is able to hold a conversation (stands to reason a Russian-themed school will teach Russian), Katyusha amusingly does not understand a word of it and insists they all speak Japanese.

So I just wonder, how much of Darjeeling and Kay's compatibility (in the eyes of the fans) is actually down to their personalities, and how much is it to them playing their respective schools' themes?

mint-leaf Feb 25, 2018 11:22AM

intimate and cute. Nice.

shermanchurchill Feb 25, 2018 12:44PM


Kay and Darjeelings' personalities are their own though, just because you have an American or British themed school doesn't mean you have to 'act' in a certain, other girls of their team don't act all "British" or "American" so I doubt Kay or Darjeeling would be obligated to act in a certain stereotypical manner (I assume that is what you were implying).

As for the name, does it really matter, highschoolers give nicknames to each other all the time so idk why did you perceive it to be a big thing, I mean a nickname hardly affects someone's personality. And besides, Kay/Kei is as japanese as you get and Darjeeling's parents might be funky enough to name her that, unless official statement states otherwise who knows.

I'm sorry I didn't completely understood you there. How and why would them going to themed schools make them act in a certain way. Do you believe that all girls going to catholic schools act or have to act like nuns.

UranusAndNeptuneAreJustCousins Feb 25, 2018 1:15PM

@shermanchurchill: Not act in the sense they are forced or anything like that, but more like role-play they indulge to an extent for fun. I am just musing how much is it role-play, is all.

I mean, look at St. Gloriana, best example (by the by, it is a pretty safe bet Darjeeling is not actually named like that, because all the Gloriana girls have nicknames after teas, it is just so British, lol). It is a posh upper-class school, that puts emphasis on manners and restrained, refined behaviour. Then you get Rosehip, who decidedly does not fit into that. She is loud, addicted to speed, and almost completely lacks the calmness and poise of other Gloriana girls, to the point in one of the mango editions, Darjeeling made her attend lessons on proper manners, whereas in Saunders Rosehip's behaviour would practically be the accepted norm and no one would bat an eye.

So I would say attending a specifically themes institution of any kind will make many act the part, so to say, even though I do not believe anyone is forcing the GuP girls to do so, it seems more like something they indulge in for fun.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 1:21PM

DatYuriAddict Feb 25, 2018 1:33PM

It’s getting hot in here

shermanchurchill Feb 25, 2018 11:42PM


Every school has a disciplinary systems, some are lax with rules others are not. See: Marimite, their school too requires girls to 'behave' in a poised and refined manner but does any girl there gives you the impression that she is role playing. No, everyone there had distinctive attitude/personalities.

Same goes for Gloriana and Saunders. Darjeeling has a smart, calm, refined, ladylike like personality. Assam has to the point precise/straightforward personality. OrangePekoe is downright worrywart Moe and Rosehip as you said is the brash one (also, I haven't read any of the manga edition but when Darjeeling said disciplinary lessons for Rosehip there could be many reasons for that other than just her brash behavior, like Rosehip not exactly following orders or messing up something, I mean this would be so like her.)

Similarily in Saunders- Kay is loud, easygoing, fun-loving, charming and almost tom-boyish commander. Naomi is no-nonsense and Arisa is a mean tsundere.

I don't think their personalities are an 'act' in any way. But Darjeeling does seem to be inspired by the British culture like Shinobu in Kinmoza is with blondes. But then this is also a part of her own quirkiness.

Welp, that is some long meta-analysis lol. But yeah I never got the impression that any of the country themed schools is role playing in GuP.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 11:45PM

Limariopark Feb 26, 2018 2:00AM


spiels Feb 28, 2018 7:43AM

I enjoyed reading all those long comments above.
I think it was announced somewhere that GuP will have one final movie but I still wish to see this pairing actually interacting, not sure if they are popular enough in Japan to warrant the creator(s) attention though.

SheWhoShallNotBeNamed Feb 28, 2018 9:18AM

Whoaa nice

souleater Mar 1, 2018 12:30AM

nice paring <3 <3

UranusAndNeptuneAreJustCousins Mar 1, 2018 10:01AM

@shermanchurchill: I get your point with Marimite, but Gloriana is slightly different, on account of their manners and refined calmness being basically a play on the British "stiff upper lip", to be calm, collected, and proper regardless of circumstances.

Obviously, our opinions on the subject differ, but I would like to mention one reason I failed to bring up before (because I was concentrating on Gloriana and Saunders) that made me dead-certain there is an element of role-play involved, and that is the Chi-Ha-Tan Academy, Kinuyo's school. They are acting the part so hard they are basically a parody of the Imperial Japanese Army, particularly their WWII doctrines. "Totsugeki! Totsugeki!" And it goes beyond just pure battlefield tactics in a game, those girls become genuinely emotionally frustrated when ordered not to attack, and to apply something other than suicidal charges. They also shout all the time instead of speaking normally, lol, if that is not role-playing WWII Japanese army, I do not know what it is.

last edited at Mar 1, 2018 10:06AM

shermanchurchill Mar 2, 2018 2:01AM


I think, at this point you are confusing between "school systems" and "individualistic personality" these two terms are not interchangeable.

In your own example, Chi-Ha-Tan has a 'school strategy' that is seemingly based on Imperial Japanese Army. We haven't seen much of Chi-Ha-Tan but let me pose this question on "individualistic" level now, do you think Nishi's personality is the same as... say.. Fukuda or Tamada. No. Fukuda in the movie has given me a 'shy yet eager Kouhai' vibe while Tamada was the usual traditionalist hot-head. Fukuda was eager to learn and grow while Tamada has been resistent. While Nishi's individual personality to me had been like a bit of an airhead commander(when she brought more than designated tanks in the match against SU), polite, calm head(she was willing to listen to Fukuda) and someone who is proper and diligent.

School Systems may have certain imposing rules that are different for every school but I don't think the 'system/theme' of school affect the individual personality of the students. If it did every student of a particular school would be the copy/paste of the other. And that absolutely is not the case.

PS- I'd also argue that more than half the girls in Gloriana don't meet your definition. Example- Worrywart- OrangePekoe, Flustered/Tempramental(slightly)- Rurikiri (hope I got the name right) and Brash- Rosehip (but you know that already :p)

last edited at Mar 2, 2018 2:07AM