souleater Jul 6, 2017 12:23AM

ii love it <3

Animepro Jul 6, 2017 12:33AM

I haven't played the game yet... probably should

last edited at Jul 6, 2017 12:34AM

Swag Wagon Jul 6, 2017 1:22AM

If you're looking for yuri it's implied 2B is bi, A2 had a girlfriend and there's quite a few side couples.

But that's not really the point at all, it's mostly about scantily clad robot girls discussing existentialism, having existential crisis' and waving around huge ass swords.

Then a naked dude gives birth to another naked dude. And you play a bunch of side scrolling bullet hell shmups. And there's a moon man involved.

It's p- coo'. shrug

Just a goddess with her guardian Jul 6, 2017 2:00AM

^ I lol :D. Adam and Eva best couple XD

Nekofanatic Jul 6, 2017 4:16AM

Huh. This is a first. :3

Homura E.N.D Jul 6, 2017 10:35AM

^^It's implied that A2 had a girlfriend? I didn't know :0

Swag Wagon Jul 6, 2017 11:22AM

^ A2 is actually from a stage play called YorHa detailing events just before the game. There's also 3 or 4 short stories and I think one of them goes into more detail on them. I have seen nor read neither but I've seen plenty of videos summing them up.

Nier lore is wacky.

Swag Wagon Jul 6, 2017 11:40AM

Also, the stage play covers the suicide mission YorHa purposely sent A2's squad on. The same squad in which her girlfriend was a part of and A2 was the sole survivor. It basically explains why A2 is just so mad all the time. Also, explains the voices in the flashbacks she keeps having throughout the game. The one that tells her she has to stop crying and keep going is her.

Nier is a happy game about happy robots.

starsaber123 Jul 6, 2017 4:07PM

@Swag Wagon That's the best summary of the game I've seen! GoTY for me!

jaggyd Jul 7, 2017 3:32PM

I know a lot of fans of the game ship 2B with 9S, but I'm 1000% 2B/A2 (or sometimes 2B with 6O [her Operator, who seems to have a massive crush on 2B as well])

I love how gorgeous this piece is.

Also, stumbling around Pixiv, I found out their ship name seems to be "A2B" which has to be the cutest thing ever.

last edited at Jul 7, 2017 3:35PM

Mimiyaah Jul 9, 2017 6:52AM

‎(ノ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ╧╧

AnnaMaki219 Jul 9, 2017 9:57PM

A2B is enough reason to ship this kek