Mimiyaah Jun 10, 2017 10:11PM

Awww she looked good in though <3

last edited at Jun 10, 2017 10:11PM

themusicman500 Jun 11, 2017 12:46AM

Sayaka knows she looks good, she's laughing at Kyouko's nervousness

Homura E.N.D Jun 11, 2017 1:27AM

Ah cute

yuikumari Jun 11, 2017 1:38AM

ahahhah <3 <3 these 2

Nezchan Jun 11, 2017 11:17AM

Arsehole Sayaka is canon.

SoupTop Jun 11, 2017 9:39PM

Here's a more accurately typeset and not water marked version of the image.
Gagantous Jun 11, 2017 9:56PM

^Watermark is to prevent people from stealing my stuff (as has happened before). I did make it a bit too visible in this one, though.

Nice work on the typeset, but you should have kept the text colours to be in line with the original. The laughter also falls flat when it's the same style as the rest of the text.

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 9:57PM

SoupTop Jun 11, 2017 11:05PM

You're already using the artist's work without permission, and if you are going to give back to the community it should be because you enjoy giving to others, not because you get credit for it.

And there was no varying text color in the original.
Gagantous Jun 11, 2017 11:25PM

^ All of my work is sourced (though Dynasty doesn't really make it that easy compared to say, tumblr), and the artist has no indicator that their work is not to be shared. I've taken down some of my stuff before after finding out the artist doesn't want it shared (isora, for example). I'll gladly remove anything if the creator asks me to.

"and if you are going to give back to the community it should be because you enjoy giving to others, not because you get credit for it."

I DO do it because I love sharing with others. That's the whole point of it being on this site. What's wrong with wanting to be recognised for what you do, though? More power to you if you don't watermark your stuff, but I'll stick to what I'm doing now.

Huh, it doesn't have different colours. Thanks for pointing that out, and now I'm not sure why I did it to begin with. Probably to differentiate lines, but that wasn't really necessary as you've shown in your version.

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 11:27PM

SoupTop Jun 12, 2017 12:38AM

What's wrong with wanting to be recognised for what you do, though?

Because that's called attention whoring. And you don't get it. It's the artist's work, and you are trying to give yourself attention and "recognition" for it. That's why it's wrong. You say you like giving to others, but you'll also refuse to do so if you can't get credit for it. So, you clearly don't and are contradicting yourself.

Also, I know for a fact you didn't do anything of Isora's. Because it was all translated as soon as it was released. Unless, you did it badly after the fact, like you did with this upload here. Where did you even find the over cropped version of the image?

Water marking the middle of the page is obnoxious and ruins the image itself, because then it becomes an advertisement rather than a work of art.
Gagantous Jun 12, 2017 1:10AM

First off, I'd like if you'd be more polite. Your attitude isn't helping me see eye to eye with you very much.

"It's the artist's work, and you are trying to give yourself attention and "recognition" for it."

Not true. I'm giving myself (and whoever else helped) credentials for translating, redrawing, and/or typesetting the work. Please show where I've EVER claimed the work itself is mine.

"You say you like giving to others, but you'll also refuse to do so if you can't get credit for it. So, you clearly don't and are contradicting yourself"

Not true. I've submitted works here before and with my scanlation group without my name on it. Look at the magireco submission and my own submissions as evidence of this. (After writing this I've realised that we have got a credit page for magireco, however this was without my knowledge. My point stands).

And wanting recognition is not contradicting also wanting to provide content. Following your logic, every single one of the doujins uploaded on this site is just attention whoring. Go annoy them too if you feel that way.

"Also, I know for a fact you didn't do anything of Isora's. Because it was all translated as soon as it was released. Unless, you did it badly after the fact, like you did with this upload here. Where did you even find the over cropped version of the image?"

Wrong yet again. I've had my own versions completed for over a month but recently removed them from my Tumblr due to isora not wanting their work posted on other sites. Doing it "after the fact" does not mean I myself didn't do it. I got the raw and translation, just like everybody else.

"Water marking the middle of the page is obnoxious and ruins the image itself, because then it becomes an advertisement rather than a work of art."

I do agree with this. Originally the images were separate, and when stitching them I forgot to move the watermark. As said earlier, I realise I made this one too visible. Other ones are much more subdued to the point where you can't see them unless you tilt the screen.

Watermarking being bad in general? Too bad, I'm tired of people using my work without sourcing it. It takes all of 10 seconds to find out where it came from and if I can source all of my work, so can everyone else.

Again, you did a fantastic job, but it's clear we don't (or won't) agree on this. I don't care if you start "redoing" my work in the future out of spite, or something else, because if it comes out better, it's a net gain for everyone else. I'll keep doing my thing.

You're welcome to respond to this, but I won't be reading it, as I've made my position clear.

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 1:15AM

Nezchan Jun 12, 2017 9:09AM

SoupTop you're way over the line, and it's time for you to stop. I deleted your last post because it's plainly insulting. Don't come back to the discussion on this image since you clearly don't know how to handle yourself appropriately.

Ruiko Jun 12, 2017 4:48PM

As far as I'm concerned, both @SoupTop and @Gagantous are in the wrong, but not for the whole watermarking tl;dr bull as described above. No, it's because neither of them have actually posted a link to the source/release post of this pic (as of this date). This pic isn't even on the artist's pixiv page either. So I have no good reason to believe either of you posted correct translations of this pic, because there IS no source link, despite claiming to have sources for this pic. The imgur link doesn't count; that's not the source anyway.

After hours of scrounging, I found that he has a Twitter account, and the images in question are over five years old. The source and direct twitpics links for them are (2 images): (source tweet: (source tweet:
The artist's twitter:
Gagantous Jun 12, 2017 7:37PM

^ Thank you for doing so. While I knew they were Ryuunosuke's (LuckyNeco), saucenao and idqb were only linking to his pixiv, so I appreciate your efforts. I've also resolved to post a direct link to the original if I upload any more things.

Sorry for the massive wall of text earlier, too. I'll avoid writing that much in the future.

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 7:39PM

Nekofanatic Jun 17, 2017 10:13AM

Kyouko is so cute!! :3

YuzuYuri Jun 18, 2017 11:50AM

Goodness → comments. I enjoy the pic tho..

BV Jun 9, 2020 6:21PM

limp dicked retards.

Sounds exactly like an insult a boomer would use.

WolfCatFox Dec 18, 2020 12:42PM

I spent more time reading the comments than looking at the picture...
Only solution is yuri