FluffyCow Dec 6, 2024 11:00PM

Getting up to some sexy mischief in the halls of Rhode Island I see

PineconeJuice Dec 7, 2024 4:08AM

I don't think the anime showed it properly, but I always forget that Amiya is a... What's politically correct term for small people nowadays. A Durin-leveled individual.

Zesc Dec 7, 2024 6:35AM

^ "Little Chungus", perhaps? But really, you must include the ears in the measure.

Moedred Dec 7, 2024 11:50AM

Amiya is like how old? 14? or something? And she is only 11 cm (142) higher than Durin (131).
BTW. Hoshiguma is 16 cm higher (184) than Ch'en (168).
Doctor because of artworks being drawn by different artist is between ~170 and ~195.

Kitsune Inari Dec 17, 2024 3:28PM

By the way, her Medic alt form (which happens a few years later during the Londinium war) lists her as 1m50, 8cm taller than she was at the Chernobog incident, which means that she was still growing. Maybe she still is, only time will tell.

Kitsune Inari Dec 17, 2024 3:30PM

I don't think the anime showed it properly, but I always forget that Amiya is a... What's politically correct term for small people nowadays. A Durin-leveled individual.

In other words, the term you were looking for is "child soldier".

NARESH4444 Dec 26, 2024 10:08PM

Amiya,along with Rosmontis since it was mentioned that they were the same age,was 12 in the first eight chapters(which occurs within a month or so,not including Ch'ens' flashback[20 years]nor Doc Kals' speech[one month after stopping Chernobog],among other flashbacks[major one being Talulahs']),chapter nine happens sometime in the less then one year between eight and 10,so Amiya is 13 or so during that until our current chapter,14.

So dispite being compared to the dwarf midgets that love to party hard undergroun and in jungles with kitbashed metal machines,she's actually well on her way to getting nice n' tall,comparable to Charlotte at the least.

Also,no,Kitsune,it's not "a few years",it was barely two months.

DaZero Jan 21, 2025 2:27PM

She is 14 according to the Terra: a Journey book. By the end of Act 2 she should be 16.